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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Sorry no clue the app doesn’t show urls but has always got me there. I do know there’s a reddit sub for the site it would probably be easy to find there.

One thing I think Z-Library really did right is making an onion site and their own apps to find the site (I presume these have some tor ability built in as well I might be wrong though) .

I’d like to see more sites doing the same kind of thing.

I sometimes think about disabling defender I think theres a site that can do it. Downside is it’ll probably break windows but yeah it annoys me it’s always wasting my battery plus yeah it throws fits over things like cracks

Last time I was mad enough to think about this it wasn’t even a crack it was Autohotkey it didn’t like.

I prefer them as well but if I want to keep something I usually encode to 576p I still don’t really see any difference on my displays and it’s just something I’ve been doing since I first tried encoding for the Sony Vita.

Call me skeptical I guess but if you wanted a phone that worked as long as lithium say 5000mah using capacitors I think it would be a dozen times larger at least.

Maybe I’ve got it wrong and supercapacitors hold more energy or something like that.

I’d be more suspicious of the router manufacturer or even a disgruntled worker there than anyone else to be honest. An actual hacker I think would be more motivated to turn them into a botnet or similar.

Can’t think of why someone would want to brick them without another motive but I could be wrong.

A Stremio plugin using this would be nice I keep needing to change mine almost on a monthly basis for some reason.

I had a friend whose family owned a video store, while it wasn’t exactly legal he could get me copies of everything and they were completely perfect Pirates.

I mean covers, labels and the actual tapes. They had specialised machines for all of it and they did it pretty perfectly.

Ive tried doing it myself by linking two machines together and the results were watchable but not on the same level as the machines he was using.

One of the reasons but not the main one I cancelled Netflix (to be honest I just thought the originals were bad and any I actually gave a a chance they cancelled almost immediately).

But yeah their selling thing like 4k at a premium and making it almost impossible to ever actually use it. Better off just pirating.

I’ve actually been watching this guy for a while, it’s interesting his homemade rc stuff etc.

I’m probably going to do something similar soon, I’ve made a few attempts at stopping my Fire TV cube from updating.

Somehow it still is, and Amazon are really doing their absolute best to wreck it to the point that if I don’t kill background apps after a reboot it will crash within 5 minutes or so.

I think it’s days are numbered sadly people keep posting it on TikTok and everytime it can’t handle it. I’ve a feeling the maker will eventually tire of that then the endless complaints of TikTok users who are really the ones breaking it.

Now there are some alternatives but none that do it as well and its only a matter of time before they face the same.

My guess is I’ll be reinstalling Kodi sometime soon. Lately I’ve even seen people posting about Stremio and torrentio places like the Reddits official Netflix sub, so yeah cats well out of the bag and I think it’s on a timer now.

Just really hope someone with the right skills and resources can fork and host it before it’s gone.

Hps one of only two companies that will never get a penny from me again. I had an HP desktop that the power supply died on at the beginning of Covid only then did I realise it was propriety and they didn’t even have it in stock.

Kept checking for about a year and couldn’t get a replacement when every other computer I’ve ever owned I could have bought a power supply the same damn day.

For the record the other company is Sony who just decided to delete my account with a lot of paid games because I hadn’t logged in for about 6 months.

I’ve noticed reddit has recently started shadowbanning my posts when I have a vpn active so I’d say at this point it’s probably completely unsafe to discuss anything on.

True I actually thought I was shadowbanned and it took me a long time to work out I basically was but only when I used my Vpn…

Pretty sure revanced supports twitch if you have an android phone it’s a bit of a learning curve though took me quite a while to patch tiktok and involved command line on my laptop to make the right apk.

That said you might be lucky and have the revanced manager do it on your phone.

Blokada overrides the dns to its own and even then I don’t see how dns is at all relevant because it blocks the update server from being connected with.

Well mine didn’t update at all until I manually added the servers from amazon it was blocking by default.

So I kind of assume taking them off again is a temporary solution. That said I can’t guarantee they haven’t changed anything since then and I might wake up to a worse fire cube sometime.

Ads are a genuine real security concern if it became a choice between YouTube and adblockers it’s bye YouTube for me.

Its a battle YouTube isn’t going to win, and to be honest YouTube has never and will never be a viable business their best bets just asking for donations and playing nice to anyone using it.

I have blokada on mine I had whitelisted all the amazon servers it connects with but when I read this I removed them all to stop it updating hopefully.

Will probably work until I get round to trying the xda fix.

Hope he wins Google’s gone full evil lately and isn’t even trying to hide it.

True if that ever happens I guess I’ll be going to Xda and picking a custom rom. Luckily I think my phone has a few choices.

I had it nag me and attempt to hide the install button the last time I updated revanced I turned it off as I think its only a matter of time before it attempts to remove adblockers or other sideloaded apps.

I see this as a good thing nature docs wouldn’t be as good without his voice and I’m sure AI could be trained to give a very similar set of opinions.

Yeah it’s a bit morbid and he should definitely get paid for it.

I knew Elon was a prat the second he sued Top Gear and lost over a Tesla review.

Top Gear were kinder than they really should have been.

Let’s be honest 8gb is lower end for a phone now never mind a computer. Then again if someone just wants to watch YouTube or shop on the Web it’s fine.

Shouldn’t be on anything named pro though.

The only DS emulator really worth using in my opinion is Drastic I tried a few other things like lemuroid and MelonDS before finally paying for Drastic.

I tried to give YouTube ads a chance at one point but they got ridiculous to the point I just can’t.

I remember trying to filter out the vuvuzelas during the African world cup I mainly failed and just gave up on that whole tournament.

Seeing this makes me think if it happens again I might have better lick.

If ye be wantin’ to drink rum at 8am, ye best be a pirate! For it be the only way to drink rum at such an ungodly hour. So hoist the Black and let’s get started!

The one time I felt truly justified is when I bought quite a few vita games digitally and Sony took me not signing in for a few months as an excuse to wipe my account. They did email but I didn’t see it until the account was gone.

So yeah hacked my Vita and downloaded everything I had owned and more.