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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


I believe this is what some compression algorithms do if you were to compress the similar photos into a single archive. It sounds like that’s what you want (e.g. archive each day), for immich to cache the thumbnails, and only decompress them if you view the full resolution. Maybe test some algorithms like zstd against a group of similar photos vs individually?

FYI file system deduplication works based on file content hash. Only exact 1:1 binary content duplicates share the same hash.

Also, modern image and video encoding algorithms are already the most heavily optimized that computer scientists can currently achieve with consumer hardware, which is why compressing a jpg or mp4 offers negligible savings, and sometimes even increases the file size.

I, for one, would not mind if my property value stagnated or decreased so that others could have a better life.

This is why you will never be in any decision making capacity.

IMO you aren’t really a part of the problem if you support increasing density around you and policy that makes units an attractive option for the majority (improving public transport, amenities, minimum building standards such as sound proofing, floor-plan and storage space, HVAC, etc). You can’t rely on individuals to voluntarily give up space they don’t need any more than you can rely on them to voluntarily give up money they don’t need. Any system which relies on discretionary kindness for the greater good is doomed to fail.

Most people don’t choose detached housing because they need a backyard or extra space. They do it because it’s a better cost-benefit when compared to the higher density housing stock. The solution is to make higher density the more attractive cost-benefit.

Because we live in capitalist oligarchies masquerading as Democracy™️

Although this might be accurate, what would be the true cost of gas if you removed all the subsidies and added the cost of fossil fueled warming from the continued GHG release? What will be the cost of gas if climate change really starts to pop and we undergo radically accelerated decarbonization? What is the projected cost of renewables + batteries + electric heating in 5, 10 or 20 years?

These are more relevant details regarding the building of infa that should be built to last, and is costed to last, for several decades.

Your data is securely preserved on your Google Drive / Dropbox account, ensuring complete ownership and privacy


They’ve committed the worst crime imaginable — threatening the future profits of the corporatocracy!

For iOS there’s location log. You can export your history too.

Also, don’t kid yourself. If you aren’t using Graphene and have any tech company app installed on your phone they’re logging your location, and sharing it with everyone who pays, even if you opt out.

Both are required to drop the price and return to affordability as building new housing takes time and has hard limitations.

The reality is that the level of immigration should be dictated by the level of new housing and overall service and infrastructure investment. If you add people without alignment to these you’re just degrading the housing security, quality of service, and overall quality of life for the vast majority of existing residents.

This also means that millions of immigrants could be accommodated per year if the level of new housing and investment were sufficiently high enough.

Rather ironically, miniflux users could add miniflux releases to their miniflux feed using https://github.com/miniflux/v2/releases.atom

So it’s extra extra useless

Most of the people in any position to actually do something about it, including regulators.

*To slow down fucking up the world by even a few %. Instead we shuffle numbers around to make it look like we’re doing something.

Shhhh. Don’t forget to act surprised, as though this is some perplexing consumer problem instead of a clear and present capitalism problem.

Consumer routers fall apart when you want to do many common networking tasks, like setting up a VLAN on a separate subnet with pinhole access, so when faced with having to buy a significantly more expensive SMB router vs the cheap FOSS solutions others have mentioned, you’re better off just going the FOSS route.

Note: some consumer routers can be flashed with FOSS firmware, but be prepared to waste days tinkering and testing.

All you need is to use ZFS or BTRFS locally to prevent master version bitrot and provide failover/redundancy, manually sync that to a separate “offline” HDD periodically, then setup a simple pi with tailscale + HDD at a family member or friends house, and rclone all your data to it (encrypted) as a cron job every night or week. This performs the function of a cloud provider (offsite backup); alternately, just manually sync the offline HDD once a month.

With this approach you’re covered for accidental deletion, hard drive failures, bitrot, ransomware, and fire; possibly many natural disasters, depending how far away the offsite is.

Then you can just keep your most important data E2E encrypted in 1 or 2 cloud storage providers.

Looks aight but I consider it overkill for my needs. I have my own system which is just creating a note titled ‘YY-MM-DD Desc/Model’ when I purchase something and adding compressed images & scans of the label/serial, sometimes packaging, user guide, etc.

I then just print a dymo label for the product, components, cables, and spare parts using the note title so I can search the date and pull it up if I need. Makes dealing with a mountain of cables and power adapters much easier. I never pull something out of storage and go “what the fuck is this” anymore.

