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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


At home vs. for work are very different. At home, I self host as much as I can. At work, I use as many managed services as I can. Especially databases.

Automated scans of everything everywhere for exposed credentials is nothing new?

The idea of shipping something like that just makes me not want to do anything at all lol. It’s like a chicken and egg problem. Maybe if I could find someone local to buy it, then I would do the new build. But then I’d have no nas for that in between time. Hmmmm.

I’m in the process of divorcing my one giant server into separate nas and compute-only machines, I was going to leave the big one as the nas and maybe swap out its guts for something more power efficient than the dual socket beast since it will only need to handle storage now, but it might be easier to sell as a whole and do an all new itx build 🤔

My wallet is gonna hate me.

I really like that little case. I have a fractal xl r2 right now and it’s a monster.

I’ve been considering moving to this build in particular for lower power usage and heat output, but they have some other dual socket builds if you want more cpu power.

Still the best Tetris. I played thousands of 1v1 online matches back in the day. Haven’t seen anything quite like push mode since.

Well, can you just give me access to the database then?

You’re likely not going to find a premade dashboard that does exactly what you want, but grafana is extremely powerful if you’re willing to put in the time to learn it. There are ways to visualize things across hosts without having to configure things separately for every host. If you’re using the same mechanism to scrape metrics from each (sounds like you’re using prometheus + node exporter?), this could be as simple as adding a by (node) (or whatever the label name is if it’s not node) grouping to the query on each panel.

I had to look this thing up. It has a screen resolution of 3840x600. Oof.

If you have your compose files in git, you might be able to use renovate to send you pull requests with image updates. I’ve done something similar with kubernetes but I think it supports docker compose too. You might need some kind of automation on your hosts to keep things in sync.

I’m not actually familiar with truenas or its ui, but if you have kubectl access you should be able to poke around in the logs and see what’s going on. I’m not sure if these logs are shown in the ui anywhere. With helm, there are so many different things it could be that there’s no use in speculating without some logs.

All that message means is “the thing didn’t start” and isn’t gonna tell you anything about why. You’d need to dig into pod logs or something to see if you can find the actual error that is preventing startup.

Cloudflare cause they already had my DNS and google domains was on its way to the google graveyard. Not sure how privacy respecting they are but they do offer some kind of partial whois redaction. Surely better than google though?

Have you looked into grafana cloud? I haven’t used it myself but they have a free tier. Or if you’re open to self-hosting you can run loki and grafana yourself.

Holy shit, I never even thought to do something like this. Hahaha. I’m gonna try it later.

They got me good with this one time. It looked like a newsletter from like Seattle times or something, I was like I didn’t sign up for this shit and immediately clicked the unsubscribe link, boom enrolled in training. Well played, guys.

Before I had it all automated, I used to use a browser extension which would send them to the web ui without having to actually open deluge at all. I think it was called deluge siphon.

Ah yep I bet that’s it, I’m using the alpine fpm image.

I just went through dockerizing my nextcloud installation. The www-data user on my host had uid 33, but the one inside the container uses uid 82, which had me scratching my head for a minute. You can confirm the actual uid by running id www-data inside the nextcloud container.

It depends on how you set it up. You’re going to take a performance hit using a bind mount. The docs recommend putting your workspace into an actual docker volume for better performance, but I haven’t tried that myself cause so far the bind mount has performed “good enough” for me.

Dev containers are the shit. We did the readme instructions style at my last job and it took new hires like a full day to set up, propagating changes was a nightmare and shit was always going wrong. We use dev containers now. Everyone gets the exact same version of everything with almost zero opportunity to screw it up. If anything gets messed up, it’s fixed by a rebuild almost every time.

Yeah, this was especially irritating in a python project that uses poetry, cause every single one would cause a merge conflict. We stopped using it altogether because of that. Will have to give this a try.