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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Huh Not sure what I’m not supposed to be doing

Was pretty obviously clickbait, so I didn’t read it, and still don’t plan to even after you provided that additional context. I’m afraid that I added all that I could, sorry.

I’m still trying to understand this. I have “example.tld” but when configuring the server name, just used “example”, no tld

You’re saying that my server name in fact needs to be the full “example.tld”?

Thanks for the help.

Sorry to hijack — does my server name need a tld at the end? I’ve received both a yes and a no thus far. My server name currently has no tld but I’m not sure if that is what is preventing me from federating, or if no tld is just bad practice or something.

I haven’t looked, are those requirements not included in the compose?

So if I wanted to host my own mastodon for friends and family but found the installation process too difficult, does that make this the best route forward for me?

Sorry to hijack — does Matrix have support for voice channels now? I know it has support for voice calls, but I’d like to just join a designated voice channel and allow other members to join as they please.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — WMR is the single thing keeping me from moving to Linux atm. Please save face Msft.

New can be had for the same price as one on eBay it seems.

They gave up on the one thing that kept me within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Yeah at this point I’m ready to pay someone for help. I wasn’t expecting setting up a mastodon or piped instance in docker to be so hard.