I read エロゲ and haunt AO3. I’ve been learning Japanese for far too long. I like GNOME, KDE, and Sway.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


It’s the fault of copyright. Restricting what shows you can stream to your users instead of, for example, being required to pay a royalty, inevitably leads to this situation. Netflix being the sole company allowed to stream every show and film would result in a monopoly that would be bad for everyone as they progressively sought to increase profits year over year. One company having all that power would not be a good thing for anyone, including content holders.

The solution is simple: every streaming service should be allowed to stream every show/film in every country. Then, piracy can only compete on price. That requires significant copyright reform, however, and is very unlikely to happen.

I was half-asleep when I wrote this, lol. Bitbucket dropped Mercurial recently, too. Sourcehut is the only other code forge I know of that supports hg which I really love. Kind of sets a high bar for contributions, but not being vendor locked in is a bonus. And I wish they’d more tightly integrate the subdomains…

I thought Github only supported git, too. Did it support Mercury at some point? I assume this is the last of other VCS support in Github.

The TorrentFreak article might have more information; I skimmed it. I don’t live in India, so I don’t know. Apparently, only the raw.githubusercontent.com domain was blocked, so Indian users should have still been able to access the main github.com domain. It’s the direct link to the files that was apparently blocked. But cloning repositories probably wasn’t affected?

The main Github.com domain was still accessible but raw.githubusercontent.com, where code is typically stored, was blocked.

Some days, like today, I regret commenting TorrentFreak out of my RSS feed reader.

It’s kind of funny, but it’s also kind of scary that not having access to Github would probably significantly impact a lot of companies and services. It would definitely impact me.

Oh well. We can always move to Sourcehut, right?

Maybe a different perspective could help?

YouTube advertising works a little differently to, say, Facebook. For advertisements longer than 30 seconds, the advertiser doesn’t pay if the user hits “Skip”. Ad-blocking users are far less likely to watch ads to completion, so I can imagine this having almost no impact on conversion.

I believe this change, if it is successful in blocking ad-blockers, will generally be detrimental to advertisers. It means advertisements shorter than 30 seconds (so, unskippable ads) are now shown to a larger proportion of people unlikely to be interested or paying attention to the advertisement. It’s beneficial to YouTube because they can claw back some of the money they spend serving ad-blocking users videos—that ain’t free. That being said, YouTube is still probably one of the most friendly big platforms to advertisers because of how flexible they are. While it uses the Google Ads system, it’s more friendly than Google search ads…

I missed an opportunity to ask someone who did a lot of YouTube advertising whether they noticed any impact at all from the recent ad-blocker blocking change recently, so this is all speculation.

It’s worth mentioning that Android Auto doesn’t work on GrapheneOS due to the privileged access it requires, and will not support it unless it is re-architected. Which phones were you thinking of when you said “compatible”?

It doesn’t really mean anything on its own. It’s romanized as “Shi”. If you know your Japanese, you’ll know “Shi” is how you pronounce 死; or “Death”. The word is not usually written in Katakana, though. There’s also ツ, which is romanized as “Tsu”.

Interesting choice to romanize Japanese. Now you have to figure out which romanization system to use (I was surprised を was romanized as o and not wo). But I do get it, I guess, because you have to wonder it would only use Hiragana or mix Kanji in:

  • 大文字と小文字を無視する
  • だいもんじとこもじをむしする

Well, for the sake of being international, we should just use Katakana everywhere. That’s the sanest suggestion (who’s with me?):

  • ダイモンジトコモジヲムシスル

Of course, you’re kind of screwed on a TTY, since they don’t generally render unicode…so let’s go back to figuring out which romanization system to use.

15 years ago, I thought I wanted to make a game. Turns out, I didn’t.

A few years ago, I sought out Linux. Learning to use it has made me so much more confident and excited about technology. I understood so much more. And yet, it feels like I don’t understand nearly enough. So I’m learning programming so I can start looking through codebases for the projects I use, maybe seeing if I can add new features or fix some bugs that are annoying me. I’ve sort of accomplished that goal for one program. There are also some programs that don’t exist, or don’t exist in the way I want them to that I intend on developing.

