Mortgage loan officer passionate about helping others.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


If I’m to believe I own the crap I buy that’s digital delivery, then if they want to take it back, they need to buy it from me at my price.

Streaming platforms are all joining in on the enshitification process.

Soon, people will join one service for one month then switch to the next.

After that, they will all begin contracts to “lock in the price.” Possibly in bundle agreements with multiple providers.

That’s when the full transition to $120+ cable costs returns, but in streaming format.

As a high school student, I had a job like this for about a week. On my last day, I received this call just like yours and I said “You are quite possibly the stupidest person I’ve ever interacted with” because they were yelling this type of nonsense and screaming over me.

I do not regret my exit to the call center work life. You people have a special type of patience and deserve to be paid far more.

No customer service reps? Company fails.

I didn’t know who Huffman, spez or the fact there was a bid to IPO until Apollo’s announcement of closure occurred. Why? Because I didn’t subscribe the Reddit’s main subreddits, I was very niche.

Once I learned about all that, I vowed if they didn’t reverse their standing and treatment of Christian, I was leaving.

Once the last week of June came and Spez triple-downed on his terrible business decision, I began using tools to destroy all of my content including topics I made that were all ranking #1 in Google, that causes plenty of PMs years after creation.

I’ve since deleted all but one account that I’ll probably hold onto just in case they decide to block my access to information I need.

I’ve deleted Apollo, Reddit’s official app and logged out on all browsers across all platforms I use. I’m done and liking WefWef as a replacement.