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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


Just keep searching for TF2 community servers, not all of them will be that toxic. Some really don’t care about anything, as long as you don’t mic spam or grief. There are some furry ones that will definitely be LGBT friendly, if you don’t mind that.

And why should the average user care? They use Alexa and have the Facebook app installed anyway, this is just a drop in the bucket for all the other crap that tracks every movement anyway

Robocalls and robotexts are a serious problem that nobody takes seriously, and just treats as a fact of life when it doesn’t have to be that way. The rest of the world literally laughs at how much we’re harassed by them

There are no issues with the main Firefox branches for desktop and mobile, for the average user, not sure why you’re so against them.

Definitely one of my favorite series as a kid! I used to play it more as a city builder to be honest. AOE3 is still gorgeous, and apparently a Age of Mythology remake is about to come out

The same way that I’d call my cat a little shit if she was being a brat for the fun of it like she does sometimes

You have posted anti-party memes to American social media, -15,000,000 social credit. Your family will now be sent to Gulag.

Because the little shits (affectionate) don’t want to put them down when appropriate

Here’s the comment chain as a reminder.


On the other hand, you can play with your hands in completely different locations which is nice for being lazy on a couch.

You literally replied:

My reasonably sized, more ergonomic, multi-system wireless controller with hall effect sticks does that for a little more than half the price.

So can you play with your hands in completely different locations with your “conventional GameSir controller” or not?

If not, why did you say that you could?

Sooo you can’t play with your hands in different locations like you said?

Which one? I’d love a controller that works for PC that I can split apart like joycons

I can’t reliably predict when line go up, but I have a pretty good idea of when line go down. Let me make money on that lol

I wish it were as easy to make money on stock prices going down as it is to make money on stock prices going up

As much as I don’t want to believe it, it must be true. I guess development is cheap enough when you have foreign countries doing it for you

Literally just make ads less obnoxious, and/or make YouTube premium not stupidly expensive. That’s all you fuckin have to do, YouTube, and you can cut a huge portion of the cat and mouse game.

Photoshop select tools are awesome back to like CS4. Magnetic Lasso and Quick Select are super powerful and let you chain other tools together, and I remember something about Photoshop having good feather select features as well. Not having that base in other software severely limits what you can do.

Photoshop’s healing and clone stamp tools are also good at predicting what I want to fix or patch. If GIMP or other OSS editors have those features, they’d be in my toolbox for sure.

Disclaimer, my old copy of photoshop was “gifted from a friend” so I’m not trying to shill them. I haven’t used GIMP in a few years, so maybe (hopefully) it’s better than it was back then

I could have sworn there were a dozen A presses left, and it turns out there is: for 120 star. For anyone else wondering, this is 0x a press for any%

Why does it need a connection to another device in the first place though? Silicon is tiny and cheap; all the logic, sensing, and scheduling could be done inside the pump.

That’s horrifying. Why would a potential life-threatening device be controlled by a smartphone app? What functions could possibly not be handled on the pump itself and need to be offloaded? What FDA crook was paid off to allow such a stupid thing to hit the market?

That was one of the tamest comments I’ve seen on the internet. There wasn’t even remarks about your mom.

What more likely to come out first: quantum computing or nuclear fusion?

I really liked Tetris DS. The retro NES graphics and remixed music was a fantastic love letter to those old games, and the songs were pretty damn good to boot. It was also the version of Tetris I was best at, for some reason I was a lot better with the old, flat, firm DS Phat buttons more than any other console. I forgot what level I got to in Endless but it was probably over 500. Multiplayer was also a hoot, with powerups and you could play with 9 other people that didn’t even need the game to play. (Remember those days when you didn’t have to all have a copy of the game to play together? What a concept!)

Highly recommend if you want to emulate it!

The first thing I do on any new phone is go to developer options and turn all 3 animation settings to off. It’s a night and day difference. I’ve probably saved a collective hour of my life not waiting for animations lol

I didn’t see anything in the article about “effectively forcing everyone to identify themselves to online platforms,” care to elaborate?

That’s cool and all and important for exposure, but what can I really do about it? It’s the ethereal algorithm and shitty companies gaming it for profit, with everyone else suffering because of it

In this case, “ass” is a funny oversimplification. The player model is on the screen all the time, so having it be attractive adds to the visual appeal of the whole experience

If it’s your own personal system, you will not be forced to switch to Linux or buy new hardware when windows 10 reaches EOL. Just keep using it…