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Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


This video made me reinstall cod4 and give the single player another try after all these years.

I don’t think it really holds up very well, even though I have some nostalgia for it.

He mentioned that writer named Stuart and I immediately started anticipating the reveal that Ahoy was directly involved in this story.

You’re thinking of crossover cables, though I’m not sure if those are still necessary.

If you look up gatekeeping in the dictionary it gives a link back to this comment.

I use lidarr along with last.fm to discover new artists, and then Plexamp as my music player. Plex automatically scrobbles what I listen to and last.fm feeds me recommendations.

Since starting with lidarr a couple years ago my music library has grown from zero to nearly 3000 albums. 41k tracks.

I’m not sure how this compares to Spotify but I still feel pretty good about this one

True but not everybody has access to a ground source heat pump or can even afford to have one installed, especially with short notice of an upcoming cold snap. I will advocate for heat pumps until I’m blue in the face but the current cost of entry is abhorrent

Care to elaborate? A space heater draws 1500 watts of electrical energy and converts it into 1500 watts of heat energy that is released into the room. That seems pretty efficient to me.

By “do better” I think they mean “allow me to continue living exactly as I have been with no noticeable changes, hardships or tax increases”

Yup. Crosswalks and pedestrian bridges may not seem like it, but they are actually car infrastructure. They are designed to allow cars to be as unimpeded as possible.

Real pedestrian infrastructure looks like streets that make drivers uncomfortable to be driving on. Cars and people should not be mixing.

I mean, if it was easy to opt out of then everybody would do it and that sort of defeats the purpose of having an alert system. This is designed to save lives; if I’m fast asleep and there’s a tornado about to drop on top of me I’d like it if my phone would wake me up first, even a few seconds warning gives time to react.

Insecticides have limited effect on bed bugs. What’s important is catching them early before they get out of control, look out for signs like unusual bite mark patterns on your body when you wake up or small blood stains on your sheets. Check around the corners of your bed and under the mattress for the small dark blotches of fecal matter. If you see a living bug, then there are going to be more of them. It only takes a single pregnant female to begin a rampant infestation.

Wash all of your bedding in hot water and dry on high heat. Buy mattress protectors rated for bed bugs and seal up all beds in the home. Bed bugs can remain dormant for up to a year without food so the cover will need to stay on for at least that long. Anywhere you find evidence of bug activity needs to be hit with diatomaceous earth, this isn’t a nasty chemical insecticide treatment but it works by getting into the small joints of the bugs and immobilizing them. Spray into all corners of the room around the floor and under baseboards. It may be necessary to disassemble the bed frame to make sure all corners can be examined.

To prevent them coming into your home, make sure whenever you are staying at a hotel that you check around the beds for any evidence of activity. All of your belongings must stay off the floor and as far away from the bed as possible. When you get home the first thing you should do is throw all of your clothing into a hot wash cycle. If you live in an apartment building it is possible they will come in through the walls from an adjacent unit so be sure to communicate with your neighbours and landlord; fighting your own infestation while the source is next door will ultimately get you nowhere.

Fighting bed bugs was easily the worst time of my life and if I can save at least one other person from going through the same thing then at least my experience counts for something.

Really tame vanilla stuff over here, I’m seeing debian-12.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

People living along roads that get “improvements” see their property tax go up to cover the expense, but the people who actually use the damn things don’t have to spend a dime. It’s a no brainer that people choose to live in tax subsidy zones where everything is shiny and new and they can just use the new highway to commute to work anyway.

Meanwhile it’s an unavoidable tragedy when people inevitably get struck and killed by cars since we’ve taken away everything that makes being a human person with two legs worthwhile and given it to cars instead.

The moral panic slippery slope of: Pilots shouldn’t be using psychedelics therefor nobody should be using psychedelics.

And in any case, the article states that he wasn’t even a member of the flight crew but was sitting in the jump seat and had been operating on 40 hours without any sleep and didn’t say when he actually consumed the mushrooms.

You can set up an instance that doesn’t allow regular users to register. CBC would host and could create as many of its own accounts as necessary, and users from other instances could follow those accounts.

I signed on a 6.1% variable rate and I’m dreaming of the days when 2.5% was the norm

When I read stats like this I’m reminded of my younger days when I was financially illiterate and didn’t keep a functional budget. Credit card was always carrying a balance and I was frequently dipping into my overdraft.
I am certainly more privileged now with a half decent salary, my own house, no kids and enough in the bank keep me afloat through next month without reaching for my savings, but I know for a fact that if I hadn’t gotten smarter about my spending I would not be in this position.

What isn’t cool, and I’m feeling it also, is how little I’m able to put away for retirement now that the cost of living is so wildly out of control. Basically all of my income is going towards bill payments and necessities, with only a small amount reserved for fun money to keep me sane and nothing left over for when I turn 65 or 80 or whatever retirement age will end up being.

The clock in my car always tends to drift over time, so every now and then when I’d take lunch I would make sure to be tuned in to the time signal on the road.

Sorry maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sure you meant well, and I didn’t mean that the speech itself is problematic, but contextually a closeted racist could have already decided that they hate Kinew and are using the speech as a loaded gun for the first moment he makes a mistake.

“Kinew has some kind of minor scandal? Well then I hate him because he has poor character, not because of the colour of his skin. You see, I am not a racist.”

The wording is problematic, isn’t it. Either they are dreaming of a united utopia of humanity where racism is forgotten, or they are an enlightened centrist just looking for any crack they can open to insert scathing criticism, “but I’m not a racist.”

Funny thing is that these India controlled botnets probably have clients inside Canada, so a lot of this traffic will be from inside the country.

Antichamber was pretty good for this. You would accidentally fall off a bridge or something and expect a game over, only to find an entirely new area to explore. There were no failure states as far as I remember.

Pulling a game from the steam store does not stop people from downloading it if already in their library.

Can someone give me the run down on how this merger was permitted


Detached single family housing don’t belong in major cities, and suburbs shouldn’t be subsidized by the downtown core.

Truer words were never spoken. If you want to be able to live on your own little plot of land surrounded by other people wanting the same thing - then development, upkeep and maintenance of all infrastructure and services needs to be paid for directly from your property tax. When you drive in to downtown to get to work, you should not expect to find parking. Downtown should belong to the people who actually live there, it’s crazy how far we bend over backwards to support a lifestyle that’s inherently unsustainable.

They go fast enough to outpace bikes. There is absolutely no reason these should be on a sidewalk.

I mean really, infrastructure should be in place to allow for proper mixed use transport where bikes and scooters wouldn’t need to share the road with cars, but the solution is not to instead share the sidewalk with pedestrians.

It’s an alt-right leaning bias driven by engagement. Hank Green made a video a while ago showcasing a similar issue on Google Image search. Basically, normal users scrolling through content will see a thumbnail for something outrageous so they will click on it out of curiosity which boosts engagement. The algorithm takes notice and starts feeding similar content.

I imagine it will be playable with Proton/Wine. It doesn’t look like there’s a native port for Linux.

I have to imagine a comment like this does absolutely nothing to their sales figures. People who were going to download a cracked version of their games anyway remain unaffected now that they have a blessing, and I doubt people who weren’t going to pirate would now feel more inclined to do so.

This seems like good PR and frankly it should probably be the default position for games studios.

Just when I thought my opinion of the big three couldn’t get any lower. At what point is the federal government going to realize how bad these companies are? Any smaller competition that gets a foothold in the sector is just gobbled up, and I seriously doubt Bell and Rogers have 6000 vacant positions available.