You Can’t Stop The Signal

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Is there? According the the law the issue is that he took the scenes as pornographic when they weren’t. Not that he organized and posted the scenes in the first place.

This isn’t like its revenge porn or anything though. Everything about the filming of the scene was consentual and released to the public consentually. Whats the issue with a dude wanting to organixe and jerk off to the scenes?

Involuntary porno sounds like something was leaked or filmed at gunpoint.

i dont get this. it can be used as one. its being seen as criminal because of its ability to send encrypted messages. comments like this are meaningless.

Nope. They all have the same origin and mean the same thing. The one reason retard isnt okay but idiot and moron are culturally is because of the age of the words.

And at least youre logically consistent then.

Fuckin about time. Their implementation sucks.

Yup. You can run both local amd external services off the same proxy, at least with traefik and I assume others. Alternatively you could use traefik to solely for local services and Cloudflare zero trust tunnel for external. I think his traefik video covers it? If not, it covers some part.

The other part is that you need pihole setup to serve local DNS.

Thats a really neat idea but I’m not sure its practical. Definitely putting everything you can behind a VPN is the best bet. Only things I dont have behind VPN/local only are things my extended family use and are on a different vlan.

You are fucking annoying. You can speak however you like but your behavior is childish and annoying. Goodbye. Have fun with your empty dopamine I guess.

Thats true. Website is immaculate. But its some kinda crypto scam by the looks of it.

Bruh are you really going to my other comments and commenting. Are you 12? Go touch grass.

As someone who’s tried both Plex and Jellyfin, my suggestion is dont use either. ABS (audiobookshelf) spins up in minutes and is far superior

Not OP but I found nextcloud to be incredibly buggy and resource intensive when I had it spun up. Now, I had it spun up on top of TrueNas Scale which its own bucket of shit, but I digress. Pushed me to just using discreet services for everything and I like it much better.

What you should actually do is just mount /media.

That way qbit and radarr will see the folders as the same structure.

Not sure how to remove the duplicate files though