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Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Tbh i was not aware that Ireland was ever in love with Joe Biden?

It’s the name. PP and abortions are tied together in the minds of conservative voters, whether or not that particular branch provides abortion services. Texas legislature wants to burn down PP at all costs.

But then, Texas did something no other state had tried yet: It walked away from about $30 million in annual federal funds rather than allow Planned Parenthood to continue to provide contraception to low-income women. In 2013, Texas launched its own women’s health program, relying entirely on state dollars.

Texas’ reproductive health care landscape never recovered from this tornado, even when the state tried to make up the lost funding in future sessions.

Maybe AAA games just don’t need to be as large or sprawling. Release one full campaign with everything you need included in the price. Then if it does well offer dlc.

As the article points out, balder’s gate was early access for 3 years, sold at full price, and still has bugs. It’s not an exception to the rule, larian just delivered a good product that had good source material behind it.

For me, it’s definitely option 2. I really like the way Dark Souls handles it, where the armor sets looks the same on both genders, and everyone can be as tart or as modest as they like.

Maybe there’s a case to be made for a setting in BG3 that pixelates the naughty bits, but looking through youtube comments on BG3 romance scenes (for science!), most people seem to think the nudity is funny more than anything else. The few complaints about nudity really seem to be about the fact that they have to look at a dick/gay couple, which i don’t have too much sympathy for.

Are people really mad about nudity, or are they just mad that it’s not all het nudity?

Edit: ok so after some research, looks like full nudity is an optional setting, and all body models (male or female) can have dicks or vulvas. Which makes me think there’s an anti trans component to complaints as well.

Just navidrome & the Synology suite (drive, photos, video)

I’m lazy 🫠

I have a feeling that once they start getting into how exactly to implement ActivityPub, they’re going to run into the existing issues, decide it’s not worth the effort, and just quietly not do it.

I feel like several things are intersecting here:

  1. PC gaming took off in the 90s. I’m not clear on the history of consoles but I’m wondering if they became widespread in the 80s? Having these devices at home probably created a larger generation of gamers.

  2. Gaming was “for boys” until very recently, and tbh the inclusion of women as the default audience for games is still a work in progress. Game protagonists are usually male, romance options usually assume the player is a straight man, even the quests and the way NPCs are written are colored by these assumptions.

  3. Video games have gotten so much more complex in a very short amount of time. The storylines are richer, the writing and visual effects have gotten signifixlcantly better. Someone who has only experienced early arcade games or clicker mobile games wouldn’t see gaming in general as a worthy hobby for adults.

Most news sites have rss feeds, sometimes even by category.

Tumblr also supports rss, and a bunch of people have fandom specific or aesthetic blogs. Tumblr’s tag system remains one of the best, so I’d use that to find interesting blogs to follow.