• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


ROMs back then got erased by UV light, EPROM. EEPROMs are a bit newer (though still ancient) and can be erased electronically, nowadays it’s a very sane idea to just throw flash storage at the problem. I think you can get modern replacement for pretty much any ancient form factor.

The way those things are used are basically big logic tables: Instead of using a bunch of logic gates, you store the output that’s expected given a certain input. Completely ancient technique, the limiting factor is storage space and sensibility – storing all addition results of two 32 bit numbers uses a lot more transistors than a 32-bit adder, but if what you want to put in there isn’t a thing that can be implemented few standard TTL components throwing storage at the problem makes sense even if you never plan to reprogram it because burning a custom set of transistors onto silicon is expensive.

Some more technical info.

It’s an legit 8-bit CPU implemented with TTL chips, what makes it a different beast than what they did back in the days is that its microcoding isn’t kneecapped. It would absolutely have been possible back in the days to build exactly such a thing, even from precisely those components. At least the TTL part, that is, I bet there’s wibbles around VGA etc. And because I already hear the detractors yes, 8-bit CPUs were microcoded: They decoded single external instructions into a stream of “load from memory, fetch from register so and so, switch on the ALU, put what’s in the ALU output somewhere”. They kept it as simple as possible and it wasn’t reprogrammable but that stuff there, that’s microcode.

Implementing CPUs in TTL chips also isn’t a new idea, that’s how early minicomputers were made (later on they got some specialised chips). And those things also used ROMs for their microcode. So you could say that this is a minicomputer capable of pretending to be different 8-bit microcomputers.

FPGAs are a completely different technology, those allow you to arrange logic in a (more or less) arbitrary topology. That is, looking at that board with all those TTL chips, it’d be the equivalent of being able to re-route all the board traces as you please.

He’s accused of tolerating such distribution even after being alerted of the fact so, yes, he’s accused of distributing it. For an online platform “we didn’t know about it because we don’t moderate proactively” is a valid defence, “authorities told us about it but we didn’t feel like doing anything about it because can’t be bothered / frozen peaches” isn’t.

You can’t automate generation of shape keys. An artist needs to go over every single asset and make it work for every single extreme point on every slider, then make sure that the automatically derived in between points look good and fix those if required, in all slider combinations.

And it’s probably still going to clip during some animations because going over absolutely everything is just prohibitively expensive.

Why is the term “Body Type A” and “Body Type B” present at all when there are clear pictures of the two options that speak for themselves? It feels like just going out of the way to include “the corporate approved buzzwords intended for maximum synergy with the brand!”

“Type A” and “Type B”, I assure you, are not things corporate or marketing came up with. This is programmer speak for “I don’t want to name it but can’t call it foo and bar either because normies will be seeing it”.

As said: This is a re-release. The game and its assets was originally never designed to support anything but a strict binary, but the pronoun vs. body type thing was trivial to do, so they did it. And then for some reason avoided “male” and “female” because face it that sounds like a good idea especially if you’re not overthinking it and the labels were left in because probably also easier to do. Or just didn’t consider the alternative.

That is: You’re assuming intent when there’s simply economy of action. You might call it laziness, but then the people who did that release had 10000 other things to do besides that.

Putting in half a dozen body types and a boob slider shouldn’t be a ton of work

Body types no but you also need armour and clothing for everything. You quickly get a combinatorial explosion which you can then reign in with shape keys (“sliders”) which make all assets harder to develop.

That’s morph targets and you just increased the budget for the character model and every single set of clothing and armour by a whole magnitude. Might even influence animations, though I guess with Elden Ring being the game that it is those are the same for everyone.

Games that do this aren’t being progressive or inclusive, they’re changing the color of the cup that my drink comes in and pretending it’s an entirely new beverage.

The thing is… if you use “dude” and “chick” in the body type descriptions you’re implying gender identity. There may be better options that “Type A” and “Type B” but dude and chick ain’t it because it simply means male and female.

In a very flexible system, you could use more granular options like “wide shoulders”, “wide hips”, “boobage”, etc, to freely mix+match everything. It’s also expensive to develop and even more expensive to create clothing for and a gazillion times more expensive to make really good-looking clothing for (fabric folds and flow aren’t easy). From a developer’s perspective, looking at the work involved really makes you want to say “We’ll just tell the player they’re now Geralt of Rivia and that’s it”.

