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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2024


I think a lot of the blame lies on the shoulders of platform makers:

Apple constantly churning their already-working OS so software makers have to keep working just to keep already-working software running

Google constantly fucking with web browser standards/frameworks so it’s an endless stream of work to keep a web app up to date.

The basic productivity software that computers run hasn’t changed in functionality for literally my entire lifetime, yet there is an endless supply of software engineers working hard on these same basic tools for no apparent gains.

There is a vocal contingency on this website that have no fuckin’ clue how any technology works, and they get really combatative when you even attempt to help them learn. It’s really weird.

Sure they might exist but the ones you buy off of That Website never are.

Are you by any chance using flat Ethernet cables? Those are not to spec and are vulnerable to radio noise. Friends don’t let friends buy and use flat Ethernet cables.

The main reason this will never happen is that the browser vendors make massive revenue and profit margins off of The Cloud and would really prefer that the core concept of a LAN just dies so you pay your rent to them.

mDNS hasn’t been a just-Apple thing for decades. Do you still call it Ren-dess-voos like the Gaston character in Beauty and the Beast?

The main problem I have is waking up in the middle of the night worrying that ICANN pulled some more stupid corrupt bullshit that only makes networking worse and breaks my config.

Just look elsewhere in this thread: someone thinks that using .honk as a joke is safe. But what about .horse? .baby? .barefoot? .cool? (I stopped scrolling through the list at this point but you can see how arbitrary and idiotic things have become.)