Just someone running away from Reddit.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


There are a handful of repos that have also been updating the extensions too, so all good. Most active seems to be from keiyoushi.

Tachiyomi is dead, long live Tachiyomi.

Nah, their question is why do so many people use it. And the answer is because it’s pretty good.

It is not, you may be confusing it with retrodeck, which is solely distributed as a flatpak.

The AGPL applies copyleft to web services. If you’re learning about licensing, it might be worth googling copyleft. Fascinating concept, and, in my opinion, something to subscribe to.

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Good luck.

I have a 1tb drive from them, still going strong 6 years in.

It isn’t, it’s just different. I use NixOS because of stupid easy rollbacks, which is great for experimenting in production, and its declarative nature, which is great in a server setting.

Just keep using the layout you’re used to. I’m Brazilian too, but I’ve lived abroad my whole life, and US layout is what I’m most used to (even though I’ve never lived there, funny enough). When I’m on other keyboards, I just switch the layout to US International, and stop looking at the keyboard.

If you’re really paranoid, you could run the game inside bubblewrap, inside a container.

Works for me on Eternity for Lemmy on Android 13.

Here’s to hoping j2k stays actively developed. Unlikely, as j2 himself already had pretty low drive for it already. (。╯︵╰。)

It only stores files, so there’s no need for wine support, as far as I understand.

Edit: looks like I was wrong, their client seems somewhat capable.

I’m not sure how it’d work for freebsd, but on Linux, you can get sshd running in your initrd. You can even go as far as getting an onion service running in your initrd, and using that for remote access.

It’s a fork of gittea aiming to accelerate federation support.

I also find it absolutely hilarious that you were considering monetising a product named Crackpipe. Not sure how successful you’d be at that.

Thanks for linking the blog post. I may not agree with the conclusion you’ve come to, but I think you’ve done a good job at laying your arguments.

This is pretty cool, I remember when you guys released it under the name crackpipe. For the record I really liked the name.

What’s the reason you chose to use a CC license? Why not any established open source license? Even Creative Commons themselves recommend using the GPL instead of CC for software.

It’s not open source. It’s source available.

I… kinda find htmx to be better than all other options.

Jellyfin is unable to do that. Your jellyfin instance is YOURS, there is no man in the middle like with Plex.

I know linux isn’t for everyone, but self hosting on windows is self-inflicted punishment. It’s just not the right platform. Sure it’s doable, but it’s death by a thousand papercuts.

You shouldn’t be using BitTorrent or uTorrent. Go with an open source alternative, I like qbittorrent, transmission is also good.

Does work, while I haven’t used mylar specifically, I’ve downloaded these 0Day Weeks for a long time now.

they were looking to integrate at least a PDF viewer into the interface

I mean, you could just integrate the browser’s pdf viewer, no?

I use tailscale on my Ruzen system, and it always stays under 1% usage. Usually below 0.5%.

Check !fediverse@lemmy.ml for more information, but the tldr is; Mali is forcibly taking back .ml domain. Lemmy.ml is likely in danger too.

Self hosting seems incredibly convoluted unfortunately.

That is most definitely not the same thing.