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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Plants vs Zombies on PC.

Great, unique, iconic, still fun to play. Its biggest achievement: I have brought a lot of people into the hobby by making them play this as their first video game and there wasn’t a single one not having fun. Tower defense is as a whole an underrated genre if we talk about the best games of all time. It also is a game that offers achievements that add a lot to the gameplay by challenging you to change your tactics.

They of course had to make the second one mobile only and on top ruin it with microtransactions. :( Greed is why we can’t have nice things.

Whether you are a current player … or maybe you jumped off the WoW train a few expansions ago, now is the time to come home

Sorry, but I left this abusive relationship years ago for a reason. Not coming back. I am also not sure if multiple expansions in a short time frame will be what the users want that are fine with going back every 2-3 years for a new expansion for three month and quit, if there is not enough time inbetween to forget why they stopped playing. Just saying.

And for the story side of things, they have messed up everything to the point that I do not even want to read about the story anymore. I am just done with the world and the lore and the graphics. There are so many interesting worlds and ideas out there, so many great games. I have fond memories of the friends I made ingame, but I also regret the massive amount of time I spent in one single game. It wasn’t healthy for me.

9 years of everyone telling him that forcing the UNITY splash screen on “baby’s first game” was a bad idea and was hurting the engine, because people were assuming all games made in the engine were bad, because good games didn’t show they also used Unity. Now that he is gone this changes.

Also he is a huge fan of the “metaverse” idea: https://venturebeat.com/games/unity-ceo-john-riccitiello-the-metaverse-will-have-millions-of-destinations/ and I am sure some of Unity’s money went there at a time they could not afford it and with nothing to show for it.

Do indies really sell that kind of numbers?

Some do and can you risk to be one of them if Unity takes that much after the first week?

Terraria, a game that got fresh content for years, meaning people were each update reinstalling the game, installing it on multiple platforms etc.

During its first week of release, the game sold over 200,000 copies. That number increased to 12 million by June 2015. As of the end of 2020, the game has sold over 35 million copies worldwide. Read more: https://www.tuko.co.ke/421556-top-20-selling-indie-games-time-out.html

It did not happen because most people stayed at home, were wearing a mask, followed social distancing rules, were working from home, kept their children at home, washed their hands and got the vaccine when it was available. Again, it did not happen because we stopped it from happening and now you go “it wasn’t that bad” ignoring the billions of people who stopped it from getting that bad.

It’s like “seatbelts are against my freedom” and when everyone wears one to go “look people don’t die in car crashs that proofs seatbelts are unnecessary and only made up by the news” when the reason for them not dying is that they wear a seatbelt.

Please not. I am an autist and I am vaccinated three times, waiting for the new vaccines to arrive for my fourth. Being stubborn and unwilling to learn and being autistic are two very different things. One of them is a choice the other isn’t.

If you run around with Covid making others sick, you do not just weigh a risk for yourself, you are also inflicting it onto others. If too many do that, society breaks because hospitals get overwhelmed, firefighters and law enforcement are sick, the grocery store has to close and the government stops working. Children are unattended and whatever else.

If you do not wear a set belt your broken body takes up a hospital bed too, or are you going to accept the weight of your decision and abstain from health care because you inflicted that harm on yourself? Be welcome to not wear a seatbelt then, but make sure to have a big sticker on your car that says: “My head injury was my choice, so do not help.”

It was overwhelming hospitals, which means people with other problems were dying, because ambulances were not getting to them, surgeries had to be postponed. If all your firefighters are sick, more people will die in fires and accidents. If a high number of people in a society get sick that society is breaking. No law enforcement, no health care, no working government, no grocery store.

You are one of the people that complain when action is taken and works that that action wasn’t needed because it wasn’t that bad and when no action is taken how bad the government is. And Covid wasn’t at all the worst it could have been. There will be a next virus in the future and people like you will not have learned anything from this one and drive us into an even worse crisis, just by being stubborn.

I mean she did not avoid harm and no one forced her to, so everything is ok. She also wasn’t forced to get vaccinated, she could say no just fine which means there was no authoritarian state controlling her. Decisions come with consequences. The consequence for her was a certain death in a short timeframe.

What is wrong is to make decisions and expect others to bare the consequences, like getting a rare transplant and risking it because you could get Covid and die from it because for the transplant to work your immune system needs to be held back for some time, while someone who would have done everything possible to make this work can’t get a transplant.

Also there needs to be a level of trust between a doctor and a patient, so if she gets told to take specific medication or live her life in a specific way after the surgery, she will accept the advice. She was willing to take the transplant, but did not trust the doctors with the vaccine, what would she not have trusted them with?

She had her trade off and I hope she died thinking it was worth it.

After 30 minutes, you will be given a trivia test. You have to tick the right box with your remote. If you fail, you get a “You died” screen and have to watch the episode again until you succeed and can watch the next episode. There are no help pages on the internet. If you google for help, all you get is "GIT GUD! People who ask for a story mode are shouted at.

This is the real point here. If this is a legit talk about legit points then it can be open for everyone to see.

Starting talks with Meta behind closed doors can never happen. If they have something to say or ask then they can do it publicly.

I am all for talk, because that’s the part that hurts no one, but make it as transparent as humanly possible from all angles.

I also want to know what “the enemy” is up to, so invite them to talk as much as possible, we do not need to agree to anything just because we were talking/listening.