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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


After the third time it should have swapped buttons, really fuck with ya ;).

Maybe try actually playing it on the deck then? How are you even gonna complain about something you haven’t tried, for a game no where near done.

I have played on my deck. All the keys are mapped and you can easily play the game with all of the controls.

Is this really the way to do it though? Scroll for a whole ass minute to see comments?

In the long run won’t we need Carbon Capture to some extent? Yeah it won’t be for a long while - it would need to be done once we’re on fully renewable power. So while I whole heartedly agree, this money needs to go towards making the latter possible, won’t this atleast provide some positive aspect many years down the road?

If you cant understand that sharing naked photos of people is bad, then you probably should have to face the court systems.

Like what? I don’t care how horny you are as a teenager, it takes a real fucking idiot, and a huge shitstain to go and share those photos. They absolutely deserve the book being thrown at them.

Best of luck doing this all on Android. Back when I didn’t have a PC I ended up just giving up torrenting. Its not worth the hassle, plus as others have suggested you’re going to want to use Qbit, with extensions. Beyond simple QoL things a PC is just going to make everything 1000x easier.

To me it just sounded like reinventing the mafia with crackdowns and the like. Maybe that’s how the right laws actually get placed. Wish it doesn’t come to that of course.

I’ve got an amazing group of online friends, and we’ve been doing a big mix of Content warning, DnD with rotating DM’s, and of course a shit load of helldivers!

Taxes alone will not make you destitute. Paying extra for privatized services which should be public, will make you destitute.

You would use Steam as the installer, or you can buy it on GoG and they will give you an installer for the game. Entirely depends on what game you’re trying to copy.

You can copy the entire game folder and run it that way, as long as the game is actually DRM free it should work just fine.

We should start a gofundme then to get the funds needed to afford such a fight. Id throw in 100$. Might take a few thousands of me, and a lot of time, but it should start somewhere.

I needs me a OneTrueGod community over here, thank you for reminding me of this fact.

Commenting here so I see a response. Apologies in advance.

I am quite curious, is there any reason to censor where to go?