• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


True, and then there’s the other side of the coin. Federation exposes you to trolls, nazis, and doxxing.

No we don’t. We need small instances, each with their own specific topics and communities that DO NOT share your information far and wide, like the fediverse does. I don’t think the fediverse model is the way forward.

I’m so sick of this discussion. Your opinions and feelings don’t matter. The reality is you have a binary choice. Do you want A or do you want B? That’s the reality.

Regarding Gaza, do you want A) the current genocide, or B) a much bigger one? If you vote for a third party, you’re tipping the result towards B, because you were never voting for B in the first place.

Instead of voting for A, perhaps you could think of it as voting against B? Because those are the only two possible outcomes. Pick one.

I honestly think people left of center have lost their minds with this stuff.

They should give MLS to the Mozilla Foundation in that case.

This sucks big time. Many users of custom mobile phone ROMs are concerned with privacy, and use Mozilla Location Services as an alternative to Google. Not sure what other options are available right now.

Edit: The more I’m reading about this, the more absolutely fucked up it is. There really are no viable alternatives. Mozilla is going to just take all its collected data offline, and that’s that. Given that they accept monetary donations from the public, they should make the information public for download even if they don’t want to host the service anymore. Unbelievable.

The Dems making mistakes and Greens being spoilers are not mutually exclusive.

US labor can’t really compete with the low cost of Chinese labor. On the other hand, it’s not like US automakers are making small affordable EVs, even though there is a demand for them. Imported Chinese EVs fill that niche and also contain things like strategic metals, rare earth magnets, and lithium battery tech. All of that is recyclable, and they want to sell it to America for super cheap prices. If we were smart, when these cars are done being cars, we’ll reuse and recycle these materials right here in the USA. That could be a growth industry unto itself.

Supposedly a Cisco software update went wrong and took everything down for a while. That’s the rumor.

FFS lay off the artificial intelligence bullshit. I don’t want or need machine learning in my fucking browser. I tell it where to go, and it goes there. This is not a problem that needs solving. There had better be a way to turn this garbage off.

Probably. And that’s why I hesitate to use it.

They subcontract it out to a third party, who’s name I’m forgetting, that doesn’t have a great reputation.

What do you think about privacy services like Incogni?
I'd like to purge some of my info from the interwebs, and was considering trying one of these services. Does anyone have any experience with them?

And yet the fediverse has the opposite problem. You can never trust that something you deleted has actually been deleted on other servers.

I don’t use Facebook. Unfortunately, my neighbors use it to communicate. That’s the only reason I have it. I’ve also used the marketplace, but prefer Craigslist.

Both, plus failed connection something something…

Yes, there are errors related to fbcdn.net, which I guess is facebook’s content delivery network.

Facebook degrading Firefox user experience now?
Recently, most images on Facebook have stopped loading for me. Sometimes it's just a few images. Other times it's almost all images. The longer I scroll, the worse it gets. Today, I couldn't even see my own pictures. Are any other Firefox users having this problem, or maybe it's a server issue on Facebook's end?

Around this time of an election year, the political parties of each state get together and decide who their candidates are going to be. This story is about a small district in Iowa with a population of only 245 people. Their meeting was so small, it took place at someone’s house. It’s brutally cold there right now. Winter has nothing to do with it otherwise.

I’m using Firefox w uBlock turned off for YouTube. It’s almost unusable for me. They’re not just degrading the experience of ad-blocking users. They’re also sabotaging users of non-Chrome web browsers.

I take my ill-gotten gains and fuck off to another country, perhaps the USA, and buy up a small little-known automotive start up that has some promising IP. When my car company is bigger than all the others combined, I don’t spread the love around, but instead allow them all to stew in the juices of their mistakes. While I’m at it, I might buy a social media company and do everything possible to run my entire empire into the ground.

This is a good search engine for finding text-based small sites. https://search.marginalia.nu/

And there’s a few cool personal projects here: https://simone.computer/#/webdesktops

I have a fantasy where I’m a powerful executive at Volkswagen. I’m in a meeting where this idea is presented. I ask who thought of it. Someone raises their hand. I smile broadly. I ask who else thinks it’s a good idea. Others raise their hands. I call security and have all those people escorted out of the building. Those of us who remain set about manufacturing small, efficient & affordable electric vehicles with manual windows & door locks, and a not a single touchscreen anywhere. The End

The conspiracy theory I’ve heard is that Mozilla is basically paid opposition to Google. Their leadership is being paid (by Google) to run Firefox into the ground without actually going out of business.