I think for most games the appropriate choice would be to have an early radio button, saying “male/female/it’s complicated”, the first two options hiding every enby option including pronoun selection. That’s right-out trivial to do and just good UX. And yes the body types should be called male and female, you already selected “it’s complicated” so it’s clear that when you’re selecting a body, you’re selecting a body, not identity.

As to laziness: Eh. Noone’s going to start a research programme on how to do things in an optimal way for a re-release. Someone had a look at the code and assets and thought “hey we can support separate pronouns and bodies without doing anything more than providing an option” and that’s exactly what they did, using the extent of knowledge and consideration that was already in-house. Yep, it very well can happen that if you take your foot out of one thing, you put it right into another.

As to “primary/secondary”: One of the options has to be to the left, or on top, of the other. Ain’t no way around that. I mean you could put option B on the left of option A to cancel things out but now you’re being confusing. More importantly you can make it so that none is selected by default.

Am I onto something or is this all crazy talk?

Yes and no you’re being quite personal, and I include your perspective shift into the POV of others in that, about things that will never make 100% of the people 100% happy because technical reasons. The perfect is the enemy of the good and all.

EU Citizen’s initiative to pass legislation to stop game publishers disabling games we paid for
> Videogames are being destroyed! Most video games work indefinitely, but a growing number are designed to stop working as soon as publishers end support. This effectively robs customers, destroys games as an artform, and is unnecessary. Our movement seeks to pass new law in the EU to put an end to this practice. Our proposal would do the following: > * Require video games sold to remain in a working state when support ends. > * Require no connections to the publisher after support ends. > * Not interfere with any business practices while a game is still being supported. > If you are an EU citizen, please sign the Citizens' Initiative!

I’m not sure if you could call Talos Principle indie. Croteam is an ancient company (of Serious Sam fame), they sold out to their publisher some years ago (Developer Digital). Wikipedia says 42 people, that’s about the same ballpark as Wube (Factorio), way smaller than Coffee Stain (123), which yes vibes heavily indie (Goat Simulator!) but is part of Embracer Group.

If you look at Developer Digital and Embracer group they’re not really that small – certainly not smaller than CDProject Red, which is very much throwing AAA money at their projects and definitely had their own big business culture fuckups. They’re simply more distributed, instead of orchestrating one or two big projects they have multiple studios working largely independently on small to mid-sized projects. Talos and Satisfactory are AA scale.

Is Wube indie? Well, at least at the start they were, growing with Factorio’s early access. Still independent, as far as I know. Budget-wise they’re certainly not operating on a shoestring, though… you also have to take into account that they’re taking their sweet time for everything. Also AA.

A would be stuff like Celeste. That’s a broad category, I wouldn’t really call anything B unless you don’t have separate coder, writer, sfx/msx and gfx. Maybe toss the writer but anything under that and you’re smaller than minimum demo group size.

All this is to say: Can we please stop dividing the industry into “AAA” and “Indie”. CD Project Red is independent. They’re doing AAA. One is budget, the other is whether the studio has a corporate overlord lording over multiple studios. Game quality is a third measure. System requirements yet another: Factorio has no issues melting your CPU even though it’s highly optimised, then you have B-budget projects which melt your box because the dev has never heard of polycount and a background prop toothbrush has 400 quads… per bristle.

AI image generators don’t “consult” source images to generate an output.

Well, you have an artist breaking things down for an audience understanding neither the technical nor artistic aspect…

Modern AI generators are increasingly good at generating text. They still struggle a bit

I mean… SDXL still struggles a lot. The only thing you can get it to spell reliably is probably “Hooters”. There’s the one or other lora which makes it not suck completely but it’s still nowhere near actually good at generating text, the training just isn’t there. And even with that in place things like signatures are probably going to be gibberish.

While a naive (and cheaper) approach to AI generation doesn’t use layers, there are generators which do use layers,

Unless you start off training by feeding the model 3d data (say, voxels) alongside 2d projections I don’t think it’s ever going to develop a proper understanding of these kinds of things. Or, differently put: Learning object permanence (of sorts, related) is a meta-cognitive abstraction step that just won’t happen with the type of topologies we know how to engineer. It’s probably like 90% on the way towards AGI, so to get a simple topology to understand it we have to spoon-feed it permanence information alongside the (apparent) non-permanence.

