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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


That’s not even true, I run my own mailserver for private and a business and it works like expected.

Yet people claim it writes all their programming code…

The load distributes across more shoulders automatically.

If you only host a server for yourself and 10 friends it costs next to nothing, if you have a big operation it can get just as expensive, it depends on what you are willing to do.

With centralized systems there is no choice but for the one centralized host to host everything.

The interface gets a little better and that’s it basically? (Alternatively: They try to spin a social medium around it and fail somewhat and succeed somewhat?)

Same thing with centralised services only that you have no options to choose from

Thing is nobody will do that because once AI finds a way to spazz out that is totally unpredictable (black box) everything might just be gone.

It’s a totally unrealistic scenario.

I mean that is exactly what programming is except you type to an AI and have it type the script. What is that good for?

Could have just typed the script in the first place.

It ChatGPT can use the API it can’t be too complex otherwise you are in for a surprise once you find out what ChatGPT didn’t care about (caching, usage limits, pricing, usage contracts)

Unfortunately everything AI does is kind of shitty. Sure you might have a query for which the chosen AI works well but you might as well not.

It you accept that it sometimes just doesn’t work at all sure AI is your revolution. Unfortunately there are not too many use cases where this is helpful.

Nothing has changed about why that is compelling: NAT sucks and creates nothing but problems.

Network security is almost the same with IPv6.

If you rely on NAT as a security measure you are just very bad at networking.

If the fediverse idea doesn’t work out and it’s yet another company the cycle is bound to continue.

A big chance is in front of us to break the cycle!

That is in part because the reddit algorithm doesn’t like thoughtful contributions. These take time and understanding of the discussed matter. When your metric is positive (upvote) interaction per timeframe you need easily digestable content that people immediately react to. If I have to carefully read and think about the content my vote/comment is far too late to be “hot” on reddit.

What do we do if it doesn’t? Just crawl back and apologize?

I kinda grew out of it. It was funny when I was an edgy teenager but it got progressively more cringeworthy as time progressed for me, even though the content may not have changed much.