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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Could be a liability for them to have to work on support for those sites when it breaks.

I once had a hard drive of some particular vintage that wasn’t able to start. I did actually get it running with a hammer tap. Got the remains of data out and replaced the drive. It was nothing special, a Unix system drive with nothing that wasn’t on tape, but I just had to see if I could fix a hard drive with a hammer.

I also remember one admin who would often be seen walking between computer maintenance room and workshop wing with drives and a blacksmiths hammer labelled “format”.

Here’s one nice list which also reflects the status of their usefulness. Physical availability varies widely, though.


A programmer is a device for turning caffeine into code (to borrow a math joke).

Really nice and comprehensive looking page. Should probably test drive that some day. Thanks.

They want to loudly show their support for the master race and their leader.

Digging ditches was my father’s phrase. And he was right, though I don’t thing there’s many people digging by hand these days.

Electrician or plumber have reputations of being solid and busy jobs that are always in demand. Maybe they just aren’t what parents want to say their children do or something.

If you can use a spare box or at least a boot device, there are systems like https://batocera.org/ that will box a lot of stuff together. Obviously independent emulators are all distributed independently though many of them do multiple systems.

That is a pretty hard thing to do, to be fair. And the list of things that are easy sometimes makes big jumps forward and the effect of details on the final effort can be massive.

I finally moved to neovim some time ago. I usually find frontends and plugins to be more trouble than they’re worth, but I should probably have a look at that. If it ever ends up in Debian, that is.

Or you could set your companion on fire. One of those might be a more ethically sound choice.

Didn’t Jolla have an android compatibility thing of some sort?

Technical info: Type annotations don’t do anything, but they help some people to feel more comfortable.

You can only compress data to some extent. You could see if any of the files are encoded in an older or less efficient codec than what you have. Transcoding does introduce some distortion, but usually not too bad for utility use like learning material.

The other option is to get rid of some data. Delete some of the files. Use a (non-recompressing) editor to clip out parts you don’t need. Transcode with lower resolution and/or bitrate/complexity.

It all depends on what you have and what you’re able and willing to do with it. There is no universal silver bullet to get you more storage space. Other than actually getting more storage space.

Wait till you try transparent pngs. It’ll be like it should have always been.

PHP isn’t dead. It’s just smelled that way for decades.

Firewalls set and enforce policy. Closed ports are only incidentally secure. Also, they can do a lot more than answer “nothing is listening here”.

Also, antivirus is the wrong idea there. What you’d want is an intrusion detection and/or integrity checking system.

Or, they have a hypervisor, so instead of needing to quit from inside, you just hit the magic button and go back to the console UI. Game is suspended and might resume after power off or switch, or not, depending on the system and user.

You could just ctrl-alt-del or window switch or whatever to get the same experience on a computer.

That’s promising. Not so much a scripting language, but I know the sentiment. It just needs to beat rust in that case

If it needs installing and maintaining yet another runtime, it’s not worth it, IMO.

Without actually needing a cult or personality.

Safecracker is an example of the correct term being in use and somehow people don’t have s problem with that.

I vaguely also remember walking past somewhere where that club scene was playing on a TV or computer screen. Recognized it later when I saw the movie.

(Is it Dragula on the actual soundtrack there?)

Rust and gtk? Nice! This is probably worth both reading through and trying out.