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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


The same devs have also desperados 3, and it’s also super good (it’s on gamepass also if I recall correctly). It’s at 50% now: Desperados III

Ok, not so much as hidden, but also not super known:
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. A tactical stealth game (think commandos saga back in the day) is 90%
Technobabylon. A pixelated point & click adventure with some cyberpunk themes at 70%
Return of the Obra Dinn. Probably the best detective/deduction game that I’ve played, at 40%
Prey. One of the best immersive sims, at 75%
The Case of the Golden Idol. Is not as good as Obra Dinn in my opinion, but it’s super good none the less, at 30%
Antichamber. Super good puzzle game, at 75%
The Age of Decadence. Ultra hardcore RPG set in ancient Rome, 60%
Tametsi. Is like minesweeper but good, 67% (and only 0.77€)

Age of wonders 4! It’s been awhile since I got so engaged with a 4x, and this one’s got a pretty decent combat system to boot (turn based tactical).

Sorry, when I said Europe I meant the european union.

That law is in effect in Europe since a long time ago (in fact is thanks to that law that netflix carries so much non north-american content) and netflix didn’t remove any tiers.