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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Lmao that’s insane dude. I can get a modern dryer without a vent second hand for like 90 euros. What a weird and exclusively American problem. I learned today you guys are way behind in laundry technology.

Dryers with vents are ancient my dude. I empty the reservoir on mine every once in a while and it’s just plugged in the wall. I literally am not even able to buy a vented dryer anymore because they’re so obsolete.

And if you’re able to hook up water to a faucet, you sure are able to hook up a drain.

I just plug my dryer in a normal outlet and empty a reservoir every once in a while. You can easily run a water line to a washer, that’s really a non issue.

Space might be scarce, sure. I’ve just never seen anything like what is being described in this thread except for American movies and such. Seems like such an easy thing to just not participate in.

Might be to foreign to understand the problem.

If the issue is space, yeah that sucks. The hookups are a non issue though.

They already did that when Logitech was still a quality company back in the day. Their peripherals turned into Trust level shit ages ago.

What stops a tenant from just getting a laundry machine themselves?

This is such an American thing.

Wow what a thought provoking question that surely nobody has ever considered. Is this article from 2008?

Judging from this thread a lot of people care.

“But-but what about x???” - Every time something critical of China is posted. Cope tankie.

Just don’t visit Starbucks lmao what the fuck is even the issue here

You dont have to boil down everything to “left vs right” especially not in Europe. Because if you do, blocking a chat app is by definition a leftist thing to do because of the government interference.

Please keep the American team vs team culture away from Europe.

You mean that thing Toyota started doing years ago?

Vimeo was never intended as a YouTube competitor. It’s like saying Flickr is a competitor to Instagram.

You’re talking about the people that sued a single mother for millions because she uploaded a video of her child with a Beyonce song faintly in the background. These people are psychopaths.