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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Like the insect/spider kind or in my code?

Please note the title is misleading. The domain was sold for 1.8 million, but with a payment plan. So that 1.8 million gets spread out of a longer time. Sure some of the initial funding paid for it, but it’s misleading to say it spent most of their funds.

It’s an official act, so total immunity applies.

What isn’t an official act you say? Well that’s a good question, but simply put anything that isn’t an unofficial act. But then what’s an unofficial act I hear you ask? I’ll let you know once we have found one, but so far none have been found and it’s possible none exist.

As someone who has worked on embedded systems for the past 30 years: It used to be a real big deal, but for the past 10-15 years it hasn’t. We now have fully fledged multi core systems running everything. Even small embedded sensors or actuation controllers are 100+ MHz microcontrollers with oodles of flash and ram.

Now there has been an interesting turnaround with the whole chip shortage for the past years. All the young folk are at a loss, being used to just putting powerful chips all around willy-nilly. So they turn to the old folk like me to figure out designs with less chips, running busses all over and connecting dumb sensors/actuators to a central processing unit.

I love Salt, but man his videos are getting way too long. I put the speed at 1,25x for any of his videos and the pacing is still perfectly fine.

I’ve heard people enjoy his videos with some drugs and I get it, it sounds super chill. But this length is a stretch for me, it could be half the time and lose basically nothing. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys long format videos like hbomberguy.

Yeah but it’s missing the discussion around the code, why it’s bad, why it may have been once correct but wrong now etc. It strips the context from the search result, which in my opinion makes it useless.

There may be exceptions but everything I’ve seen from AI programming is next level trash. It’s like copy pasting from Stack Overflow without the thousand comments all around it saying DO NOT DO THIS!

When ChatGPT was just released to the general public I wanted to try it out. I had it write a script to handle some simple parsing of network log files. I was having some intermittent issue with my home network I couldn’t figure out, so I had logged a lot of data and was hoping to figure out the issue. But I needed to filter out all the routine stuff that would be just noise in the background. I could have written it myself in about an hour, but figured hey maybe ChatGPT can help me bang it out in a couple of minutes.

The code it wrote looked at a glance to be very good and I was impressed. However as I read it, it turned out to be total nonsense. It was using variables and declaring them after. Halfway the script it seemed to have switched to a completely different approach leaving some sort of weird hybrid between the two. At one point it had just inserted pseudo code instead of actual functional code. Every attempt to get it to fix it’s issues just made it worse. In the end I just wrote the script myself.

I’ve seen examples from other people who attempted to use it and it’s just bad. It’s like having a junior programmer high on weed writing your code, checking it and fixing it takes more time than just writing the code itself.

Then there’s the issue of copyright, a lot of the training data wasn’t licensed and stuff like Github Copilot want to add your data to it’s training set if you want to use it. That’s not OK on many levels and not even possible for people working on corporate codebases.

A lot of programmers work on big code bases, with things like best practices and code standards. Not only does the AI not know the codebase and thus wouldn’t know how to do a lot of stuff in that codebase, it also doesn’t know about the best practices and code standards. So for those kinds of situations it isn’t useful.

I feel like people ask it to do some first year student programming tutorial tasks and the result looks somewhat like what one would expect and conclude the thing can actually write code. It really can’t in reality and probably shouldn’t even if it could.

Wasn’t Trump the individual named as being liable as well as the Trump organizations?

But how does this work exactly?

Trump isn’t personally owner of any of his buildings? They are owned by the companies he has stock in. Plus the buildings aren’t worth as much as those companies claim (let alone in a forced auction situation), which is another set of legal trouble Trump is facing right now. But no doubt those buildings aren’t actually owned by the Trump organizations, but instead owned by banks like Deutsche Bank, because Trump used them for his fraude schemes (allegedly). Or would Trumps stock be converted into money somehow?

Anybody got any idea on how this works in detail?

Mulder and Scully were good, but they went against what their superiors and the organization wanted all the time. I thought the point was you need to be a rebel to not be an evil asshole at the FBI.

I think what the user is trying to say: I’m moving a large number of files to different locations. So selecting a large number of files and copy pasting isn’t really helpful. I can imagine navigating to a folder, selecting the right file, copy, navigate to the other folder, paste etc. to be very inefficient. I can imagine in such a case a copy to / move to feature is useful and I have seen that feature in a lot of other places.

Of course the user would be helped somewhat if he understood what cut meant and the other commenter isn’t really helpful in this aspect. Just saying: “There is cut” doesn’t help if the user doesn’t understand what cut means.

Also calling a user out like this is really uncool, the user obviously doesn’t have English as a first language and/or has trouble expressing their selves. This doesn’t invalidate them or their request.

I had one of those see through phones back in the day. Loved that thing. But turns out the see through plastic isn’t as strong as the older style. Smashed it down too hard one day and the whole thing was destroyed.

Second the RB5009, I have been using it for some time now and love it. It was an upgrade from my old Mikrotik router, because I wanted more performance out of the tunneling. Performance is one thing the RB5009 has in abundance.

Isn’t that motherboard alone a few hundred? 4 4TB Ironwolfs is also a few hundred.

But that’s missing the point of the product isn’t it? I agree with the super car analogy here. Linus was reviewing the thing like it was a car to bring the kids to school or go grocery shopping. Yes it’s wildly impractical, the kids don’t fit and the gas mileage is terrible. But that’s not the point of the product.

They should have tested it properly, praised it for the extreme engineering and beauty and then added as almost a footnote it’s super expensive and impractical.

And this coming from the guys that made a $100,000 dollar desk recently. I’m sorry Linus your desk sucks, it’s way to heavy, way too expensive and super impractical. But they didn’t say that, instead showing off how beautiful it turned out and what an awesome thing it is.