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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


You’d be surprised. Check AliExpress. There are aftermarket units built to fit perfectly into every dumb auto fascia they’ve come up with to prevent it. A simple harness adapted is usually sufficient to restore steering wheel controls etc.

I’ve heard of a couple of vehicles where you simply cannot replace the media centre because it doubles as climate control input etc but the simple answer is: refuse to buy those vehicles.

GM Single handedly keeping aftermarket stereos relevant. I wouldn’t buy a car with this solution.

Android auto upgrades with my devices. It’s the best solution.

Nobody uses dropbox because they like dropbox. They use it because it’s usually the only such service supported by the stupid fucking app they need on the stupid fucking ipad their company insists they use which has no other viable way to put files on and off of the fucking cunting thing because apple is fucking stupid and so is this god damn company.

Someone once told the IT manager that apple devices are “the most secure” and he doesn’t even fucking realise that by forcing us to use fucking stupid third party fucking services like fucking dropbox to get files on and off that they are subjecting confidential commercial fucking information to being fucking exposed to third fucking party boneless fucking cunts.

Finished as in they no longer get to be installed on anything in my house. I realise that most people seem to love the taste of shit sandwiches. Not for me.

As soon as streaming services start acting like that, they’re gone. The only one I have left is Netflix, and it is on thin ice - we’ll see what they do with their pricing structure going forward and if they start trying to push ads on higher tiers.

That sounds like something that should be illegal. You bought the screen. It belongs to you.

Can you root the TV and be rid of that horrible functionality?

I disagree. I will not under any circumstances be advertised to in my own home.

I’m happy to pay for your goods and services, but if you break that agreement our relationship is immediately concluded. The penalty for breaking the original terms of our agreement is that I will take what I originally paid for in perpetuity. You had your chance.

Same rules apply for attempting to renegotiate the rules whilst the ball is in play: see Amazon’s new trend of attempting to charge an additional monthly fee of the same amount as the initial service to access documentaries etc. They’re finished.

If you are aware of this issue, it is your obligation to tell all of your friends, family, associates and coworkers to stop using Chrome immediately, and try out a new search engine.

It’s the least you can do.

This behaviour by Google is not going to stop. The mask has slipped too many times. They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.

Not many people will be ready to de Google their phones and stop buying their products. It’s the little things that will hurt them the most and show they’ve stepped over a line this last year or so.

Newsgroups are bloody horrific unless you are picking things up the very second that they’re released.

Everything gets DMCA takedown strikes extremely quickly and goes missing. You might get lucky and put it together with repair files etc but I have all but given up on it. You need a lightning fast connection and radarr/ sonarr set up to grab things you MIGHT be interested in automatically or it’s a total wash.

This might be the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while.

You’d better ban fingers too.

And all kinds of cameras and recording devices.

Laptops. Computers. Smart TVs. Ban it all. We’ll play with a hoop and a stick and be happy.

I’m just going to go outside and check the seedbox running on my Tesla roadster before I rip and upload a couple of episodes using the computer on my refrigerator and then post them from my Smart TV.

Checkmate copyright whores.

Cool, thanks. In that case it’s about one month until I can’t live without my heat pumps. They stop my balls from sticking to my leg.

In this context is a “heat pump” the same thing as an inverter air conditioner?

A split system.

That’s what most of Australia uses and looks like the pic but Ive never heard them called a heat pump.

I think most of what you have said is true, and I’m glad for it. I will continue to build enthusiast level computers and sit close enough to the bleeding edge because I enjoy it.

What I believe is likely to happen is that serious performance oriented gaming PCs will once again become fairly niche. I sort of bucked against the idea of micro form factor mini PC’s being a valid choice for gamers for a while.

It wasn’t until I saw the youtube video I’ve linked below that I realised something like the HX99G would MORE than fill the desire of most of my friends group in terms of gaming performance, thermals and user experience.

It’s not as small as the APU powered boxes that OP was talking about, and it has a dedicated wedge of silicon for the GPU but it is extremely cheap, extremely capable and seems to run fairly cool whilst being smaller than 99.9% of normal PCs.

My wife recently asked that I build her a gaming PC. She’s pretty casual and doesn’t mind 1080p gaming. All of my spare parts and previous gen hardware has already been put to work in a gaming PC for my daughter so I began the task of speccing up a reasonably decent 1080p gaming build from new parts. I can’t beat the price:performance ratio of the HX99G. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Keeping in mind that this is now previous generation components and a next-gen replacement is almost certainly due any month now…it’s nuts. Not only is he playing current release games at 1080p, in some titles they were happily over 100fps at 1440p, with fighting games even running at 4K without issue.

You and I will happily keep our server-sized monsters, but I know a LOT of people that will happily sit in this lane. The price is right and so is the performance. It’s like a console without so many limitations, as well as being a powerful PC in its own right.


I looked at the previous 2 versions of this handset for my own use and didn’t end up getting them. They have now dealt with most of the issues (no access to google play store apps etc) via Lighthouse, but it’s still got a zany custom OS (EMUI) which features a bit of Chinglish and some pretty bizarre UI choices. The cameras are absolutely kickass in the Mate 50 pro, I would say better than iPhone 14 pro max without much hesitation at all.

On the downside, these devices almost certainly contain backdoors and may be phoning home regularly. The reality is, so is your Samsung, so is your Pixel, so is your iPhone. ALL of them have backdoors and are capable of recording and transmitting audio even when turned off. In this instance, I feel more comfortable giving a backdoor to the Chinese than any 5-eyes manufacturer. After all, what consequence is there for the Chinese to spy on me compared to my home country via a third party 5-eyes nation and their manufacturing partners? China has no bearing on my life.

That’s because Russians see the value in the collective good: everything for everyone. The majority of the globe just hits and runs on torrents because we got ours, fuck everyone else.

