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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


You have to have the original game files either from the disk or downloaded from GoG or steam. Then you need tes3mp which runs great on linux and windows. I personally play on a server called neravarine prophecies, they have seasonal events and the community is a lot of fun. It uses the same engine as openMW so most of the mods that work on OpenMW are compatible, I’d stick with cosmetics to keep the servers you join compatible.

Different servers have different rules, many of them forbid going into areas that cause server crashes, i.e. mornhould.

I had a blast, then I got my kids to play and i was there to guide them a bit when the game gets tough.

Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.

Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.

pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.

shattered pixel dungeon.

i think this is what made it unfun, not the difficulty but the fact that you have to die a few times to even see what you’re supposed to do and it was aggravating way early in the game. Also I’m not a fan of the difficulty stemming from the controls being hard to use, like when you’re carrying stuff.

I keep picking this game up and putting it back down. It’s beautiful but I just can’t get into it.

So they ‘invented’ moving video from a small device to a large device in 2010? That’s a dumb patent and they are trolls. I hate google, but patents like that are stupidly vague and stifle progress.

Best sleep I’ve ever had after buying my pillow servers. I use arch btw.

excel helping by removing leading zeros so you have to add ’ and then excel puts a passive aggressive tick on that cell.

inal but i think it’s going to come down to the terms of service where the data was scraped from. If the terms say the stuff you post can be shared with third parties then they might not have a leg to stand on. Where it gets sketchy is if someone posted someone else’s work, then the original author had no say in it being shared with a third party, BUT, is that the fault of the third party or the service provider that shared it?

Also, if i were exposed to copyright material through some unauthorised person distributing it can i not summarize the information? I guess i don’t know enough about fair use to answer that.

The wording in the article says they are being sued for stealing their data, this seems like a stretch but i guess i’ll wait for more details of the case.

it’s been fine for me, got the whole family on $15/mo plans. they recently upgraded those plans to 5GB which is great for $15