I’d like to learn reverse engineering too…

Well, I guess I’m a programmer only by technicality. I haven’t done anything serious and I’m certainly not decent at the art. I’m just curious. 🐇

As the OSI says in the post linked above:

This is not to say that Elastic, or any company, shouldn’t adopt whatever license is appropriate for its own business needs. That may be a proprietary license, whether closed source or with source available. […] What a company may not do is claim or imply that software under a license that has not been approved by the Open Source Initiative, much less a license that does not meet the Open Source Definition, is open source software. It’s deception, plain and simple, to claim that the software has all the benefits and promises of open source when it does not.

A lot of companies are trying to redefine what “open source” means. And regrettably, this is probably something that was inevitable with a name as open to interpretation as “open source”, but it’s unfortunate that the OSI was denied the trademark for the term. If they owned the trademark, nobody would believe projects like ElasticSearch and MongoDB are open source when they do not meet the Open Source Definition (OSD), because those companies wouldn’t be able to claim they are.

Open source was never about preventing people from making a profit. That sounds more like the original Linux license, where Linus Torvalds didn’t want money to change any hands in the process of conveying the software. I can’t imagine how much worse things would be if Linus never transitioned to a license that met the OSD. My belief is that there is nothing wrong with making money so long as the software meets the OSD. I know at least the GNU Project actively encourages people to sell free software.

The GNU kernel was not originally supposed to be called the Hurd. Its original name was Alix—named after the woman who was my sweetheart at the time. She, a Unix system administrator, had pointed out how her name would fit a common naming pattern for Unix system versions; as a joke, she told her friends, “Someone should name a kernel after me.” I said nothing, but decided to surprise her with a kernel named Alix.

Source: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/thegnuproject.en.html

Thanks for the suggestion! If you can believe it, I already have Syncthing installed but haven’t used it in ages. I didn’t even think of using this for keeping git repositories in sync! I did find these forum posts that seem to recommend against using Syncthing for git repositories, though they’re 6-7 years old:

Well, conflicting reports really, but it’s enough to make me wary. Interestingly, someone recommends the branch solution as an alternative:

One of the objectives of git is to be decentralized. Just make a branch called uncompilable_mess and then clone the repo on your laptop.

Seemed to be working out well for the OP, though.

It’s not so much committing early, but pushing early. You don’t want to push early, then rebase your commits, and then force-push to a repository other developers are using too.

But as I’ve learned from all of the responses in this thread, there are many ways of avoiding this 🙂

I use mpv on macOS and haven’t had any trouble to speak of. But you might have installed VLC from the App Store, which is a common mistake—unless you’re installing Apple’s own software, you probably shouldn’t use the App Store. It usually only carries inferior versions of the software to comply with Apple’s terms, haha.

I very rarely use Microsoft Office nowadays, but once it’s installed, it’s (mostly) fine? I’ve heard from a coworker that there are some significant missing features in some software in that suite. I just remember struggling to find the page to download the Setup.exe file. I went to the exact same page in Microsoft Edge and a download button that wasn’t there in any other browser suddenly appeared! Maddening! This was a 5 or 10-license verison, I think.

Well, it’s what I use with Neovim, but not everyone uses a terminal-based editor. But other users had some other suggestions too: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/comment/620209

I rebase! I just don’t want to push to the main repo, pull it down, rebase and force push to it. Pushing to a disposable branch is an obvious solution I didn’t see, haha. I tend to not use branching a lot in my projects…

…I guess I could actually set up my desktop as a remote too, huh.

i don’t really know where this is coming from. would you like to elaborate?

As I said, I don’t deal with a lot of Microsoft or Google services, though I do run my email through Microsoft Exchange. It took me roughly three hours to figure out how to download the Microsoft Office executable from the Microsoft website. I tried everything on Firefox, Brave, Chrome, even on my Mac. In the end, I needed Microsoft Edge to get it. I don’t remember the exact details because this was 2 or so years ago, but requiring a particular version of a Blink-based browser just to download Microsoft Office seems…unnecessary.

