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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Point out where I said I want to police what they do. Come on. I’ll wait.

I just said it’s their own responsibility, which it is.

Society’s responsibility

So is making sure bad drivers are not on the road, but you still put on your seatbelt.

If you make everyone have a good life then there’s no need for drugs

Some people will make stupid choices regardless how good a life they have.

It does. You generally don’t overdose on something you don’t take.

Drugs are a problem even in places where they are legalized or decriminalized. Not this big of a problem, but still a problem.

I know. But at the end of the day, it’s still an individual’s own responsibility.

Yep, that way you can set ACLs, you they can only access the jellyfin ports + the ports you allow them to.

Also, tailacale DNS.

The fact that tailscale has google/apple/etc logon integration will also help.

Unfortunately for you, the world doesn’t revolce around you. And since people who do have these problems and want to solve them outnumber you, they’re going to post about it.

Ah yes, the old head-in-the-sand strategy.

Can’t think of a time completely ignoring huge problems didn’t work out well.