It’s quite easy to trick people with untrained eyes… for one, they have no idea what “consistent illumination” and stuff means. And something being off doesn’t mean that an AI made that mistake because humans make mistakes, too – photographs don’t, but the general problem is not just about telling realistic stuff apart but also illustrations. You’re looking specifically for mistakes that AI is likely to make, but humans are practically never going to make. And yes humans get hands wrong all the time.

Here’s a good video about what to look for and what not.

European police is very much armed. Also the UK has armed units even if your usual beat cop is limited to pepper spray and a baton or whatnot.

Elsewhere police regularly carry pistols, but are also trained in how to not use them. In my state there’s even an assault rifle (actual one) in every police car. Decades pass without anyone getting shot.

I think it’s a blend, in my example the police would bring them into custody, and then trained people work with them after that working out what happened and working with the justice department.

Nope. Police is not trained to deal with e.g. a psychotic person seeing zombies, if they try to take them into custody they’re only going to make things worse. It’s fine if police are first to the scene, but they should be trained enough to a) recognise that the person is psychotic, not actually threatening anyone b) call for backup from the people in white coats with haloperidol shots and c) shoo away bystanders. Perimeter duty. Yes, after 2 1/2 years training you’re on perimeter duty get used to it that’s your job.

The US approach to a paranoid schizophrenic scared shitless seems to be to make it worse by laying siege and throwing flashbangs.

There are many things that police aren’t needed at, like domestic issues, but there are plenty we do need them at too.

That’s probably the bulk of what beat cops are doing over here, short of investigating noise complaints on behest of the municipality and documenting traffic accidents, car thefts, maybe a break-in, whatever. Which is also why they always, and I mean always, come in male/female pairs.

Presumably when we’re talking off-site backups we’re talking about a separate company sitting somewhere in an abandoned nuclear bunker which can justify the price of a tape drive or twenty.

Last I checked making a statement stating that you’re confused about something counts, semantically, as a question. No question mark needed.

But, fine, if you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to. I’m able to contain my curiosity. Certainly can’t put my ID, driver’s license, cash, and a hair tie into my phone. Nor, for that matter, put my phone into an ATM.

I’m confused why would you need a phone to pay via NFC. All you need is your card.

You’re still putting complete trust into Google by using any android that isn’t thoroughly de-googled, built from scratch, and installed on a jailbroken phone. They’re integrated on the OS level they can do whatever they want.

The second operation, carried out by the internet access providers at Hadopi’s request, consists, inter alia, of matching the IP address with the civil identity data of its holder.

Which just opens more questions: How long are ISPs allowed/required to store customer IPs, and then what happens if I have an open wifi: Can they just assume that I did it or declare me responsible anyway, that is, is it possible for a private individual to enjoy ISP privileges?

Because allow/blocklist are just as old if not even older and are way clearer terminology.

“white” and “black” there are metaphors, the “master” in git branches and SCSI isn’t.

See at some point you have to ask yourself the question whether you’d be opposed to the change if blue-haired college students really into performative politics weren’t a thing. Imagine the idea coming from your slightly computer-illiterate 60yold shop floor boss saying “I don’t want to think about the terms here, I want to do CAD/CAM. Speak English, whippersnapper”.

The false positive problem actually works in favour of the dogs, here: Their noses are excellent they know exactly whether there’s drugs there or not. They also know that the humans can’t tell so it’s easy to get a treat regardless. And they also know to not overdo it.

Even more complicated are cats, figures that they are by and large uninterested in being studied or proving anything to you.

Dogs are way more intelligent than that. LLM tech is basically a way to quickly breed fruit flies to fly right or left when they see a particular pattern.

I seem to be speaking Klingon. I never told anyone to “un-depress” themselves. Quite the contrary, I’m talking about the necessity to accept that it’ll be the path you’re walking on for, potentially, quite a while. All I’m telling you is that that path doesn’t have to be miserable, or a downward spiral.

Make a distinction between these two scenarios: One, someone has a fever. They get told “stop having a fever, lower your temperature, then you’ll be fine”. Second, same kind of fever, they get told “Accept that you have a fever. Make sure to drink enough and to make yourself otherwise comfortable in the moment. Ignore the idiot with the ‘un-fever yourself’ talk”.

