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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I live in Australia. I used to pay for hulu ages ago, using a US credit card, but then they stopped me from using it .So the way i see it, if they don’t want my money, then i won’t give it to them. That’s when i started pirating.

I’ve used trillium before. it was my main note taking app for a long while. It’s a great app. Right out of the box, it has full markdown and whatever.

I’m with you. A lot of autistic say that autism is a super power, but for me, it’s definitely a liability. i would trade anything to not be autistic anymore.

This will push users to piracy again as we come full circle to terrible cable fees.

Way ahead of you. been pirating for years.

only two billion?? How does he live?? I could never live on only two billion

yup. there are HEAPS of loving kids needing homes. There’s no need to add to an overpopulation already when there are so many kids needing homes already.

they have a free tier, but it’s very limited. As an aside, most of my shit comes from drunkenslug because it’s so great of a search website for usenet.

reminder: the greatest things you can do to help the environment: Go Vegan; Don’t have kids; if you can, walk/catch public transport/cycle.

I have hope that the FTC will antitrust those cunts. At least I hope so. I’m not gonna hold my breath though.

haha. it’s something I could see Linus doing, tbh. So I wasn’t sure. Thanks.

Australia did something recently, yes. It’s called the AA Bill. And it allows for the government to demand a worker put a backdoor in to an encryption product. The absolutely stupid thing is that if the government does this, the worker can’t tell a soul about it for fear of prison. If (when) it comes up in code review, they’re still not allowed to tell anyone. If they do, it’s straight off to prison. Where does it stop. I was hopeful that tech companies would abandon australia when this happened, but they didn’t. They just rolled over and took it up the arse pipe. Fucking hell. This is a good write up

That’s not even mentioning what google is trying to do currently.

that’s what i call a sexy website

Is everyone forgetting that Australia already did this, and it had no effect on anything? No one put backdoors in, none of these tech companies abandoned australia. This is just another scare mongering tactic. It should still be defeated though.

Because someone has to care about the children.Don’t you care about the children? The chidlren. CHILDREN!

lmao. twitter, i mean X, is doomed. It’s going to fail. just a matter of when.

This is why i pay for spotify, because it’s so much easier than downloading and hosting music. The music industry got it right. Sign up with any music service and you’ll get likely the same or very similar music libraries. But with TV and movies, there’s all this fucking exclusive shit. They can eat shit if they think I’m gonna pay more for streaming than fucking cable/pay TV. Fuck that shit.

man, I remember downloading a movie for a week on ed2k in the 90s on dialup only to discover it was scat porn lol

I have spotify. I like that they did something right, and any particular instance of music streaming you sign up for will have the same or similar music. There’s none of this fucking exclusive shit. Fuck movie/tv companies. Music did it right. I don’t have any other streaming and instead download my shit. Also, it’s pretty convenient for $5.99 a month (for students) for nigh on unlimited music

I don’t have any specific guides in mind, but you’ll want to use docker-compose as much as possible, also create /home/your_user/docker/app/ for each app, and keep your docker compose files. If you use docker run, keep a copy of the commands you use, because if you need to restart your services, it will be a lot easier than having to search up the command in your bash history again. You can just cat docker.txt | bash and it will recreate your docker containers for you. That’s all i can really think of for getting started. Also, docker ps will be a godsend.

It’s so easy to self host these days. I remember when you’d have to fuck around with Apache configs and fuck around with app config files etc. Now you just run docker. It’s so great these days!

If you mean sailing the seven seas, check out Radarr and Sonarr

it’s spez. He’ll say they’re losing 200 trillion a year.

I can’t send you a message for some reason. I think it might be because you’re on a different instance.

I’ve got an account on tildes. If anyone wants an invite, let me know.