Testing and tagging USB-C cables is especially helpful, too. They usually have no indication of what speed or power they can handle.

Don’t worry. A massive fire will destroy entire towns, and they’ll probably blame the libs.

Correction! It’s practically impossible to implement with conventional fiat banking. It would be functionally plausible to implement if the donations were in cryptocurrencies, with a built in audit trail, and smart contracts handling the escrow and distribution — though FOSS funding would be exposed to all the downsides of cryptocurrencies (high volatility, low liquidity, regulatory fuckery, etc).

This is one of the major universal gaps in FOSS. I have a yearly reminder set to donate, and a list of projects within it — I do it this way because a) every project I’ve encountered only offer MONTHLY recurring, which is stupid as fuck because b) no I’m not fucking donating the $5 a month minimum to dozens of projects and c) larger donations usually have lower fees (e.g. donating $60 usually has lower fees than 12 x $5); why the fuck would I give the banks 30% more of my donation than necessary?

Users shouldn’t have to manually deal with this shit, and valuable projects shouldn’t have to beg for pennies. There should be a FOSS payment management project that enables users to create an account, add ALL of the FOSS projects they use (or want to donate to), set a monthly / yearly contribution, and be done with it. Users can choose to allocate percentages or let the software divide the money between all of them evenly, including all of their FOSS dependencies.

What’s the upload speed from a regular sftp client to the same destination?

Ditto for audio in general. I notice wild differences between encodings in dialogue clarity and volume. If this were standard we could all mix and match whatever audio is best for our equipment.

You need to specifically set it up to work offline. It’s not out of the box. Either the setup guide you followed included that step, or you went out of your way to enable it, and forgot about it. It’s been that way for 5+ years, at the very least.

Then the dev needs to build out a range of protocols and API’s to enable users to “supply their own server”, which can bring a range of additional headaches, like having to provide support for external dependencies outside their control, etc.

What if the users “server” fails? Should the dev waste hours of their life assisting a user with a highly specific Google Drive issue when they spent $5, 3 years ago?

Bluray would likely provide the greatest cost-benefit as of today. If stored correctly they should last for decades.

Otherwise, if money is of no concern, cloud service providers. Data is replicated across multiple drives and their filesystems have bitrot protection. Unless you stop paying, it’s likely your data would remain intact and accessible for just as long as a bluray. If it’s good enough for critical government and corporate data, it’s good enough for your data.

First take the dinglebop, then smooth it out with a bunch of shleem. The shleem is then repurposed for later batches. Take the dinglebop and push it through the grumbo. Where the fleeb is then rubbed against it. Its important that the fleeb is rubbed, because the fleeb has all the fleeb juice. Cut the fleeb. There are several hizzards in the way. The blamfs run against the trumbles and the ploobis and grumbo are shaved away. That leaves you with a regular old plumbus.

Humans have multiple incentives to write well. AI has no incentive to write well, doesn’t care about employment or income, has no morals or ethics, and has no concept of what anything is beyond 1’s and 0’s… But sure thing champ — AI writes better articles than journalists 👍

The article also just sorta stops out of nowhere.

I’ve been noticing that a lot lately. It’s like all journalists have already been replaced with the same AI that has no concept of how to close off an article.

It’s not about labor shortages or improving the services and lives of existing residents. It’s about devaluing the domestic labor market to the benefit of “the economy” and financial metrics (corporate profits, GDP, etc) — it’s about increasing labor competition to depress wages and increase unemployment. There is no labor shortage. There is only an expectation of endlessly increasing profit YoY by capitalists.

Suppressing wages and increasing unemployment are the core goals of central banks around the world ATM. It doesn’t matter than inflation is fuelled by greed, consolidation, monopolisation, etc; that none of these the “solutions” actually increase quality of life or standard of living. Those metrics are irrelevant to “the economy”. They literally change how they calculate the metrics whenever they start to grow too gratuitous or obscene (e.g. CPI).

You should only use storybook if you are going to share components across devs/projects (+ learning ofc).

I don’t know why you’d duplicate the store. Just write centralized mock constructors once and use them for both storybook and tests. Ideally test the storybook components, so they always stay up to date with changes, but that was relatively new when I used it a couple years ago so I don’t know if they’ve ironed out the kinks yet.

I legitimately lol’d at this. Any time I return from a couple weeks off I’m like “what year is it” + “can you repeat all the stuff about the things”.