Just a panda developer

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


The problem, from what I understand, is that the fees apply retroactive. So your 2018 Unity game will now have to start paying

Hey boss Unreal is eating some of our market shares, what should we do?

Boss: Isn’t obvious, we drive the company off the cliff. Duh

God executives are the dumbest mother fuckers

Billet Labs have spoken out about this (GN shows YT comment they made on the LMG vedio). They are not being very vocal about this. GN shows a video of items LMG has on display to be sold at the auction. You can clearly see the GPU water block on the table. Everything GN reported on is public record, including LMG responses. Nothing GN said is speculative. The video is just a report on public facts. Contacting LMG is superfluous.

Calling out BS doesn’t make you the bad guy. GN made it quiet clear, that point of the video was not for drama but help LMG do better for the sake of the industry and the consumer.

I’m not on team LMG or team GN. I’m on team a larger company has no right to hurt a smaller company because they don’t think their product has merit.

there are some larger issues around a recent review of a gpu heatsink.

Worse than that. LMG may have killed the startup behind the GPU water block. They sold off their one and only functioning prototype, despite being asked to return it before they sold it. This could result in the block being cloned by a competitor

Fuck you Linus. Your actions and your company’s actions might have resulted in the death of startup because you didn’t like the product and think people shouldn’t buy it. You don’t get to just apologize and give some money out and think that makes it okay. You should be horrified that something like this could happened. You should be bending your self over backwards, doing everything you can do to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. Instead you put out this dumb shit

Oh boy I bet China is having a rough time of it. Can’t for Russian clan wars to start. Going to make China shit their pants.

Oh wow it’s almost like the FBI is filled with white nationalist and has been for a long ass time

Why the fuck is everyone acting like this is new information. Did people forget Edward Snowden. US government loves spying on and will do whatever it takes to spy on you harder. Your so called rights are a sham. The US government will ignore them when it’s convenient for them