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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


Aaahh capitalism. This is what business school graduates call “innovation” and “smart”.

But seriously, I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s predatory, abusive, and wrong.

XD omg did you think school was actually in session? In Gaza?! Hahaha I usually don’t comment on braindead takes but I’m going to classify yours as "satire"and make my comment.

then it was definitely Hamas using children as human shields again.

Consistent with a braindead take XD

The cherry on top is your edit where you realized that Israel bombed a shelter, but didn’t realize that the destruction of education had already happened and turned the school into a shelter, which brings us back to the beginning when you thought school was in session!

Oh man, thanks for the laugh. I love satire.

This is the correct answer.

Edit /etc/hosts and add example.com

so when you type example.com into the address bar it goes to

This is like the “there are some responsible assault rifle owners” argument. Although corporations are not required by law to maximize investor returns, CEO “compensation” is often tied to “performance” so the incentives of those with the most decision power make it de facto required to maximize returns to investors. That’s why Musk needed to convince his board of directors (who are there to represent the best interests of the share holders) to approve some ridiculous pay package. His “performance” in their eyes is proportional to share holder profits so if they’re happy, he gets his absurd pay package, which is why his incentive is to maximize profits for shareholders by any means necessary.

Don’t you do some background checks on the sources you read & quote? Or do you tend to follow the herd? Here’s some info from Wikipedia on the founder & president of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg:

Yehudit Karp, a former Israeli deputy attorney general, charged that Steinberg published material he knew to be wrong “along with some manipulative interpretation”.[21]

Reporter Uriel Heilman said that Steinberg played “fast and loose” with the facts by repeating comments about the New Israel Fund that Steinberg knew were untrue. In response, Steinberg acknowledged that some of his reports were poorly phrased and promised to correct them.[22]

In The Jerusalem Post, Kenneth Roth wrote that Steinberg shows a “disregard for basic facts” when writing about human rights.

Imagine how hateful and depraved you would have to be to pay tons of money to Google Ads to promote your page and agenda to deceptively block people from donating money to those in need. That’s NGO Monitor and that’s what you’re supporting.

Edit: I’m sure you’re also very interested to find out the facts behind Israel’s accusations of UNRWA workers so here’s the latest:


Yes and check the page of the founder & president of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg:

Yehudit Karp, a former Israeli deputy attorney general, charged that Steinberg published material he knew to be wrong “along with some manipulative interpretation”.[21]

Reporter Uriel Heilman said that Steinberg played “fast and loose” with the facts by repeating comments about the New Israel Fund that Steinberg knew were untrue. In response, Steinberg acknowledged that some of his reports were poorly phrased and promised to correct them.[22]

In The Jerusalem Post, Kenneth Roth wrote that Steinberg shows a “disregard for basic facts” when writing about human rights.

Critical thinking is not your forté my man.

Wait according to Israeli accusations, how did Iran break international law? By using missles despite UN resolution 2231?

Last I checked (and IANAL) attacking military targets in reponse to military aggression is not in violation of international law.

Thanks. What is the built-in NLP for Lineage OS? Maybe I’m not using the right keywords but I couldn’t find out via search.

Shiiiiiit. I’ve never heard of NLP. How can I check which one my phone uses?

Do you think this one is privacy respecting?

Local NLP Backend (Location provider for UnifiedNlp and microG using only local data.) https://f-droid.org/packages/helium314.localbackend/

Isn’t this only Google Maps though?

uniquely historically bad to warrant its own terminology

Actually in that context Holocaust only refers to the Jewish victims of genocide. To not erase the 5 million other vuctims it’s necessary to use the term Nazi genocide.

The thing with the Palestinian genocide is that the Israelis were

  • killing members of the group;
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, but doing it so slowly as to not arouse a response. I mean, it was happening before the current war, especially the “inflicting on the group conditions of life” part. It’s truly sick.

This is a cool website, thank you for sharing.

After seeing the sign they held up in Illinois, I’m confused now how the word genocide should be used. It says “Israeli genocide in Palestine”, which brings to mind the Armenian genocide (Armenians were the victims) and Nazi genocide (Nazis were the perpetrators). Can the word genocide be used to refer to both the victims and perpetrators of genocide?

Israel’s attack in Beirut in January that killed several Hamas guys always makes me wonder, “how can they succesfully target a single apartment on valid intelligence and pull it off in Lebanon, but in Gaza they level city after city, civilians and all?”

Genocide. The answer is genocide.

Oh man, even reading that hurt ':D I’m sorry for your loss.

Defeatedly Connects a monitor and a keyboard to the Raspberry Pi

You mean 2 piholes or adguard homes, right? That way if one goes down you can still use the other one.

Does it work if you change your DNS server by editing /etc/resolv.conf and having it show exactly one name server like



“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.”

-Anatole France

react to email running in their networks.

Is email dangerous? (I have no idea how email works so please don’t bombard me with acronyms)

That’s talent, writing a wall of text extolling the importance of accurately labeling genocide which simultaneously minimizes a genocide. This is beehaw so I’m going to keep my mouth shut and hope Hanlon’s razor explains your comment.

I hope it’s not like Windows updates; sitting in your car for 40 minutes before work because you can’t use the car until the update is complete.

I might be the guy that shows up at the revolution for the most trivial reason but I hate that it says $59.00 per annually like companies think they’re so smart for having business school graduates on staff charging for things only business school graduates would think to charge for but they can’t even get basic grammar right.

That’s a good point and on top of that I (not a China expert) am not sure that China values quantifiable growth in the same way the U.S. does, so those figures might just be footnotes on China’s path to wherever it’s going.

Haha sorry mate I must have assumed you had your mind reading hat on. Basically what darkassasin said above.


The fact that it’s a “single board” computer, specifically, is mildly irrelevant

That sounds really good but is that safe to do? I thought you shouldn’t dd a disk if there was some activity going on on it.

So is the output image saved to the SD card or do you save it to an external drive?

The only down side I can see with that setup is that should the sd card fail you’ll have to reinstall the OS on a new card and then install and configure all the programs you had before. For my set up that would be a pain in the neck but it depends on your specific use case.

SBCs often run on sd cards or emmc modules so there are other possibilities than a standard desktop computer.

I only have the OS on the sd card and I pop that out and dd a copy to my backup drive every 6 months or so. For that reason I like to use small sd cards like 8gb size. All other drives on the machine are external or network drives and those have their own backup routine with rsync.

Do you use only the sd card or what kind of storage system do you have on your sbc?

“We didn’t do it, and if we did it was fair use, and if it wasn’t progress will be hampered if rules and regulations are too strict.”