• 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2023


So, OP has 45.57 gold medals only for his first torrent on the list?

I just use ext4 on everything. It works pretty nicely.

I think you can encrypt drives by using a key stored in the TPM, if you have one. See the Arch wiki for info.

Though I have heard the TPM is not as secure..

  1. Not having to give up my privacy for everything.
  2. GUIs are not needed when self-hosting. (I mean when deploying services)
  3. Learn Linux and start simple with a Raspberry Pi or laptop. That’s how I started.

Server Monitoring software recommendations
I want something that has a WebUI, can show in a graph like the CPU and RAM graph for this day and maybe some days before. Also I would like to view what was running at any given time (I mean from 2-3 days before to now). Is there any (FOSS) software that does that? Thanks.

Yes, I have little bandwidth so I always download low bitrate ones.

How big is YOUR collection?
Mine is 186GiB. I have about 100 movies and 3 TV series on a two hard disks (one for backup). I don't know if that is small or large. How big is your collection?

Suggestion for buying drive
Recently, my 10-year old drive that I pulled out of an old computer died. I want to buy another one now. The machine will run Jellyfin (I have an existing collection that I will be transferring from another drive), Immich, and the *arr stack. I have [this motherboard](https://www.asus.com/motherboards-components/motherboards/prime/prime-n100i-d-d4/techspec/) which has one SATA port and one PCIe x1 port. For this reason, I won't be able to add a second drive for redudancy, unless I add a PCIe to SATA card. My biggest concern is that I want the drive to last. I don't want much capacity, I think 1-2 TB is enough. My budget is from 0€ (of course) to 65-70€. So I have a couple of questions: - Should I buy an SSD or an HDD? - I live in Greece and ServerPartDeals is not an option because shipping is really high. Do you know a place where I could purchase it? (Preferably in Greece, but not necessary) - Do you have any specific drive suggestions? - Is there any other way (except for buying a PCIe to SATA card) to add more drives in the motherboard? Thank you.

I don’t have any job that needs to run 24/7, so I poweroff my server at night (12 am) and start it in the morning using WOL.

OK, maybe I will think about some other use for the Raspberry Pi then.

Maybe, but I my router is not hackable and I don’t plan on buying one that is.

While trying to set up the WLAN, I couldn’t connect to the AP, it said no internet access, and I couldn’t connect to the Pi, or ping any device from it.

Help setting up OpenWRT for extra router
I have an unused Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB model) lying around and I would like to install OpenWRT on it and use it as a router. I get Internet from DSL so I can't hook it up on the Raspberry Pi directly, I need to plug an Ethernet cable coming from my actual router to the Pi. I am no expert on networking, so please forgive me if I say something that is wrong. I want the WAN coming in from the router from the Pi's Ethernet port, and the LAN coming out as Wi-Fi. I may also stick an additional Ethernet adapter to it in the future. I have tried doing this many times and have failed. So, could anyone explain to me how could I do this? Also, what are VLANs, what are their uses and if I wanted one, how could I setup it in OpenWRT? Thanks in advance.

Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K, I consider it to be one of the biggest disk space wasters. Am I the only one who has this opinion?

It searches in a lot of indexers (torrent sites) simulatenously. You put the indexers you want to search, connect it to qBittorrent (via a plugin), Radarr, or Sonarr and it searches.

Can you explain more the setup? What VMs would I need to run?

Thanks for responding. I actually don’t have Immich yet on the Raspberry Pi, so it’s the first time I will be installing it and then importing the photos. I don’t actually care a lot about the migration, since I can just reconfigure the services. I want to ensure that if a drive fails, I can restore the data. I would try RAID, but I read that “RAID is not backup”. Or I could just run the command you provided in a cronjob.

Tools and ideas for backup of many files
Hello everyone, In a day or two, I am getting a motherboard with an N100 integrated CPU as a replacement to the Raspberry Pi 4 (2 GB Model). I want to run Jellyfin, the *arr stack and Immich on it. However, I have a lot of photos(for Immich) and movies(for Jellyfin) (in total about 400 GB) that I want to back up, just in case something happens. I have two 1TB drives, one will have the original files, and the second will be my boot drive and have the backup files. How can I do that? Just copy the files? Do I need to compress them first? What tools do I need to use, and how would you do it? Thanks in advance. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I would prefer the backups to be local.

I decided to not use a VPN, because I live in Greece and read online that, although piracy is illegal, no action is being taken for pirates.

Do I really need a VPN for pirating?
OK, so, I have a couple of questions: - What's the worst that can happen if I don't use a VPN while pirating? - Are free tier VPNs (like Proton VPN) good enough? - I don't want to pay much or anything for a VPN, is a way I can get a good free one, or set one myself somehow (I have experience with selfhosting) ? - If not, which cheap one do you recommend? EDIT: I pirate mostly movies, and rarely some TV series.

I found an HP EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF at 100€ here. It has an Intel core i5 4th Gen and 8GB of RAM. Not exactly mini but cheap. Do you think it’s worth it?

EDIT: nvm I found this used Intel nuc here with the same specs.

Recommendations for cheap hardware upgrade
Hello everyone, I am running some services like Jellyfin, Radarr, QBittorrent, Jellyseerr and some others on my Raspberry Pi 4. The problem is that it is already struggling to run those, since it has only 2GB of RAM. I wish it was possible to do a RAM upgrade to the Raspberry Pi but the RAM is soldered to the motherboard. I don't want to buy another Raspberry Pi with more RAM because they are quite expensive and I don't want to have two of them. So can you recommend something for around or under 100€? Thanks in advance.

Alt text: Image that says: HOLY SHIT!! IS THAT A MOTHERF*CKING C++ REFERENCE??? `int& a = b;`

Problems running *arr stack on Raspberry Pi
Hello everyone, I have a Raspberry Pi 4B with 2GBs of RAM. I am trying to run all the *arr stack via docker containers(5 or 6 containers) but this causes my Raspberry Pi to lag very much. I could not use any of the stack's web interface or SSH to the pi during the lag and to fix it I had to reset the pi. I think it is because I have little RAM but it might also be the power supply because I sometimes get messages for undervoltage. What do you think is happening and how could I fix it? Do I need to buy a more powerful device? Thanks in advance.

You know it’s very weird when you see that brainfuck is ‘above the iceberg’