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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Enemy and Jellyfin both have Android TV and Roku apps. I don’t have an apple TV, but I imagine apps exist there too.

This must have changed with 23.04 or something then, because when I set up my home server a little over a year ago, ZFS as root was not only not a part of the install, but also heavily recommended against as something that could be hacked in. Basically you could do it, but you shouldn’t was my impression. I ended up doing EXT4 as root, then mounted my ZFS storage in my home directory.

Ubuntu and many other distros do not come with ZFS support out of the box due to licensing, so it is not recommended to use ZFS for the root filesystem.

A lot of folks are talking about how a centralized repository would be a big target for governments, ISPs and rights holders, but I have a different angle.

Who is going to pay for all of that development and maintenance? We are pirates. We don’t pay for stuff. It’s kind of our thing.

Additionally, you are proposing an option with social features and algorithms. Both are a negative because they necessarily encourage users to explicitly say what they have been downloading or uploading in a way that is being logged and therefore is evidence against them should a media company want to push for legal action.

All of my passwords are in Bitwarden and important ones are shared with my wife who has her own Botwarden and has shared her important passwords back with me. If one of us goes, the other will have access to everything. I don’t (yet) have any descendants to inherit anything of importance, so I’m not worried about anything beyond my passwords so that if something happens to me, my wife can manage all of the accounts for bills, banking, communication, etc.

If/when I have children, I will likely make a new plan that builds on what I already have, with directions to access my password vault that can be given to my brother and his husband and my parents, should they outlive me and my wife. With my passwords, everything else of import is accessible. Thankfully, my brother is very tech savvy, so if my wife and I both go, I can trust him to be able to log in to everything and pull important media down.

A raspberry Pi is a very good emulation device using the RetroPie image. A Pi 4b can go up to PSX/N64 fairly easily.

On the handheld side of things, most of them that “come with” ROM sets will have them loaded on an SD card. These manufacturers often skimp on the cards though, so expect it to die quickly. You can usually just clone the whole SD to a new one and it’s fine.

Most of these devices use RetroArch and software emulation. However, there is another option. The Mister project and devices sold by Analogue use field programmable gate arrays - chips that can change their structure according to software. This means running an NES game on one of these devices is more literally like running it on original hardware. For accurate emulation, this is the best option by far. However, it comes with a significantly higher price tag.

In general the easiest and least expensive startup for emulation is on the PC. With fairly modest hardware, emulation of everything up to PS2 is possible with some newer platforms also being very emulatable (notably everything Nintendo puts out is easy to run because their architecture is largely straightforward, their systems are lower power, and there is significantly more demand for their games)

If you specifically want something hooked up to your TV, a first generation (launch window, before they increased the battery life) Switch can happily run a fair amount of stuff, including everything up to N64/PS1. The (new)3DS/2DS is also a great emulation device and can run basically everything up to SNES/Genesis handheld.

Oh and one more option. If you have Android, you can easily install a variety of emulators and use a Bluetooth or wired controller with them utilizing a controller phone mount.

You still need to scan individual plants resources or animals to get the Surveying perk upgrades, which gives you better zoom on the scanner, which can be useful sometimes.

Https://5e.tools/ has a plugin for Foundry that lets you pull basically everything from every source into Foundry. Oh and you can host your own 5eTools instance just in case the site gets nuked from orbit by Wizards

They can only be connected to your router if the router has POE support. If it doesn’t, you will need a separate switch that has POE ports. Many POE cameras etc are sold with power injectors. You plug the Ethernet from the router into the injector, plug the injector into a wall outlet, then run Ethernet from the injector to the device. If you don’t want to get a whole new switch with POE ports, you could get POE that way.

file or disk encryption is only for protecting against attackers with physical access to the machine your VM is running on. Getting files from your server to local storage you should still use a secure connection and encrypted traffic to prevent ISP snooping, but going extreme on file encryption isn’t necessary unless you’re downloading actual heinous shit (CSAM) in which case you should go to jail.

resources in the Megathread link pinned to the community can lead you there.

And is developed by ID software, not Bethesda Game Studios. Bethesda the publisher has different tactics when it comes to games not developed by BGS.

Legally, yes it is wrong.

Morally? That depends on the person. I think asking a piracy focused community means you’re going to get a heavily skewed set of answers that all veer towards various forms of “Not wrong” or “It’s good actually. Don’t even support the platforms that make the content legally available because DRM sucks” etc.

Generally speaking though, most older visual media releases no longer make money for anyone who worked on them directly. Use that information however you see fit. I know it changes how I think about piracy in general.

Except that the old PC is probably less efficient at a lower clock than an AR based consumer router. You’ll get more performance and features, but it will be more expensive to run.