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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


No, because you can’t mathematically guarantee that pi contains long strings of predetermined patterns.

The 1.101001000100001… example by the other user was just that - an example. Their number is infinite, but never contains a 2. Pi is also infinite, but does it contain the number e to 100 digits of precision? Maybe. Maybe not. The point is, we don’t know and we can’t prove it either way (except finding it by accident).

Alternatively the y axis could be “blog posts not about …”

Ah, gotcha.

Is there like a list where you can enter your server so that other people use it as an ntp server? Or how did you advertise it to have 2800 requests flooding in?

I have similar specs and cost with ionos

It says posted 4 days ago, updated yesterday.

For most stuff the pi4 is also enough. Jellyfin (no transcoding) works fine on mine. It takes a bit to generate the chapter images and the timeline peek images when ingesting a new movie, but I’ve never had any issues with playback.

Wait what? Do I understand that correctly? You have a raspberry pi with a direct network connection to an atomic clock? That’s so awesome!

A basic image is really easy. It’s basically just


FROM debian  # start with a minimal Linux system. There are probably better options than debian. Some images are made especially for docker (i.e. very minimal and light weight). 
RUN apt install dependencies  # do what ever you need to get your app running. 
RUN echo "options and stuff" >> /etc/a/config/file  # you can also edit system files
COPY . /app  # copy your project into the docker container.
EXPOSE 8080  # doesn't actually do anything, but documents where the app will be listening
CMD server-binary run /app/main.php  # I have actually no idea how php server stuff works

(Docs https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/)

Then people can run your project with docker.

Edit: checking the readme some small changes would be required. Config.php should read in environment variables and the DB init SQL should be run automatically somehow.

I have a graphical application that crashes regularly when I switch between displays with Ctrl+alt+number. Something in the winit stack does not like it.

Compilation: top row, runtime: button row.

Maybe consider paperless-ngx.

Its primary purpose is document management, but you can easily upload receipts and pictures as well. I use paperless-mobile to interact with my instance.

File tree not a file tree like in a file explorer, more like the output of find, but with filtering. The letters you type to restrict your search only need to present in that order in the file path, not as a string.

So “abc” would match “./assets/others/abort/cancel.png”, not just “./assets/abc.png”

Additionally, lower case letters match case insensitive, upper case letters match case sensitive. This is surprisingly helpful if you don’t use exclusively lowercase file names.

Not to talk down the suggestion, but with your experience in writing software I would not recommend adding JavaScript, HTML, CSS and whatever Llibrary you need for plotting to your tech stack.

Distributing python applications can be a pain (no easy “here’s the .exe, just run it”), but it’s easy to write, you can use matplotlib, numpy, etc. And the graphics libraries are well established.

I am currently writing an application with PyQT6. It works well. There is a graphical editor to design the layout if you don’t want to write everything in code by hand.

Space-f lets you open a file in the current workspace, and :open /path always let’s you open any file on the computer

Plugin support not yet I think. Not gonna lie, I chose helix over nvim for it’s good out of the box experience, so I didn’t actually have a need for plugins yet.

Fair enough. That would be a use case for a plugin (or simply a setting!)

It sounds to me like they are working in a job that for some reason requires constant presence when marked as available. Like an air traffic controller (though that job can probably not be performed from home) or a callcenter, depending on the system used to distribute calls to operators.

You can also put on a cute skirt if you want.

Could you list anything specific?

It’s obvious that you will want to get a better provider when your needs scale up. But for the specs I posted I don’t see any reason to leave ionos.

I have a vps at ionos, 400Mbit unlimited network traffic, 1vcore, 500MB RAM, 10GB SSD. Bad specs, but for just 2€/month, including 1 public IPv4 address, I am really pleased with the offering.

Yeah, the post on Reddit had some insightful comments as well.

I did not think of nested objects that may be returned by an entity framework before.

I also sleep on elm, JavaScript and typescript. (i.e. don’t use then)

It’s simply that I never heard of purescript.

Neat idea and solves e.g. the N+1 problem.

But doesn’t that just shift the DB logic (denormalization, filtering, aggregation) into the application code?

So the core concept is that when you validate some property about input you should also transform the input into a new form that represents the new guarantee in the type system.

This is very, closely related to the “make invalid states unrepresentable” concept. If we have validated our list to be non empty, we should return a non empty list - after all an empty list is now invalid and as such the type system should exclude that possibility.