I’m sorry what’s long-term executive function about cancelling your appointments? What’s harsh about it?

What about “take a bath” and “go outside to breathe” is less protestant-work-ethic than what I was saying?

The simple, actionable things are, precisely, the simple, actionable things. “Breathe in the fresh air” is not actionable when living in a city. “Sit on a bench and people-watch” is not actionable in the countryside. You know much better where you live, what simple things you could do right now. The point is not about the precise action, it’s about that it’s simple and actionable thus you should do it. Also, to a large degree, that it’s your idea, something you want.

You’ve laid out your personal depression cure to someone stating that reading about other people’s depression cures is incredibly frustrating when you’re actually depressed.

That’s not what the complaint was about. The complaint was about the generic drivel. The population-based “We observed 1000 patients and those that did these things got better” stuff that ignores why those people ended up doing those things, ignorance of the underlying dynamics which also conveniently fits a “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” narrative. The kind of stuff that ignores what people are going through. Ignores which agency exists, and which not.

Read what I wrote not as a plan “though shall get up at 6 and go on a brisk walk”, that’s BS and not what I wrote. Read it as an understanding of how things work dressed up as a plan. Going out and cooking food? Just an example, apply your own judgement of what’s good and proper for you moment to moment. You can read past the concrete examples, I believe in you.

In most cases the best thing you can do to help is to try to understand how someone is feeling.

The trick is to understand why you’re in that situation, what your grander self is doing, or at least trust it enough to ride along. Stop second-guessing the path you’re on and walk it, instead. You don’t really have a choice of path, but you do have a choice of footwear.

Or, differently put: What’s more important, understanding a feeling or where it’s coming from? Why it’s there? What it’s doing? What is its purpose? …what are the options? Knowing all this, many feelings will be more fleeting that you might think.

There’s an old Discorian parable, and actually read it it’s not the one you think it is:

I dreamed that I was walking down the beach with the Goddess. And I looked back and saw footprints in the sand.
But sometimes there were two pairs of footprints, and sometimes there was only one. And the times when there was only one pair of footprints, those were my times of greatest trouble.
So I asked the Goddess, “Why, in my greatest need, did you abandon me?”
She replied, “I never left you. Those were the times when we both hopped on one foot.”
And lo, I was really embarassed for bothering Her with such a stupid question.

The trouble with ketamine is that once you reassociate shit’s back to where it was. It can alleviate symptoms and in very serious cases that might be called for but it’s definitely not a cure. Taking drugs to lower a fewer also alleviates symptoms, in serious cases will save lives, but it’s not going to get rid of the bug causing the fewer.

Sorry, I didn’t know we might be hurting the LLM’s feelings.

You’re not going to. CS folks like to anthropomorphise computers and programs, doesn’t mean we think they have feelings.

And we’re not the only profession doing that, though it might be more obvious in our case. A civil engineer, when a bridge collapses, is also prone to say “is the cable at fault, or the anchor” without ascribing feelings to anything. What it is though is ascribing a sort of animist agency which comes natural to many people when wrapping their head around complex systems full of different things well, doing things.

The LLM is, indeed, not at fault. The LLM is a braindead cable anchor that some idiot put in a place where it’s bound to fail.

  1. Accept that your brain wants to do something different than what you had planned, thus
  2. Cancel all mid- to long-term appointments and
  3. Use the opportunity of not having that shit distracting you to reinforce good moment-to-moment habits. Like taking a walk today, because you can use the opportunity to buy fresh food today, to make a nice meal today, because that’s a good idea you can enjoy today while the back of your mind does its thing, which is not something you can do anything about in particular so stop worrying. And you probably don’t want to go shopping in pyjamas without taking a shower so that’s also dealt with. And with that,
  4. You have a way to set a minimum standard for yourself that will keep you away from an unproductive downward spiral and keep depression what it’s supposed to be, and that’s a fever to sweat out shitty ideas, concepts, and habits, none of which, let’s be honest, involve good food and a good shower. That’s not shitty shit you dislike.

The tl;dr is that depression doesn’t mean you need to suffer or anything. Unless you insist on clinging to the to be sweated out stuff, that is. The downregulating of vigour is global, yes, necessary to starve the BS, but if you don’t get your underwear in a twist over longer-term stuff your everyday might very well turn out to simply be laid back.

