Loopback Addresses, Always your computer
Private IP Addresses, Computers on your local network
10.x.x.x -
169.254.x.x (link local, used if your network has no DHCP server)
Multicast, Addresses multiple computers on your local network -
Broadcast, Addresses all computers on your local network
CGNAT Addresses, Computers on your same ISP/carrier -
(Only applicable if your ISP/carrier uses CGNAT)
Public Internet Addresses
Most other IP addresses
Which block of private IPs your local network uses depends on how your router/DHCP server is configured. If you’re using the standard router your ISP provided then whatever default settings on that will determine your local subnet.
A watt is 1 Joule per Second (1 J/s). E.g. Every second, your device draws 1 Joule of energy. This energy over time is called “Power” and is a rate of energy transfer.
A watt-hour is (1 J/s) * (1 hr)
This can be rewritten as (3600 J/hr) * (1 hr). The “per hour” and “hour” cancel themselves out which makes 1 watt-hour equal to 3600 Joules.
1 kWh is 3,600 kJ or 3.6 MJ
We all already know you’re a kiddy fucker Bill. Don’t be a bitch on top of that.