Have you looked at Elm?

It’s very much not JavaScript, but I think that comes with the territory of wanting something significantly different.

For what it’s worth, with wasm you could use any language that compiles to it as a frontend language. Rust has a few frameworks that can compile to standalone wasm web pages.

the 3D printing craze and how little is left of all the glorious promises.

Not sure what the promises were that you in particular heard. But 3D printing is a fundamental part of prototyping now. The vast majority of companies designing physical products have 3D printers to try out new ideas.

It very much is an aspect of the format. You may deem it unimportant, but it’s a feature that is missing from toml and yaml.

Binary files are just text anyway - encoded in UTF-Cthulhu

It depends if underpowered means “too slow” for you, or “slow”. I would consider the meaning more similar to “too slow”, i.e. I think the reference point matters. Therefore for me the pi is not underpowered, just low powered. [Edit: to keep the discussion on track, I would therefore consider the pi “good enough”, which was the original claim in the second level comment]

Of course in terms of absolute numbers the pi has not a lot of processing power.

Meme: image of an airliner cockpit, but the thrust levers are replaced with a big button that says “import numpy”

Nah, just slow.

But it has a ridiculously big library and is easy to write. A lot of libraries are also written in C, so the slowness drawback doesn’t even apply in some cases.

If you’re cheap like me, just change the keyboard layout on the software side and instead of looking at the now incorrect key caps, look at the American keyboard layout image on Wikipedia instead. It doesn’t take long to relearn the few differences. And the parentheses are more ergonomic on the us keyboard layout IMO.

Edit: compared to the German layout. Brazilian looks ergonomic enough for programming without having to switch.

It entirely depends on what you want to do with it. So calling it underpowered is not a statement that can be made in general.

The one with the 5m long nerve? Because it needs to loop around an artery near the heart, as that was the shortest way back when that nerve first developed. And now the source and destination are still close, but the heart moved. But no one has gotten around to make that legacy code more efficient.

One of my favorites as well.

I have a pi4, 4GB. And running off of an SSD (connected via SATA to usb adapter). Sorry, forgot to specify.

Even slower would still be worth it IMO, digital document management is just so much better than keeping multiple folders of paper organized. Also I can access all my paperwork from anywhere, because the pi and my phone are both in my wireguard VPN network.

About a minute, 1:30 maybe (edit: per page on a pi4). I use an app to upload jpegs though, I don’t have a normal scanner at the moment. The higher quality scan and smaller file size may make some steps of the process quicker (no need for alignment and color correction for example) if you use a normal, proper scanner.

It doesn’t matter though. When I get home and see I got a letter I scan it and by the time I drank something, put away my clothes and stuff i had with me, the pi is done and I can edit the metadata in the web ui.

You should get a scsi enabled adapter though, otherwise you may have to disable it in the kernel boot settings. And if you forget that it will run at like kbit/s.

I have a vps for 2€/month. It’s not a powerful machine, but easily enough to host wireguard and caddy.

No, the request is fine. But once it fucks up and starts generating a long string of a single number the output is censored, because it is similar to how a recent data extraction attack works.

This is a valid opinion to have as a consumer in the here and now.

However, if you think about the bigger system and how it will change in a few years time, you’ll notice that the matter is not quite this simple. It’s easy to imagine that no single musician is brave enough to take the first step onto a new platform devoid of users, just like you are not willing to jump to a new platform devoid of musicians. And if no artist takes the first step and no user takes the first step, then the status quo will prevail. Now, that may not necessarily be a bad thing. But if artists are not paid enough to continue making music for Spotify, then they’ll stop making music for Spotify. That’s fine if you like mainstream music of whoever games the system successfully. But it’s easy to see how that would be a loss to some people.

Wow, GitHub is not handling that RTL text well. (Or FF on Android is to blame, can’t compare at the moment)

English is not my first language and I have recently thought a lot about the impact of language in other fields. Programming is one, but to be fair the number of keywords is very limited and not too hard to learn. We had programming in school and while we already had English as well, I don’t think it’s a hard requirement.

Science is also very heavily impacted. The primary language is English, so if you are good at physics and suck at language learning - well tough luck because you can’t do science without knowing English first. The number of people who’s scientific progress and subsequent beneficial impact on the world is stunted, just because they did not learn English…

Your programming language will probably not take off, but I like the idea behind it.