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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Exactly what I do. I use Angels and Bobs mods for a huge amount of stuff to do, loads of trains (almost 1,000 in my current playthrough!), and loads of stuff to build.

It’s heavenly!

git pull origin
git diff predev@{'yesterday'}
git rebase predev

Going by words not symbols is ok I hope?

My current map has over 600 rail stations :) I’m on a huge, peaceful, Angels/Bobs modded map though.

Look into asdf: https://asdf-vm.com/ or rtx: https://crates.io/crates/rtx-cli

One .tool-versions file in a directory and you get specific versions of each tool you want.

EDIT: Oh and both integrate with direnv very well, which can also do per-directory env vars and scripts: https://github.com/direnv/direnv

Can you not afford to pay for the cap to be removed? I do that, it’s like $15/month extra or something.

I used Borg to backup a bunch of dev servers a few years ago, about 5TB from several dozen hosts, over several years. It worked flawlessly, and its dedupe is downright magical.

The restore workflow, where you just mount a snapshot and copy what you need, is fantastic. Very straightforward and reliable.

Mullvad because they don’t need your name, and you can pay by cash anonymously.

Hermes confirms Barbados Slim is a mahogany god.

I think you’ll be happier in the long run if you can forgive and move on.

You still need to manually verify the code, line by line. Sure, in the future AI language models might be able to reason to fix bugs or do other human tasks, but that’s not happening tomorrow or even in the next couple of years.

The AI has no understanding of what it is spitting out, so it’s up to us humans to curate its output.

While this seems to be more aimed at scooters and the like, I’ve been waiting for electric vehicles and renters to become an issue.

Landlords are going to try to avoid putting in electric car charging points for as long as they can. They simply don’t want to spend the money.

That’s a great idea, I really like it!

Each one of those features I mentioned is a lot of work. I don’t want to just throw ideas out and expect them to magically happen!

I haven’t looked at the Lemmy codebase. Are there plans for an API or extension framework? That could allow other devs to implement features while the core devs focus on performance and security.

If some tags can be standardized, then perhaps we can replace the catch all term “NSFW” with better descriptive terms. Like NSFL, XXX, etc etc. That might help moderators with better mod tools.

I’m all for tags/taxonomy! I hope that others can come up with more specific moderation use cases.

Tags based on source might help too. A post marked with “mastodon” might invoke code that cleans up the title links and hashtags, then place them in the post body.

There may also be a benefit to per-community automatic rules that tag new contributors. Or tag comments made by spammers or known trolls.

(I guess I should read the RFC, lol!)

What is it with those guys and insultingly weak legal arguments?

“I was off duty as a psychologist when I made public statements”.

Interesting! I’ll check it out.

I’ve replaced the Traitlets based arg parsing with argparse, and the subcommands are working ok so far. I’ll see if Click can add anything, thank you for the recommendation!

Oh! I didn’t know that (um, obviously lol)

I’ll edit my comment.

This is the best way. It’s also the way the Shellcheck wants sometimes recommends.

I just wish I had thought things through correctly but I guess that’s part of becoming a more experienced coder. Arrrrggh! I’m so annoyed I wasted time on the otherwise excellent Traitlets’ argument parsing!

I’m so annoyed with myself for using Traitlets for command line argument parsing! Your solution using argparse has so many more useful options, like the ability to define a mutually exclusive group of arguments.

Sigh. I live and learn and code a bunch more lol.

That’s an awesome answer, thank you very much. It’s much more elegant than my stuff!

I was doing it wrong. I was trying to do appname thing --action when I should have been doing appname action --thing. Thank you for commenting, I’m sorry to waste your time.

I was doing it wrong. I was trying to do appname thing --action when I should have been doing appname action --thing. Thank you for commenting, I’m sorry to waste your time.

I was doing it wrong. I was trying to do appname thing --action when I should have been doing appname action --thing. Thank you for commenting, I’m sorry to waste your time.

I already have the arguments parsed, the bit that I’m confused about is where I decide what to do based on those various combinations of arguments.

I’m using Traitlets.

[SOLVED] How to decide what to do with command line parameters?
**This is solved, I was being dumb. Please see second EDIT below** This isn't really language specific, but if it helps I'm using Python. I can get the parameters just fine with the Traitlets module, but I'm still a novice really and figuring out which patterns to use is challenging. Say you have a bunch of command line parameters. Some are booleans, where their presence means True, absence means False. Other parameters must accept one text string, and others can be used multiple times to build a list of strings. It feels inefficient/wrong to use a bunch of IF/THEN/ELSE statements to decide what to do with the parameters, and prone to edge case errors. Is there a pattern that would invoke the correct method based on the combination of input parameters? Examples: ``` app thing --dry-run --create --name=newname01 --name=newname02 --verbose app thing --create --name=newname01 --name=newname02 --name=newname03 app job --cancel -i 01 -i 02 -i 03 ``` EDIT: Via the `Traitlets` module, I get those arguments parsed and accessible as `self.argname`, so getting them into my app is working great. It's just deciding what to do with them that is confusing me. Thank you, sorry for my noobness. **EDIT2: I think I understand where I'm going wrong:** I'm creating subcommands based on objects, not actions. i.e. `appname thing --action` should really be `appname action --thing`. Once things are divided up into actions, assigning things to those actions will be much, much easier and straightforward. Sorry for a confusing and fairly pointless post :(

Now imagine their battle music is Flight of the Valkyries. On kazoos.

Lol maybe the government is daring him to try to flee!

I think he’s going to pull some stunt on Thursday, but I don’t think he’ll flee. He’ll only do that if all his legal challenges fail and it looks like he’ll be convicted.

If he was locked up, his supporters would burn some parts of this country to the ground. I assume that’s what is on the government’s mind.

His spectacular lack of self-awareness means that everything he says is projection.

If he does flee can he please take elmo with him?

Holy shit he actually said “the report will come out next week”. Like his healthcare solution. Or his infrastructure plan. It’s all coming out next week.