…OTOH yeah if this is your first time and you don’t have either a natural knack for it or the wherewithal to be spontaneously gullible enough to believe me, good luck.

Also clinical depression as in “my body just can’t produce the right neurotransmitters, physiologically” is a completely different beast. Also you might be depressive and not know it especially if you’re male because the usually quoted symptom set is female-typical.

I speak fluent x86, I’ve been writing xor eax, eax before rax was a thing and you had to wonder whether you shouldn’t be using xor rax, rax (you shouldn’t), I figured out how to write linux binaries in pure assembly before arch was a thing, just don’t throw sse or something arcane like aaa at me. But damned if I know a single opcode.

Reverse engineers are a whole different kind of breed. And apparently they hate rust.

All instructions occupy the same amount of space in memory.

Both ARM and RISC-V have compressed instructions. Dunno how ARM works but with RISC-V the 16-bit instruction set is freely interspersable with the 32 bit one, which also get their alignment reduced to 16 bits. Gets like 95% of the space reduction possible with full variable-width instructions without overcomplicating the insn decoder.

As to addressing and loads and arithmetic: No such instructions, but every CPU but the tiniest ones are expected to do macro-op fusion for things like indexed loads. Here’s an overview.

The MMU thing… well the vector extension can do gather/scatter, I guess it could stay within the letter of “use the MMU once” but definitely not the spirit.

Nope it’s still a register-register op, that’s very much load-store architecture.

It’s reduced, not minimalist, otherwise every RISC CPU out there would only have one instruction like decrement and branch if nonzero. RISC-V would not have an extension mechanism. The instruction exists because it makes things faster because you don’t have to do manual bit-fiddling over 10 instructions to achieve a thing already-existing ALU logic can do in a single cycle. A thing that isn’t even javascript-specific (or terribly relevant to json), it’s a specific float to int cast with specific rounding and overflow mode. Would it more palatable to your tastes if the CPU were to do macro-op fusion on 10(!) instructions to get the same result?

The ONLY reason we don’t have LFTR reactors is because at the time the US

Because no other country would be interested in the tech, or capable of building it. “Muh US nukes killed thorium” is a completely America-brained take.

Germany researched Thorium (pebble bed, in particular), never bothered with molten salt because it was seen as not feasible. Japan dabbled with molten salt, projects failed due to lack of funding. Neither countries have any interest in building nukes. The Chinese currently are trying, which is because the Chinese are currently trying everything. The government throwing money at the issue doesn’t in any way imply commercial viability, push come to shove they’d do it for the published papers alone.

Debbie Downer

I’m sorry for using reality to accost your religious beliefs but they happen to be dumb.

And? Yep, non-radioactive fluoride salt can be somewhat managed with ludicrously expensive materials. The equation is rather different when you add thorium to the equation. Also note that nine years are nowhere near long enough.

There’s a reason we don’t see those kinds of reactors in the wild: They can’t realistically be built as production-scale power plants. If they did greedy bastards would long-since have invested in the tech and tried to monopolise electricity production with patents and undercutting the competition.

Molten salt reactors have this little problem that they’re digesting themselves. The salt is so aggressive that it eats through the reactor before the building costs amortise. Unless you are a time traveller capable of giving us the material science of 200 years into the future fusion is going to be here first.

None of those concerns are new in principle: AI is the current thing that makes people worry about corporate and government BS but corporate and government BS isn’t new.

Then: The cat is out of the bag, you won’t be able to put it in again. If those things worry you the strategic move isn’t to hope that suddenly, out of pretty much nowhere, capitalism and authoritarianism will fall never to be seen again, but to a) try our best to get sensible regulations in place, the EU has done a good job IMO, and b) own the tech. As in: Develop and use tech and models that can be self-hosted, that enable people to have control over AI, instead of being beholden to what corporate or government actors deem we should be using. It’s FLOSS all over again.

Or, to be an edgelord to some of the artists out there: If you don’t want your creative process to end up being dependent on Adobe’s AI stuff then help training models that aren’t owned by big CGI. No tech knowledge necessary, this would be about providing a trained eye as well as data (i.e. pictures) that allow the model to understand what it did wrong, according to your eye.

