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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2024


What makes this genocidal unity of Democrat and Republican all the more horrific and rage-inducing is that, despite the war-mongering messages emanating from America’s politicians and media pundits, all the polls repeatedly show that the American people want a ceasefire in Gaza, not a genocide.

even after they fixed the game, I could not get into it.

Imagine photo of Genocide bibi within Congress as IDF is closing in on 1.4 million camp of Gaza residents…

Democrats aint going throw election that openly lol

Never again except this one time for God’s chosen people haha

Keep up the attitude. The world has taken note

Your comment is more reflecting of your reading comprehension ability more than anything

With that being said… Nobody has yet to answer where the money gone and why there is nothing to show for it. So far we only got to accusing me of being a trump supporter lol

Which can be easily confirmed by checking my comment history.

Are you lazy or a bad faith actor?

you are the one who did NOT address my comments. where did the money go, boy? say it!

as for me, i am a wage slave who pays taxes that get misappropriated by the corrupt regime.

The article is shiti propaganda but there is an issue is that anybody under 40 can see right through it.

Old boomer tricks don’t work as well anymore.

Where did they money go tho?

Spending and nothing to show for it what we in the industry would call “corruption”

If you look how much money major US cities spend on homeless, think SF NYCetc.

Look at the 10 year total… I bet you could build a lot of housing with that, enough to put a serious dent on the shortages.

But what do we have to show for this money?

Where did it go anyway?

I didnt say any. Based on what he is asking, he can’t just run this shit on an old laptop.

You would need 24gb vram card to even start this thing up. Prolly would yield shiti results

Yeah at this point you must assume that they are mining that data one way or another. Paying for windows license has no meaning practically speaking. And yet we pay and they mine…

Yeah having made the switch a while back and really happy about it. Mega corps are deff tightening the screws and this is just the start.

At this rate any self respecting adult will need to learn Linux lol

Every other month microshit creates a batch of Linux enjoyers.

You gonna use Tim creeps browser boy and you will enjoy it.

That’s the nature of public shit posting.

The real issue is that tech creeps and other pests think they own my shit posting.

Statistics don’t lie… Them clowns are diabitus ridden land whales.

Is it legal to make people work for free in Canada.

Aksing for friend ;)

Pretty sure that’s illegal… at least under US law.

I kinda want to see who actually posted that shit and who made the decision. Over/under it is some fat boomer lol

Symbol of genocide is being admired …

The west has lost its fucking mind… Never again expect this one more time because holocaust?

nothing gets fake news juiced up like a white woman victim. THAT COULD BE YOUR DAUGHTER RHEEEEE

I never taken it to court but I deff made them do their paper work over shit like this and has got to have coat them thounsands of dollars to get various paper pusher to comply with my legally supported requests.

These clowns really disrespect this Chad… Why would sign something like this off for 50 bucks haha

I would rather take it to the court of public opinion so people know what we are dealing here with. Document it so down the road if there litigation … They can get fucked with a search query haha

Yes, I am also a bit surprised by Democratic party willing to risk election over this but I am guessing their calculation is that losing support of Israel lobby is 100% loss?

But yeah at this rate Putin is gaining serious ground in the US presidential elections. Not sure how much face US got left to lose, but likely won’t be anything left.

They sure got the ability to ear Gaza and west bank by themselves but loss of US support would make their geopolitical situation untenable mid to long term. That’s my thinking and common understanding in geopolitical circles.

Is Israel government and military deranged enough to think they can go forward on their own?

Is there any chance for this to change course short of US withdrawing support?

Or are we just gonna have to see this shit real time and then pretend never again, again?

You spent several comments white washing US role in war crimes committed by Israel…

While Israel is only able to do this shit because US “leadership” permits it.

This ain’t about biden specifically either, he is just a figure head for the regime. All of them are down for the way crimes party in the holy land.

Ahh I see… This is about biden? did your politics get hurt?

Wow y’all are too much jfc

You do understand what Israel is doing is war crimes and US regime is enabling it.

But nahh, your real concern is that somebody made a joke at espensse of your dear leader. You are fucking disgusting.

MLK did call out the moderate democrat. God is it still true …

First statement: hyperbolic joke to make a point

Second statement: response to clarify actual facts.

You are still acting in bad faith here BTW or you have poor reading comprehension.

You literally confirmed by second statement but in order to save face, you swapped accused with charged.

So you misstated my position and then proceeded to take it down?

That’s a bad faith actor behavior, achshually ;)

Trucker? Why is u looping in pootin’s lapdog here?

While my statement was hyperbolic, your additional context doesn’t make it look any better but I do appreciate the input so people can see for themselves :)

Didn’t college protesters get accused of anti semetism by federal and state officials?

At this point IDF can rape your family and biden would imprison you for anti semeticism for bringing it up.

Looks like execs got some prison which is a pleasant surpise coming from US.

My understanding is that the scheme went straight to nepo baby prime minister who appears to got away unscathed here tho being elite really does make you above the law.
