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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Thats a weird way to say the industry’s been releasing shitty games.

Using Fedora Sway Atomic has been the most consistent Linux experience I’ve had.

My bad, v tired when I replied. That is an interesting feature the only similar solution I can think of is using something like Fossify Dialer (a fork of the now ad-ridden and proprietary Simple Dialer) and use T9 dialing. That could achieve a similar speed / memorization as a gesture.

You could definitely get good enough at T9 to at least call people without looking at the screen.

I use fossify dialer, not familiar with Drupe, but works well for me.

Agreed, Invidious is so much lighter than YouTube that I’ve had sucess watching on onion instances via Tor.

Chromebooks are even worse: “Instead of hampering user’s computers for safety, we’ll make a ‘computer’ that just launches our proprietary web apps!”

And even if the App Store was perfectly safe, keeping users safe via restricting basic functionality instead of increasing tech literacy is a backwards approach

The fact that letting users choose what software they’d like to install wasn’t seen as an fundamental part of a computer really highlights Apple’s backwards philosophy towards user experience.

It really is amazing for programming. I gave VS Code(ium) a chance as I hadnt used it in a while, and it feels like a frustrating black box compared to Emacs.

My favorite feature is Emacs being entirely self documenting, it makes it SO much easier to troubleshoot issues, make refinements, or just understand what’s going on in your environment.

Orginally I used Doom Emacs, but, although being wonderful to work in, wasn’t as easily understandable to me. I recommend anyone wanting to start an vanilla Emacs config starts here.

Exemplary youtube playlist by System Crafters that makes creating your emacs config from scratch not only more palatable, but arguably trivial. (At least up to the point he goes in the series).

I agree, open source games are designed with fun in mind instead of attention grabbing garbage and ads.

ruTorrent makes rtorrent a lot more usable if you dont like the CLI.

LMAO I totally agree, and very valid point with the medical use, I only use recreationally so I hadnt even thought of that angle.

The consequence is that those lazy buyers are shaping the markets in a lot of states towards producing as much “high for the low” as possible.

Its MUCH less about numbers and details than it is about the entorage effect. From my understanding, the entorage effect is a change in how you perceive the high depending on what kind of terpenes are present in the strain / phenotype.

For example, a really terpy, stinking strain with low THC% could produce a better high (for you) than a high THC flower with less / unideal (for you) terps. In my experience, THC% has little to no effect on how the bud actually hits, and is just juiced up as marketing lingo.

Put simply, and I know this is vague, but experiment and find what terpenes / flavor profiles you like, you’ll find similarities in high between strains that have similar terps (i.e., knowing you really like lemon strains, citrus strains, etc.) Then buy what fits your tastes!

EDIT: I agree with WhiteOakBayou, its about finding the terps for you.

THC potentcy means almost nothing, and anyone who takes that number into account is being a lazy consumer.

6v6 -> 5v5 made the gameplay MUCH better. The new heroes weren’t disappointing at all, the game seemed like it was going in a good direction. I disagree on your last two points, and the first one is not relevant to what I said, as that was a major improvement to Overwatch. Too many barriers and abilities on the field in 6v6, and the switch to 5v5 immediately made the game more rewarding and fun.

The gameplay got a lot better when Overwatch 2 dropped, and then they just killed it with a lack of content, both multiplayer and story mode.

I have the same issue. What I do is use a VPN with a custom DNS (Only some providers allow this, and documentation is often unclear or inaccurate as to whether they do). Using NextDNS, I have ull control over my DNS, while also using a VPN. This setup + uBlock Origin has been flawless for me so far, and I have a similar setup on my PC.

I would look at something like TrackerControl, which is very customizable and runs as a “VPN” that simply filters out ads. This should achieve the same thing, especially in combination with either Brave browser or a Firefox-based browser with uBlock Origin.

Not in the default installation. From everything I can find, while you can root GrapheneOS, you shouldn’t. Source

Despite all those positives, the foundation of the platform is built in an abusive, addictive way. We shouldn’t ban any social media applications, we should regulate them to end their abbhorent practices / business models. I totally agree that we should ban targetted advertising, although there is a good middleground solution as well: banning targetted advertising which relies on cloud-based AI. If recommendation algorithms could run locally on your phone, with a way to validate everything is processed locally, you could keep the modern formula for social media while simultaneously maintaining privacy. I would imagine the suggestions would become more primitive to account for the extra processing power, but at least people can continue to doomscroll if they’d like. My idea applies better to post recommendations than advertising, but if ad recommendations could be kept anonymous (the entire system would need to be open source), you could have a privacy-respecting service AND tailored feeds / advertising.

Regulate Social Media (including domestic corporations) > Ban Social Media > The Current Situation, imo.

That definitely wasnt the case when I was last installing Mint, as I don’t dual boot and always select the option to overrite the entire disk during installation. The way I remember it, it says “[checkbox] Encrypt your home partition” with no other options. Not sure if there is an equivalent to Fedora’s settings or an advanced mode (like blivet-gui) to setup full disk encryption manually.

They are not logging American users; they disabled Bittorrent traffic for any user connected to a US server.

Closed source, which automatically makes a web browser dogshit and completely useless.

Last I checked, Mint only allows you to encrypt your home partition. I know that Fedora supports full disk encryption via a toggle at installation.

Having a dedicated IP is not necessarily as important as having support for port forwarding. For example, Torguard has support for port forwarding, and their implementation happens to bind the port to a dedicated IP. In that case, port forwarding is the feature that matters for torrenting, as it will make you more easily connectable to peers you’re sendind / receiving data to / from.

I recommend Torguard. Works great for me.

ChatGPT’S math response quality has declined (at least in certain areas).

I am by no means an AI expert, but I would imagine this decrease in quality coming from one of three things:

  1. Super fast development increasing ChatGPT’s dataset, but decreasing its reliability.
  2. ChatGPT is far more censored than it was before, and this could have hurt the system’s reliability.
  3. Maybe large-scale, mature large language models just dont scale well when exposed to certain kinds of inputs.

If the answer is one of the first two, I would expect and uncensored, open source LLM to overtake ChatGPT in the future.

Now that the AI’s quality is rapidly degrading, I’m significantly less worried about glorified auto-correct taking over the planet.

An open world, create your own character Star Wars game, hands down. That shit would be fucking amazing.

Torguard has by far the most feature-packed client for Linux that I’ve tried. It can kill applications when the VPN disconnects, and you can define scripts you want to run before, during, or after a VPN connection is established.

Mangadex is the best online reading experience I’ve found. Use a unique random password with the site, they’ve had a plaintext password breach in the past.

Half?? What the actual fuck? How can half the population of a country struggle with literacy??

Upon further inspection I found: “According to a 2020 report by the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of adults in the United States have prose literacy below the 6th-grade level.”

Both of these statistics are absolutely unbelievable to me, I feel like almost anyone I come into contact with have prose literacy above a 6th grade level.