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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Okay so now I have heard of those immutable OS kind of regularly, but what is it and why is it so much better?

Thank you!


How many of them are there in windows nowadays, cmd, pOwershell versions, shell if you use git, …

At work we don’t have the right to use master/slave (maître /esclave) anymore because of history (this is mostly linked to deploying systems). On the upside our git master is now the shorter ‘main’.

Omg, I pay 30€ for 1Gb/0.7Gb (ten more for symmetrical 10Gb, I don’t need it and can’t even use more than 1Gb/s but my inner nerd wants it) and 0.15€/KWh.

BTW the electricity cost is somewhat or totally negated when you heat your apartment/house depending on your heating system. For me in the winter I totally write it off.

People (sometimes) use it far too much and in wrong ways.

Like inherit when you could just instantiate, or use a template.

Or when “everything should be a class” was also a bummer (inhetit “run()”), like I’d instantiate “main” twice (cool if it had worked I guess).

Or old code written by “wizards” where they cast cast cast instances onto other classes to use specific behaviour in crazily dangerous manners. And you’re the one to “fix it” because it doesn’t work well…

Otherwise OOP is good.

We can understand and poke on one but not the other I guess. I think so much more energy should be invested in understanding consciousness.

The xiaomi wallpaper carousel is the worst piece of soft on my phone, I don’t care and no you can’t have all those accesses.

Had to install some freeware to just set the backgrounds wtf is this, the way they are getting people now??

Thanks, excellent information!

How come debug exes are bigger? Is the nifty stuff tucked on at the end?

Yeah but the proof was about consciousness, and a really bad one IMO.

I mean we are probably not more advanced than computers, which would indicate that consciousness is needed to understand context which seems very shaky.

Whoo that seems complicated, I mean you akready compile a debug version.

Thanks for the explanation!

Hey thank you!

Not what I thought it was for sure 😃

How does it work if an instruction gets replaced by the INT3 though?

I’m curious, what do you or anorher “classic”(?) home user do that needs more than like an old intel 6500 with say 32GB RAM and some 1 TB SSD (hoarding etc goes to the NAS right?) of storage?

I know dockers consume, or so I have heard, but even a webserver, streaming etc is that really eating up the (pcie)bandwith?

I’m just a low end tinkerer who likes to buy over specced stuff so I wonder what’s you all doing with yours I guess!

Now I want to know what int3 does.

We already have this in France, up to around 14-15 yo. Banned in school altogether.

Guess what, the kida are okay with that.

Also, banning it “in classrooms” seems like a given, do you use your steam deck in the classroom? If no then why your phone.

Still not getting it, I mean you don’t even get to see the code? IDK

Yeah both Linux (IMO, I use Mint BTW) is getting better but also windows getting crappier.

How so, templates make for less code usually? Or like template meta prog?

I’m a C++ dev and I’m lost on this one :-p plz send help

ThinkCentre Tiny machine

Or dell optiplex for a bargain.

Got myself a Dell 8gen 8GB 256GB SSD for 40€… Got a 6 core (8500?, It came with a “Pentium Gold” bi core) for 60€ and a 4TB HD for 70€… For example. I think it will handle a lot before needing an upgrade. It’s a smallish tower though, but sff versions exist too.

It’s as crazy how cheap those PCs are and how expensive Raspberries has become :-/