Baggins [he/him]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


The developer specifically released the light version because they acknowledged that it is not the same and you need to make the explicit choice of what you want to keep using

Nah cops should not get to park like massive twats wherever they feel like. Contrary to popular belief cops aren’t above the law and there are no parking exemptions for cops getting food.

You commented that it’s “super weird and invasive” for an ISP to “firewall” listening ports. It just so happens that CGNAT also has the same effect and is super commonly used right now.

I think I’m good 👍

Does OP really know exactly what technology at his ISP is preventing him from “opening ports”?

The server must have to send some metadata to the client telling when it’s running an ad because there are other things that need to happen client side during that like adjusting of the time or making the ad clickable

Holy shit I’m glad the empty building is ok

The guy in the recent case had his business paying the rent for the condo where he lived. The judgment is against the business that was paying the rent, not the guy himself. Which is why her statement is qualified with the word “individual”.

Dude had the business paying his rent because “it was easier from a bookkeeping point of view”.

That’s so crazy, why come back to Canada if you know you’re wanted? Did the Indian government ask nicely for him to get out, is prison in Canada just nicer than living in India?

This is like when you buy an e-book to learn how to get rich quick.

They don’t need a reason to stop you when you’re driving. It’s a regulated activity and you’re required to be licensed. They can stop you to check your license just because they feel like it.

The way I see it it takes two to tango, so go ahead and place all the blame on the criminal, of course they initiated the immediate chain of events, now IMO the police share equal responsibility for this outcome when they choose to continue such a high-risk pursuit over such a petty crime.

I can only assume when a politician says this is irresponsible that they want the price to be lower?

No haha we have to add our tax on at the register too. Rarely some stores do tax in but it’s the exception by far.

Peel police to announce arrests in Pearson Airport gold heist
The timing of this immediately made me think of the article posted the other day about there being no news since it happened a year ago. Also found this: [**Arrests in $20-million Toronto airport gold heist stem from cross-border gun running plot** ]( NaPo archive:

Mr. Weston, are the slim margins in the room with us right now? 😆

When a business pays rent they can deduct it from their income. When I pay rent…?

Makes sense.

Y’all, just bust that gate down and keep walking. The alarm gives you extra style points.

How little does Air Canada pay employees that they need to steal phones?

Indeed, as we all know the alleged “brain” exists outside of and independently from the so-called “body”.

Sorry somehow Lemmy put my reply to the wrong comment. I meant to post that on the person saying this wasn’t a peaceful protest.

Custom proton usually means the glorious eggroll version, it’s just a community maintained version you have to install on your own.

Yeah I don’t play any UE5 games. Although it looks like both of those you linked mostly work. If you’re not willing to tweak your proton version or settings every once in a while then Linux probably isn’t for you.

I switched to Linux a year or so ago and kept a Windows partition just in case. I’ve only had to use it once for an online exam.