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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 08, 2024


This will be my last comment to you troll. I really can’t go any further in this (you refusing to acknowledge wartime rape, and even why you think pregnant women are the intended (or collateral )target of conflict, without getting a little sick. Your logic has me questioning if you belong in a civilized society at all.

Palestinians are closer related to Isreali’s than other nations, still an incongruity.

The responsibility lands on Isreal.

And to further clarify, these are two cultures of the same blood that have always shared the same land. You can’t use the examples of the persecution of the Jews worldwide to defend this.

Also people like me use the word as defined, Zion means holy land. They want a holy land for their religion. That right there means to me, as a Gentile, religious persecution leading to genocide. Did I muddy the word up at all?

All of your arguments are just as incongruous as the birthrate one, which is the case for most Zionist points. Saying that Palestinians are somehow responsible in this due to their inability to be accepted as refugees in other nations gives no merit at all to disproving genocide.

I’ll save someone a long read, this person is claiming higher birth rate as a counter point to genocide claims. All that digging for talking points must be dry, dirty work.

Not in the least, still. I’m not saying don’t get your drugs in the mail, I’m saying don’t blame Mexico.

I just find it funny that they said they used the Internet to buy it, so what did they do, put it in will call just this side of the border and drive to pick it up once it’s safely inside the country? No they used the USPS the biggest drug trafficker of our current time.

The edge is strong with these trolls, I’m almost positive this is what we’re dealing with here.

So 3rd term precedent is up for grabs, or are we just so superbly selective in which policy to ignore? I’m asking because I’ll be real interested in 4 years.

I sometimes think AI is code for something of a normal computing capacity, but with the ability to decentralize and create a market of buzzword style shovelware pump and dumps.

Then please explain what my state (Louisiana) is doing here. What your saying is absolute common sense to me, but somehow the pro-police right thinks that legalizing a gun carried anywhere on a body, even tucked, of any providence, will somehow make law enforcement able to perform their job.

On a massive scale ongoingly for thousands of years? Yes. Let’s bring to light the many attempts at colonizing the Middle East by western powers, ie the crusades or Mandatory Palestine. These attempts were all money and land inspired and respectively very short and unsuccessful. There is no doubt in my mind that Western colonialism has wreaked havoc in the middle East for far too long. But to land those motivations on Jews and Palestinians (those who by birthright the land belongs to) doesn’t sit right with me. Let’s settle on the fact that Western intervention has been the real catalyst for power struggles there, while the violent puppets that play out the wars on the world’s stage are only being made into scapegoats in order to justify the greed and power grabs of outside interests.

Would you like to look into what the minority group and it’s situation was like in Palestine before this colonization happened? How the human rights were for this minority group? It was the exact same except the other way. Still keep on about how it’s all different now.

I will restate my point that if your taking a side in this that isn’t the humanitarian one. You’re on the wrong side of history. And back to my original sentiment that calling this an issue of colonization is not getting this argument anywhere.

And yet modern colonialism isn’t the key topic that needs to be mediated between these two parties. This fued goes 5000 years back to when these two cultural groups shared this exact same land. That’s the myopic part of these arguments. Calling them colonists isn’t going to settle an ancient blood feud. Bonus points if you recognize that both groups are Semetic and both have committed anti-Semitic crimes.

Did you stalk my comment history too? You would see I’m 100% for the Palestinian people and against this genocide. My point being, if you’re gonna run to a side in this you just picked wrong.

Edit: Imperialism is the enemy here not colonialism, which was stopped being used in the 1940’s

Who you were responding to mentioned Hamas and you immediately equated that with the Palestinian people. You really can’t defend Hamas and Russia in this when this is just a recurrence of the power plays that have historically shaped our current system. There are very few on the “right” side of this.

Don’t be myopic about it, Russia has been just as manipulative in the Middle East as the U.S.

I think you’re dead on with your interpretation, and I would like to further the commentary towards the enormous class disparity they are urging everyone towards. ie, only somehow including public schools for this. They test these buttons all the freaking time. And I would say that part of the test is about U.S.'s willingness to move towards an aggressive stance on the world stage. They suck and I hope their demoralizing greed is exposed for all.

It’s the cloud I’m worried about most, nothing happens locally on iPhone.

That pic of Willem Dafoe is patently false… no dong hanging

Where is a president that would veto this shit on sight? Where’s Bernie?

Still looking for moral high ground? Try it without killing and justifying it. The old proverb an eye for an eye shouldn’t be that hard to grasp.

And on that note: Why must comparisons always fall back on WW2. The first and second world wars mark the point where humanity evolved to its most savage. If one had honor before that they wouldn’t hide behind drones, rockets, and bombs to do the dirty work. We are all in this brutal society and I for one choose to respect life, no matter what the cause. So sad that you think there is a drop of morality to be squeezed out todays plight. Minimize damage and human casualty, that is all.

You must acknowledge who the real terrorists are then. The most civilian casualties and what not.

Once you call em out on their BS they ghost. Good debate my friend.

Dude, the fact stands that Isreal is killing children at an alarming rate. I’m glad everytime I hear someone put words out there to express this. Don’t play the Semantics game. This stuff needs to be said, over and over. Free speech and all.

What if one day those people doctoring images like that should have a fake doctored profile photo of themselves on a dating app. Ai writes a tailored bio for victim to swipe on should that victim be on a dating app. If the match is made, the profile adds both the perps Ai doctoring attempt on the victim and the real face of the perp.

I read biological sex as in only the sex found in nature is valid and thought “wow there’s probably some freaky shit that’s valid”

You couldn’t be more right about that too. That trade war with China was damn early in his administration. Who comes into a leadership position and turns to the next greatest competitor and targets them with sanctions? He slapped that painted target on himself reaaallly early.

I’d say closer to the xennial “forgotten generation” type. The playtesters of all of your favorite franchises didn’t fall behind as far as you think.