Yeah, 256gb doesn’t really get you very far these days. Everything is so bloated, including the operating system.

I hear what you’re saying, but I have about 200 games stored on a traditional HDD that only provides me a read speed of about 220MB/s absolute maximum and I have never had a single issue with any game running from it. As you say this could become a problem as devs adopt directstorage but as it stands right now, it’s a total none-issue.

I have a 2TB NVME M.2 drive in my PC but don’t really see any advantage to putting games on there, that’s what bulk storage is for. If you are playing online, 99% of games will have a countdown or otherwise make you wait until the slowest PC is also ready to go. If it’s a game that uses loading screens, I really don’t care as it still loads pretty damn fast.

Pretty much the only games that I will throw on my M.2 drive is open world games that load as you go if I am on my first playthrough. RDR2 lived on there for a while.

I am happy to pay whatever extra it costs to have the experience of actually owning a game on a lasting medium with some artwork. My experience with digital downloads is that I just never care as much. Often I won’t even finish the game unless it is beyond amazing. I like to receive tangible things for my hard earned money I guess.

I don’t think you understand economies of scale. It doesn’t make sense for me to pay retail price for a single unit, especially if I have no other use for it. These costs are trivial at scale, and would also hopefully provide some impetus to optimise the code and texture storage.

I’ve got a better idea. You want to make your game stupidly large? Ok fine, sell me a physical copy pre-installed on a fast USB stick. Job done.

Great job, now thousands of people who don’t own the switch can continue to not buy games for it. The rest of your users also get to enjoy decreased performance on an already inadequate system. What an incredible deal.

What has been released this year that really got your motor running??

It’s infuriating how few of them seem interested in holding the door open for us.

Cursory glance at XDA tells me that OnePlus devices need an unlock token for that device to re-lock the bootloader but you would have to roll back to the original factory firmware to do so.


?? If you unlock BL by fastboot method, it’s trivial to re-lock it.

The only non-reversible method is usually via manufacturer unlock portal.

These are not really genuine concerns imo, and to the extent that they are - they should be recognised as shortcomings of an increasingly inflexible ecosystem.

  1. It’s very easy to avoid root detection these days, and if you are rooting your phone, chances are you have also disabled the playstore app altogether so play protect is no longer a concern. I just use F-Droid and Aurora these days to reduce what can be associated with me or any of my accounts.

  2. Who the hell is watching shows on their phone so much that a reduction to SD is going to bother them on a 6 inch screen?

  3. If I can get my hands on your phone physically, there’s very little you can do to keep me out regardless of if the bootloader is unlocked or not.

This is another major reason I have not stayed current with my boosters. What is the point of using something based on a strain that has not been seen for 9 months, and is in fact 2 years old? It doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me.

Sure it will offer SOME ability to improve the immune response to a CV19 variant given how short-lived the protection from natural infection and vaccination seems to be, but it certainly isn’t going to be anywhere near as good as it could be. I’m still going to get horrifically sick again.

That’s pretty much the gist of it. We also had a huge in-fighting between state governments and a stubborn refusal to work together or coordinate properly that led to some really bad outcomes.

Almost the entire time this was compounded by flight after flight of VIPs arriving in Australia for ‘diplomatic’ purposes, or of course to play sportsball. We barely even stopped normal tourist flights either, yet our own expats were not allowed to fly home until months later. None of it made any sense.


This incident in itself made me highly suspicious of our governments competence and motivations. This was one of our major seeding incident here. Under no circumstances should this have been allowed to happen, yet this is just one of a long string of borderline malicious decisions by those in charge. We all forget too quickly.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate to explore my own anxiety about this situation.

My fears are exactly the same as yours.

The part that I cannot reconcile is this: I took my initial doses of vaccine, I had a booster. I did all the right things in terms of minimising exposure and the risk to myself and my family.

I still caught CV19 twice. Maybe it didn’t affect me as intensely as if I had not been vaccinated, who knows, but it fucked me up badly each time.

My entire family have lived the same experience.

Most people’s thinking in my circle now seems to be: why would I expose myself to the risk of cardiovascular complications by being continuously vaccinated, when I am still going to get infected and face those same cumulative cardiovascular risks again.

From a risk management perspective if I am not in a disease cohort likely to face mortality from infection, am I not reducing my total risk by simply reducing my exposure to the spike protein overall and electing to skip vaccine boosters altogether? I am going to get infected either way, that much is clear.

I am massively concerned about the long term consequences of repeated infection with this pathogen but it seems the world has moved on from giving a fuck.

I don’t know a single person who has received a booster in the last 12 months and given the shift in media narrative here it is not hard to see why.

You have said it very well.

In Australia even our absolute harshest lockdowns made allowances for millions of “essential” industries.

Unless you owned a business installing styrofoam nuns, you kept going to work in some capacity.

We’re an island for fuck’s sake! We could have stopped this thing in it’s tracks. But no, the flights must keep arriving. Business must business.

From an overseas perspective I can tell you that practically nobody in Australia is taking any form of booster. Elderly populations are, particularly those in a care setting but the general population are completely uninterested.

This is a combination of most people having been infected with CV19 at least once and not being particularly badly affected, and most people having had either direct or indirect experience of negative side effects from vaccination, and the now predominantly negative media coverage of the vaccination campaign.

If there is a marked shift towards increased mortality in any given strain, Australia is fucked. Thankfully that does not seem to be the trajectory of the virus at this time.

Me too, and quickly.

If certain scientists believe they can turn such an inhospitable planet as mars into a liveable environment…why can’t we fix up earth?

Yeah I bought it. It plays really well, but I just couldn’t get past the graphics. I didn’t spend 7K on my rig to play stickmen.