A model that can only generate frontal to profile views of heads would be quite small, I can totally see that kind of thing running on current consumer GPUs, in real time. Near real time is already possible with SDXL-based models with some speedup tricks applied as long as you have a mid-range gaming GPU and those models are significantly more general. It’s not like the model would need to generate spaghetti and sports cars alongside with the head.

Kinda ironic, isn’t it? The whole union push started because VW’s joint works council said “We get that it’s impossible to have worker’s representation in China, but the US? Why don’t our US plants have shop floor councils?”. VW then first moved towards simply instituting worker’s representation: Have them elect people, give them board seats, but US law apparently outlaws that as it considers it a yellow union. So VW started to reach out to unions, “don’t you want to organise?”, unions then did and… besides general anti-union sentiment, workers said “what’s there to complain about VW bosses are fair, sensible, and listen to us”. That’s because elsewhere in the world there’s workers sitting on boards firing bad bosses you numpty.

We can invent one: kn-h. It’s knot-hours, which is technically correct but horrific to look at. It’s like the time I came across hp-h (horsepower-hour) to measure gasoline energy.

Quite standard, actually. If you buy a fridge over here it’d say something like “150 kWh/a”, which is 17.12 Watts, which is how much the fridge uses on average. People don’t pay for Watts, though, but for kWh, that’s what’s on the bill so kWh/a is way more practical if you want to convert to €/a. Also if you put more than one number in Watts in the docs civilians might get confused, ideally the only one you put there is connection power.

What’s a hectare?

I actually have no idea. I know that it’s what farmers pick up women with but I have no real mental image of how much it is. 100m, sure, make that a square but it’s still somehow without meaning.

but I went into a cold sweat thinking about all the awful things that would happen with a 25 mm inch,

Blame the Swedes, or more precisely Carl Edvard Johansson, inventor and manufacturer of gauge blocks. Before that the US and Brits had slightly incompatible definitions of inches and he split the difference pretty much in the middle and rounded a bit and ended up producing 25.4mm gauge blocks, and only after that industry even started to be precise and actually adhere to proper measures – without wide availability of reference gauge blocks that was impossible. He should’ve rounded just a bit further.

~~Astronomers~~Engineers^1^ presenting at the 37th Chaos Communication Congress for a general but technical audience. [The congress is still going on in case you're interested](https://streaming.media.ccc.de/37c3), lots of interesting stuff there and don't be afraid of German talks there's real-time dubbing. Talk blurb: > The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is currently under construction in the Atacama desert in northern Chile by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). With a primary mirror aperture of 39m, it will be the largest optical telescope on earth. We will briefly introduce the history and mission of ESO and explain how a modern optical telescope works. > The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1962 and is based in Garching bei München. It develops, builds and operates ground-based telescopes to enable astronomical research in the southern hemisphere and to foster cooperation in the international astronomical community. In 2012 the ESO Council approved the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) programme and its construction is scheduled for completion in 2028. The 39m primary mirror will make the ELT the largest optical telescope at that time. > It will be located on the top of Cerro Armazones, a ~3000m high mountain in the Atacama desert in Chile. This site provides ideal optical conditions, but also comes with logistical and engineering challenges. > We will walk you through the telescope and along the optical path to the instruments and explain some of the technologies involved to push the boundaries of ground-based optical astronomy. --- ^1^ Oh boy the "what is it good for" question got them swimming. "I'm not an Astronomer -- Science, I guess? Looking at things?" :)

As the US tries to halt the slide in its relations with China, the most difficult sticking point is still Taiwan and Xi Jinping’s determination to “reunify” the island with the mainland. Are Taiwan’s military preparations enough of a deterrent to China? What does the US “commitment” to Taiwan’s defense mean? Could it include protection under Washington’s nuclear umbrella? Taiwan's foreign minister Joseph Wu says it is not only Taiwan that has “a stake in the peace and stability over the Taiwan Strait” and hopes the actions of “like-minded partners” will also have a deterrent effect. If China does attack, Wu is clear who will do the fighting. “If war breaks out, the one who bears the responsibility for Taiwan's defense will be Taiwan itself. And we are determined to defend ourselves,” he says. DW’s Tim Sebastian speaks to Joseph Wu down the line from Taipei.