I remember needing to use Brave for Microsoft Teams, but I could be remembering wrong. When I think of Microsoft being actively hostile toward their customers, I think of about ten years ago when Microsoft tried to prevent Xbox owners from sharing physical disk games with the Xbox One, essentially killing preowned games (not that they went through with it). Of course, Apple is an easier target than Microsoft for customer-hostile behavior. Frankly, these megacorporations all blend together for me.

I don’t have any particular feelings about Microsoft, and after using Windows for 20 years, I don’t have any major complaints with it (from memory; it’s been a while), aside from the obvious. If there’s any particular corporation I despise, that would have to be Amazon.

Judging by the big © Microsoft 2022 logo in the bottom right, I’d say you’re right.

I guess this is one of those things I’m not going to appreciate until I need it, but none of that sounds more appealing to me over Docker Compose. I’m not sure how debuggers, etc,. would even apply to the server or why you would need to use a cloud server rather than running the services locally for a development environment. My guess is this would be a lot more useful for Windows users who don’t have as easy access to the right dependencies?

how this? through Firefox I experience ms websites the same as with edge. google websites? experience is full of small differences from chrome

Firefox is my main browser. In my experience, Microsoft services don’t work at all on Firefox. I can’t say I use much of either company’s services, but Google tends to be more lax in some departments. For example, the Google Pixel is the only Android device that allows you to securely unlock the bootloader and install another operating system on it, rather than forcing you to root the device.

I’m not a fan of either company, but I get the impression Google is less actively hostile toward their customers than Microsoft. For the most part.

Huh, fair enough. I guess I’m still not using git to its full potential. What I do now is SSH into my desktop from my laptop and work on it there. It’s easy because I use Neovim.

This is quite interesting. Is the devcontainer spec tightly coupled to VS Code, or is it something that other IDEs do/can support?

Well, to be honest, I have a Docker Compose setup I use with Neovim anyway so I don’t know what the benefits are of devcontainer compared to that.

On which, it’s suspicious that this is probably driven or associated with AI.

The landing page mentions this:

Code faster with generative AI

Work quickly and efficiently with AI assistance from Google built-in, including code generation, code completion, translating code between programming languages, explaining code, and more, all powered by Codey, a foundational AI model trained on code and built on PaLM 2.

I left it out of the main post because I um, didn’t think it was particularly newsworthy.

Hell no, no way I’d trust Google with my code. Personal or otherwise.

Ditto. But at the risk of playing devil’s advocate, if you were writing free software code you were going to stick on a code forge somewhere anyway, would you still be against it?

Are there Google services that only work in Chrome? I don’t use any of them, so I don’t know. I do know Google is generally less annoying than Microsoft in that department.

> What if your dev experience was **entirely in the cloud**? > These days, launching applications means navigating an endless sea of complexity. We felt this pain at Google, so we started Project IDX, an experimental new initiative aimed at bringing your entire full-stack, multiplatform app development workflow to the cloud. > Project IDX gets you into your dev workflow in no time, backed by the security and scalability of Google Cloud. > Project IDX lets you preview your full-stack, multiplatform apps as your users would see them, with upcoming support for built-in multi-browser web previews, Android emulators, **and iOS simulators.** As a Vim fanatic, I can't say I'll ever feel comfortable working in a browser, but some parts of IDX seem interesting. I wonder what the implications are for proprietary code. I do think it solves an interesting problem where you're working on your desktop and decide to move to your laptop and continue working on the same codebase, but don't want to commit early so you can pull down the changes to your laptop. It reminds me vaguely of [Shells](https://www.shells.com/l/en-US/).

This is good advice. For example, here’s a tricky one: https://github.com/IanLunn/Hover/blob/master/license.txt

Hover.css is made available under a free personal/open source or paid commercial licenses depending on your requirements.

