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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Very happy with Plappa. Highly recommend. One off purchase, no subscription.

For anyone looking for a good iOS front end for their Audiobookshelf instance, I can highly recommended Plappa (and off topic Paperparrot for paperless by the same dev). One off and affordable purchase, no subscription.

You got your answers before, you just don’t want to accept them. The relationship between budget and performance expectation still borders delusion.

To quote u/Peachman who hit the nail on the head:

Looking for recommendations for a racecar, at least 800 horsepower. Needs to hit 60 mph in under 4 seconds. My budget is $2000. Please give recommendations. LOL

Fork out more money or lower your expectation.

X-Copy! YES! Mate, that’s a solid throwback for me. I had totally forgotten about this gem.

Thanks so much for bringing back that memory!