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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 16, 2023


I’d say mostly energy savings and CPU usage efficiency

Ah, no not the template files for the individual containers, but the project descriptors are just compose files.

They’re 1-1 compose files.

The app just saves them as compose files and then runs docker compose in the backend.

it is EXTREMELY barebones

I would recommend instead to use the AI Horde: https://stablehorde.net/ It’s a collection of people hosting stable diffusion/text generation models

There’s also openrouter which can connect to ChatGPT with a token-based system. (They check your prompts for hornyposting though)

Why are they targeting Zenimax so heavily, don’t they have 50 other acquisitions they can suck the blood from

What do you do for file syncing, if you don’t mind me asking

The dev cycle has gotten slower over time but it’s not dead

The best self hosted alt I’ve seen is huginn: https://github.com/huginn/huginn

It’s not as easy to use as ifttt and much less already built for you but it does the same things.

Former sublime text user here. Eating popcorn and chuckling at “lifetime license”