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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


My main issue was it doesn’t play well with Macs.

Oh I have. And I have never gotten a notification. 😒

I’d love a dream router … if they were ever in stock. Instead they all end on eBay for $100 more than retail. Wonder why that is? (Fucking scalpers)

Well true but I was assuming the circuits had some things drawing a little power. Flipping on a device and tripping a breaker with 12 machines on it wouldn’t be ideal :)

I have done this before in my upstairs home lab. 3 beefy ESXi machines, some nas storage, and a basic 10gbe switch eats up a lot of a single 15amp circuit. And apparently turning on a TV pushes it over the edge. Luckily the UPS saved my but while a reset the breaker and shut some stuff off.

This is only about 21 amps. Most outlets in a home are 15amps but 20amps isn’t unheard of. From one outlet doubtful but yes one house would provide that much power easily if you split them up to three or 4 rooms on different breakers.

Now it would be fun to watch his electric meter spin like a saw blade … (yes I’m old … I remember meters that had spinning discs)

Which is funny because when I first started my CS degree in the late 80s (get off my lawn) we used to make fun of the beginning Java classes because it seems 90% of coding was to import the right library.

Good because I was confused. I’ve written similar code

What I’d really like is something more akin to google drive streaming. Let me see all the files in the file system but only go get them if I try to open it. I don’t have room for all 2TB of files on my laptop but I don’t want to constantly go click on which folders to sync either.

As an old coder this is the only religious war worth having. 😂

(Totally church of vi btw)

I totally feel you. I’m in IT and design these incredibly robust systems. But I don’t have that budget for my house and they say “the cobbler’s children have no shoes."

Not sure if this is common knowledge but Pi-hole can also run in a docker container, it doesn’t have to be a raspberry pi. I have it running on portainer on two different machine in my house. I’m a systems architect by trade so there no kill like overkill 😅

You might be a nerd when you have to schedule maintenance at your own house.

They made a software jailbreak?!?! So I just looked this up and I have Splinter Cell and MechAssault. I may have to dig that thing out and give this a try.

Yeah this “pretty major UX refresh” line bothers me A LOT. Kinda like when Amazon fucked up the UX/UI on the cheap fire tv sticks.

Yeah I think I do too in the attic somewhere. Mid chips on those things where a bitch back then when it first started up. I think they got better though.

Well maybe not. Without the shared libraries I doubt the tech-phobic users will stick around for movies they can likely find other places, especially since I doubt Plex gets very good deals for content.

Yep same here. Professional IT for over 25 years. Nobody knows everything. It’s ok to fail. Just keep swimming. And when you do get something working…. that high is unbelievable. It’s like a drug addiction and will drive you to do more and more. Good luck!!!

For a DB, iscsi all day long. At work we have some of the fastest storage available on the market today (SCM drives in front of E1.L super fast SSD all connected with 100gbe mellanox switches and NICs) and it barely can keep up with the MySQL DB. NFS would absolutely work for the other use cases. But these are enterprise class systems for an entire university so yeah lots of load.

For a home system, I’m not sure it matters if the load isn’t much. I prefer iscsi because I know how it works. I use it for VMware datastores even at home. Anything that is shared storage between webservers or the like, NFS is almost required since shared iscsi storage is going to be very difficult to set up outside of something like VMware datastores since the file system is setup for multi-writers. Other filesystems like Redhat’s GFS2 or Oracle’s OCFS can do it but it’s not cheap or easy.

Tl;dr summary: my suggestion is iscsi for the DB and NFS for the other stuff.

My birthday was the epoch so I resemble this comment.

My trick is to wiggle them back and forth a few times between your thumb and index finger while pulling on them just a bit. This warms them a bit from your hand and the bending. And the push through connectors are a godsend since you can strip them a little long.

I agree … it sure looks gone to me.


Well it’s not “bad practice” per se but it ultimately depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what the underlying architecture is capable of supporting.

Not docker specific but we run enterprise level applications with VMWare esxi hosts accessing vm’s over an iSCSI network share and plan on trying this using NFS datastores over 100gbe with SCM and E1.L SSDs. So this should work fine but this is super fast super expensive hardware and is a lot different from homelab type architecture. Now I have done similar things at home with two esxi hosts using a Drobo for NFS datastores so I could vmotion. Was it super high performance? No. Did it work? Yes.

For a small container based environment I’d probably keep all the containers and storage for the containers local, probably on a fast SSD or NVME drive. Those are usually small. But any large media I’d NFS mount and keep that on the NAS. You can get 1TB NVME drive and pcie adapter for less than $100 on Amazon that would be way fast enough for anything in a home lab.

My 2¢… 😀

Yeah this part bothers me. To these companies a solid profit stream is not viable. It has to be iPhone level growth year after year or they think it’s failing and axe it. It’s quite annoying. Eventually you will hit a plateau. That just means it’s a mature market, not failing. Grrrr…