I’m absolutely with you. Having run face-first into MongoDB more than once, I finally learned not to trust the hype around these things.

What an absolute shitshow this is going to be. If I want a digital assistant, I’ll get one. Keeping concerns separate is what has always worked. This reads like Elon wanting X to be the “everything app”. That ship has already sailed. The web is the everything app. Back when the web was new, you had AOL and Yahoo wanting to be the “gateway” to everything. How did that work out? My gateway to everything is my bookmarks folder. I don’t want AI in anything I use locally unless I explicitly enable it and ask for assistance. IMHO, this is the reason so many digital assistants have failed (especially Microsoft’s); because they tried to anticipate your needs rather than STFU and stay out of the way.

I’m old.


Didn’t know I could do that. Gonna change it now.

I use Brave Browser (with Ublock Origin and AdBlock) and rarely have any issues.

You don’t have issues because Brave is based on Chromium, which is basically Chrome.

I seem to remember reading that Google is purposely degrading the YouTube experience on Firefox. Don’t know if it’s true, but it sure seems that way.

YouTube screwing itself with adblockers again
I use Firefox and uBlock Origin. Not sure what kind of experience anyone else is having with YouTube, but recently my home page has been empty because I "don't have watch history turned on". Okay, fine. I won't be able to browse suggested videos, and I'll spend less time on their platform. Then I began to get warnings about using an adblocker. Okay, fine. I know they need to make money, so I turned off the adblocker. Now when I'm having my time wasted by ads, I have to ask myself, how bad do I really want to watch this video? Not badly enough? I close the tab and spend less time on their platform. Finally, I began experiencing glitches when playing videos. The video stops, but the audio continues. This never happened before. Perhaps mistakenly, I attribute this to YouTube, which is owned by Google, trying to force me off Firefox and on to Chrome. That was the last straw. Now I use YouTube to simply follow the channels I'm subscribed to. When I want to watch something, I copy the URL, paste it into YT-DLP, download the video and spend zero time on their platform at all. To summarize; Now I'm watching zero commercials, and YouTube is streaming the entire video to me, even if I only watch a small portion of it, and they're collecting less information about my watching habits than ever before. Nice job, YouTube. Nice job.

I use cash all the time. It generates less data about my behavior than a digital transaction. Cash also helps me to budget myself. If I give myself $100 cash allowance per week, then I always know how much money I have left. If you’re always using plastic for purchases, spending becomes too easy. It’s important to physically hold something in your hand, and have to part with it in order to make a purchase.

And when support ends, if there is any sort of lock on the firmware, it must be removed so the aftermarket can service the device. They should do cars next.

I don’t doubt you, I just don’t need features like that. I’m not a gamer and don’t think I’ve ever run a monitor above 60Hz in my life.

I prefer HDMI because it’s simple and it just works. When I plugged my current monitor in via DisplayPort, if the PC was sleeping, the monitor would wake up every two minutes or so, look for a signal, then go back to sleep. Very annoying. I figured this was some poor implementation in the drivers (linux). Regardless, when I got rid of the DP cable and connected via an HDMI cable, everything worked fine. I’m not a gamer, btw.

I don’t like children and experience profound injury when they don’t shut the fuck up. Do I have standing in this case?