Would you need to pay Ian Lunn Design to incorporate the library into your portfolio website? It’s used for a commercial purpose technically, but you’re not selling the website to a client. This is a source-available license, rather than a free software license. A free software license permits you to use the software for anything, with the only obligations usually being around keeping copyright notices intact and licensing your code in a certain way.

Generally, free software licenses are simpler and you’ll usually be fine so long as you keep your code available under the same terms. Of course, things get a bit tricky when combining incompatible free software licenses…

Compatibility is important if you want to combine software with two different licenses into one major work.

Generally speaking, most software on Github tends to be licensed under a few free software licenses, which are interoperable with each other:

  • MIT License
  • GPL, LGPL, and AGPL Licenses, which have one major difference in obligations between them
  • ISC License
  • Apache 2.0 License
  • Mozilla 2.0 Public License

However, when you combine MIT and GPL together, you may be obligated to distribute any changes you make to the MIT-licensed portion, depending on how strongly it’s associated with the GPL portion. This is because the GPL is copyleft—that is, it requires you to provide anyone you transmit the binary form of the software to the associated sources if they ask for them. The MIT license does not require this obligation.

None of this really matters for a website, though, because you’re not transmitting the software; you are instead providing a service. Do keep an eye out for the AGPL, because this one applies even with server-side software interacting with clients.

I think writefreesoftware does a good job of explaining licensing for developers in simpler terms than the GNU Project: https://writefreesoftware.org/learn/licenses/

Sorry for the length…it’s kind of a complex topic.

Its still open source. You can still view the source code. That’s what open source is.

“Open Source” does not, and has never only meant, “you can view the source code”. This is the Open Source Definition: https://opensource.org/osd/

Relevant excerpt:

  1. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor

The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.

The Open Source Definition is very specific, and this license does not meet it. This license is, as it calls itself, “source-available”.

If the OSI had obtained that trademark in 1999 on “Open Source”, it would be abundantly clear what software really is and is not open source https://opensource.org/pressreleases/certified-open-source.php/

You can build visual novels in Ren’Py, which uses only Python, but that might not be what you’re looking for.

The nature of the software I was writing was inter-dependent on other functions, so it needed to understand the surrounding context, which was difficult to coach it on. Its strength is definitely in isolated examples.

I’ve been using Kagi’s Discuss Document feature for some things, like understanding documentation or an API. It’s pretty useful. Also works on videos/files like PDFs.

I wrote a fairly detailed spec for some software and told it what dependencies to use, what it should do, and what command-line options it should use. The base was a decent starting point, but after several hours of back-and-forth, after actually reading the code, I realized it had completely misinterpreted my spec somehow and implemented a similar feature in a completely broken way, as well as making a few mistakes/redundancies elsewhere. I tried to coach it to fix these issues, but it just couldn’t cope.

I spent about 3 hours getting this base code generated, and about 5 hours re-writing it and implementing the features properly. The reason I turned to ChatGPT is because I needed this software written by the end of the day, and I didn’t have time to read all the different docs for the dependencies I needed to use to write it. It likely would have taken me at least 2 days to write this program myself. It was an interesting learning experience, but my only ChatGPT usage in the future is likely to be with individual code blocks.

You really need to pay attention if you’re using LLMs to generate code. I’ve found it usually gets at least one thing wrong, and sometimes multiple things horribly wrong. Don’t rely on it; look for other sources to corroborate all of its explanations. Additionally, please do not feed proprietary, copyrighted code into ChatGPT. The software I was writing was released under a free license. OpenAI will use it as training data unless you use their API and opt out of it. ChatGPT isn’t really a tool; it’s a service which is using you as much as you’re using it.

However, there are independent engines out there. The first one that pops to mind is Gigablast, which does it’s own indexing/crawling.

Gigablast went down 2 months ago. The crawler is available as free software, though.

Mojeek’s Search Engine Map gives you a good picture of the search engines out there. You can also see Seirdy’s very informative post on all the different search engines out there, which is fairly regularly updated: https://seirdy.one/posts/2021/03/10/search-engines-with-own-indexes/