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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


Probably better to limit ownership to directly interested parties, like workers and maybe customers

I mean the classic is that you must be “really good at computers” like I’m okay at debugging, just by being methodical, but if you plop me in front of a Windows desktop and ask me to fix your printer; brother, I haven’t fucked with any of those 3 things in over a decade.

I would be as a baby, learning everything anew, to solve your problem.

Are you a Vulcan? O_o

Either way you have my thanks. Greatest utility value as well as greatest hilarity value!

Oh my god someone finally fell for it! Please don’t edit your comment, you just made my day

This is giving me CICS interface flashbacks. Anyone who worked retail or call centre or adjacent 20+ years ago probably remembers getting really good at using these kind of bespoke CMS front-ends (Bell folks might “fondly” remember ARICS and BCRIS).

Agree with the article (and the 10 other ones I’ve already read on the topic) but Paul Graham’s website looks like ass on mobile as of 2024. I couldn’t even figure out how to get to the content, at least on cursory examination.

Good point about solo/team or simple/scalable though. Right tool for the job and all that. Good stuff

I’m not even a year into seriously being into tea, so I imagine I’ll just get more particular over time. I’m still working through a few boxes of various grocery store black and herbal teas, so maybe I’ll look around for something different when those start to run out.

I do really love a big pot of green tea while I’m working at my desk job.

not interested in loose tea or not there yet.

This strikes me as particularly funny, thank you, that is very accurate. I have dabbled in the leaf that is loose, mostly buying baggies from the bulk food store, so not particularly fresh (or high quality). But yeah I am trying to stick to the cheap stuff for now. I love how it’s so much less expensive than coffee!

Friends keep sending me these boutique tea and m samples now that I’m drinking tea haha, so I do know what I’m missing

That’s why I bring a bag or two in my breast pocket when I go out!

How much you drinking? I didn’t think it had an impact on me, even afternoon or evening, and only realised the difference when I cut it out

Not the same, but I switched to tea mostly for aesthetic reasons, and after a brief adjustment period, I’m finding it a lot more fun an varied than coffee drinking. And easier to find v low caffeine, or tasty 0 caffeine teas of as many varieties as you can imagine.

I’ll still have a social coffee every now and then, but anyway I’d recommend it, at least to check out. It’s like discovering scotch after a lifetime of beer drinking.

Haha it looks that way doesn’t it. Hopefully those are scoped and limited 😳

I’ve worked with 3 developers who live/work from small hobby farms outside of town, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ve only been in this field for like a decade

I feel like this is my trajectory as well.

It’s such an awkward letter to reach, also I’m stuck in my ways leave me alone

This is great, but I just want to say that the best way to use git is to simply stop doing so much in one branch. Branches should not last longer than a week, ideally

A very complicated way to do

My project
My project (1)
My project WORKING
My project (2)
My project (2) (1)

I doubt they even have a root user. Just whatever system packagea are required baked into the image

I was going to try and contradict you, but I guess most of the people I know well IRL are also total nerds