My Thrilling Adventures With Linux On An x86 Tablet
Welcome to my ongoing saga of trying to use linux on an x86 tablet. Shouldn't be too hard, you say? One does not simply ride into Mordor. The oddball tablet I purchased used on eBay (for $50 USD) is an AAVA Inari 10 (model: INARI10-WLAN-1 QC). This is a 10.1" tablet with an Intel Atom Z3795 @ 1.59GHz, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD, and no operating system. Not too shabby for fifty bucks, including shipping. I've been using Linux Mint since 2016 because it just works. I'm not one of those people who gets moist doing crazy cowboy shit with their linux installation, or customizing everything after the fact. So, while I've been using linux for a long time, I'm not a pro at anything. Knowing that Mint on a tablet was probably going to be a bad time, I installed it anyway because it just works, and you go with what you know. Unsurprisingly, with a keyboard and mouse hooked up to the tablet, I was left squinting at a very tiny and very familiar desktop. It was time to see what I had purchased. Wifi worked, no problem. The touchscreen was recognized as a generic two-button mouse. I'm fine with that, as long as I don't need multi-touch for anything. The sound and camera hardware do not appear to be recongized. Again, no problem. I'm planning on only using this for web browsing. Bluetooth was working so if I really needed sound, I could get it that way. I knew I wasn't keeping Mint on this tablet, so it was time to search for some new distros that might be better suited to a touchscreen device. Asking in this community gave me a few good starting points. Here's how that went... Android x86: This would have been perfect for my use case, and it looked great right up until it got to the screen where we were going to connect to a wifi network. Froze solid. This issue is repeatable. I tried it three times with the same result, and decided to move on. Debian 12 with Gnome: I took various flavors of this for a spin several times before realizing I had to install an on-screen keyboard or I simply wouldn't have one, in spite of the fact that when you log in, there's an on-screen keyboard. I don't know how that works. KDE Neon: Had a desktop user interface, not mobile, and couldn't connect to wifi. I fought a few rounds with this, mostly the UI, before giving up. It was at this point that I thought I should go for something that was specifically made for mobile. Mangaro with Plasma Mobile: This was the most promising. It was almost usable. Almost. I was able to boot up into a graphical user interface that had an on-screen keyboard that could log me into an actual mobile UI. Not only that, but the login screen UI matched the mobile UI. That was farther than I had gotten with anything else thus far. Unfortunately, I don't think the wifi was working well. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how to change the background, which was blindingly bright, and all the app icons were truncated. Like, in half. Very tiny. With no text beneath them. So using apps was practically impossible. But Plasma Mobile itself was promising, and this is one of the reasons why I like linux; It forces you to learn some shit. What if I could have a nice clean install of Debian 12 with Plasma Mobie on top of that? That would be great. So I did a clean install of Debian and booted to the command line. Then I sudo apt-get -y install plasma-mobile. Excellent. When I rebooted, the tablet went right back to the command line. That's when I learned what a display manager was, and apparently I had to install one. I installed LightDM, don't know why, but I did. Awesome. Now I can boot up to a GUI, but I need a keyboard to log in. I lost track of what happened here, but there were many different install combos happening. I learned a few things. Here's how it's going... I'm running Debian 12 with SDDM and Plasma Mobile. SDDM, for some reason I cannot fathom, in spite of being recommended for use with Plasma Mobile, does not have an on-screen keyboard. This forced me to set it up so I'm automatically logged in every time. Problem solved? Mostly. If I put the tablet to sleep, even though I've set it up NOT TO LOCK THE SCREEN, it locks the screen anyway. But no worries, when I go to unlock the screen, I'm shown an on-screen keypad. When I type in my password, it... Goes to a text screen that says "The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore. In order to unlock it, switch to a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F2)..." yadda yadda yadda, as if I have a physical keyboard connected to the tablet. When I try to get out of this by pressing the power button, I'm taken to something that looks different than SDDM, which requires an on-screen keyboard to log in, BUT DOESN'T HAVE ONE. My only option is to reboot at this point by tapping the power icon. So currently, this tablet is mostly useable and I learned a few things. One of the things I learned is that linux can still be difficult to use outside the comfy confines of a great distro like Mint. But this is not an insurmountable problem. I'd love to get the stupid screen locking issue fixed and/or get a virtual keyboard working in SDDM. After that, my next steps may be trying to figure out what the non-working audio & camera hardware is, and seeing if there are linux drivers for any of it. Aaaaaand here come the edits! 1) I uninstalled SDDM and installed LightDM to see if the problem was with the display manager or the desktop environment. This didn't fix the problem. Instead, it got slightly worse because the device would shut down when pressing the power button instead of putting me back into the display manager. 2) Plasma Mobile is very nice, and I would have kept it if this issue was fixed. There's nothing like a brand new start, so I'm going back to Debian 12 with Gnome, and see what I can do with that. 3) For now, I'm sticking with Debian 12 and Gnome. It's more clunky, but unlike Plasma Mobile, this actually works well. I'd like to be able to change the on-screen keyboard to something else, but I'll deal with it for now.

FOSS IDE Recommendations
I'm a hobbyist programmer, mostly in JavaScript, but I'd like to learn Rust. I'd like to use an open-source IDE that supports Language Server Protocol. I'm currently using WebStorm, which is not open-source, and doesn't support LSP. I've checked out VS Codium, which is open-source and does support LSP, but it seems like it's a hobbled version of VS Code that still phones home to Microsoft. Are there and other IDEs that are FOSS and that support LSP? Edit: Thanks everybody. I'm taking the path of least resistance and sticking with Webstorm and IntelliJ.

What custom ROM is on your phone?
Since we don't yet have a specific community for custom phone ROMs, let's discuss them here. Are you running a custom ROM? Which one? On what hardware? How is it?