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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


oh I’ve only ever read it, never heard it pronounced, do people really pronounce it engine X?

couldn’t you do that anyway if you can get people to install an extension? taking advantage of this for crypto mining purposes feels like extra steps

i think it might be a screenshot from tiktok or some other site, it looks like it could be a sloppy photoshop job /ai patch to remove the likes/comments and such

rare W on the misinformation front for YouTube and Twitter, obviously not all platform misinformation is in ads but I’ll take what i can get

easy enough to resolve, since the G stands for GNU just pronounce it the same as that, and since GNU stands for GNU’S not UNIX, it pronounces G the same as GNU, which pronounces G the same as GNU, which pronounces G the same as GNU, which pronounces G the same as GNU, which pronounces G the same as GNU

the worst kind of interactive loading screen is one that is fun on a game that loads quickly.

This is of course a problem that should only be complained about and never fixed, please don’t make your game load slower just so that i have enough time to press buttons

I’m sorry my subtitles worked fine from the beginning so I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve got a pi4 running osmc as my media center if that makes any difference.

oh hey I’ve actually done this recently so a lot of this is fresh for me. Now I had a slightly different use case than you, I had a bunch of AV1 files that wouldn’t run on my pi so I had to convert them to something less GPU intensive. I was finding x265 was indistinguishable for me from AV1, and had a HUGE file size drop, close to a half or even a third. x264 had a larger file size than 265 and looked worse so I don’t recommend it. I did not try VP9 once I was satisfied with 265 but you could try it out and see how it compares. My recommendation is to pick one (shorter) file and run a couple of different transforms on it till you’re satisfied before trying to transform your entire library

Preserving audio and metadata is trivial, just use -c:a copy for audio and -c:d copy for metadata

EDIT: I feel dishonest not mentioning the important caveats regarding my own experiments. My files were 1080p, so the difference between codecs might be less noticeable at that resolution. It was also anime, which is similarly going to be easier to compress and be less distinct between codecs. This is why I cannot recommend x264 because if you can ruin 1080p anime it’ll ruin whatever you’re working with. This is why I recommend picking a sample video and spend a day running a couple test transformations on it to see what you like

I’m starting a new social media which is just pictures and short form video of crabs

if i remember correctly, it would be E2EE (WhatsApp and Messenger are too) but Meta stores the encrypted message on their server

Count Rugen about to drop the sickest album in all of Florin

I myself have launched several new git repos in the last decade. Where’s my article TechCrunch?