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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Bingo. Same goes for pretty much any show from the 90s and beyond that didn’t get an HD remaster. It’s the same quality with older shows on any legit streaming service.

Anyone can setup a honeypot with the right knowledge and resources. The kicker is to go about it in such a way to attract users and not tip anyone off of ill intent.

What hardware are you running your truenas setup on? I have an old computer that I’ve had freenas on that finally died.

I actually never got around to buying a pixel to give it a go. I might pick up an 8 once the price drops more.

I’m actually pretty curious to see how the FCC moves forward after Chevron, and I’m hoping Rosenworcel wipes the floor with them

That’s probably why they chose to go without a live audience. I don’t wanna get conspiratorial, but all this shit seems to coincidental to not be on purpose.

It seemed to me that Biden was just in a state of shock at how much bullshit was coming out of Trump’s mouth

Especially at the prices the bill comes out to be. I had a day years ago where my car was in the shop, so I used one of them to get lunch. A $10 sandwich ended up costing me $30, and some people do this every day. Fuck avocado toast (which is delicious), this is why people are broke.

Huh? All I was saying was that someone who’s brand new to Linux is going to be up to their eyeballs in their new system to barely comprehend the very concept of an init system, especially on the more polished, user friendly distro that do a good job of keeping those mechanisms under the hood.

Or have any clue what systemd does out of the gate, especially on a more user-friendly distro having never used linux

You must compile every single software package from source, but only after you’ve examined every single line of the code yourself!

1995 called, they said you’re doing it wrong, and RMS is going to be very mad at you.

Yup, those little inline filters. Even building the circuit for $5-10 in RadioShack parts was pretty simple.

Cause people like porn. I’ll be honest, when I downloaded some music video or something that ended up being porn, I usually wasn’t too disappointed, with the exception that I now had to go find what I was originally looking for again and wait for it to download. Shit used to take forever back in the day.

I’ve been using it in a windows VM. Unfortunately for my work, I need the formatting of Excel and Word to be legit that I can’t for the life of me seem to replicate in Only or Libre. That and PDF rendering always gets a little wonky somehow.

We have the NFPA 70, aka the National Electric Code, which is free to access as long as you sign up for an NFPA account and allow their email spam. A physical copy of the book is about $50, not terrible.

California has their Title 24 Part 3 (California Electric Code) readily available online for free, no account needed. Want a printed copy? $200, loose leaf. Granted, loose leaf let’s you swap the pages as they’re updated in the interim years (the code cycle is every 3 years), but $200 is ridiculous.

The reason I bring this up is inspections. An inspector is not going to sit there while you Google a particular code to prove them wrong, especially when half the results are from forums of people debating the code. But an inspector will sometimes change their tune when you grab the official code book, flip to the relevant code (thank the maker for reference tabs), and point it out along with conditions and exceptions. I’ve had inspectors reconsider a field ruling explicitly because I had my code book with me (and was able to efficiently navigate to the relevant section). Problem here is that since the code is updated every 3 years, the CA code lags the NEC by 2 years, and our jurisdiction uses the most recent publication, this cycle gets expensive quickly. While it’s a seemingly trivial amount when your business is off and running, it’s yet another expense that makes starting a business tricky.

Ah I’m not talking about modern tracking pixels, but that actual html (js?) code from yesteryear

Off topic, but I wonder if those old visitor counters from the web 1.0 days still work

Probably anything within the Kali Linux suite or any security-centric distribution. If possible, boot it up to a laptop hooked to a phone hotspot or any network outside your home network, route through a VPN, determine your WAN IP, and go to town.

Something is odd here, who is your ISP? I’ve only seen MoCA used to create a network for cable/satellite STBs through the coax in the building, or for a phone company connection creating a MoCA bridge to provide broadband from a demarcation point in an apartment building where only a phone line is available in lieu of DSL. What is the make of your existing router?

Thank you for this! I’ve been looking to find something to replace QuickBooks, and this seems super helpful, much appreciated.

Yeah that’s mental. I pay roughly $200/no in subscriptions, but that also includes my business subs for accounting, invoicing, and time tracking. Though this has also inspired me to start looking for alternatives.

Wanna know how to not be beholden to all these fees? Put in the effort to divorce yourself from these companies. You’re paying for convenience. Go pick up your food yourself. Take the time to research products from different companies, and acknowledge and be patient that they won’t be there immediately. Cultivate your own media library. Find replacement software if at all possible. All of these things take much more effort, but you’ll save yourself the money and you’ll stop supporting these damn companies that are raiding your bank accounts. Obviously some subscriptions are impossible to avoid, like a cell phone plan, home internet, work-related things, etc. But how anyone pays triple for a meal is just baffling. And some people do it every. Single. Day.

That’s how he can afford to pay $1000+ in subscription fees EVERY MONTH

It certainly shows the effectiveness of having a poorly educated populace

They’re more concerned with extinguishing gay and trans people right now

Probably have to do customer sheet selection and flip them over, but for 1000 pages that could be a pita

See if there’s a way you can print “booklet” style, it’ll make it where you can fit two pages on a sheet in landscape format, then cut each page or bond it. Just a thought.

Yeah that probably is the way to do it. Overtime is already insanely expensive to do, but what gets me is they also tax employees even more for taking on overtime, which I always thought was ridiculous.

There’s a whole lot of assumptions you’ve got going on right there, along with terrible reading comprehension. At no point did I say that I’m going to make life harder for my employees, nor that I deserve a better life than them. I also said I think this is a step in the right direction, just that it needs to be hashed out a little more for businesses other that office workers.

Here is the actual bill. As far as I can tell, all it really does is make some wording substitutions and redefinitions to the original 1940 bill.

What I find interesting is that it addresses weekly pay, assuming salaries workers. What happens to hourly employees? Will the employer be required to up their hourly rate to compensate for the 8 hour loss? People are already stretched thin enough, an 8 hour loss for hourly workers would be devastating in many cases.

There would also need to be payroll tax adjustments on the employer side regarding hourly workers. Payroll taxes generally end up being about 90% of an employee’s wage added on to their gross wage (at least here in California), so while employees see a great benefit of increased pay and/or reduced hours, this would absolutely screw small/medium businesses that already operate on tight margins. I operate in the construction industry, and dropping down to 4 days would delay projects even more, and having to pay overtime on a fifth day at increased hourly wages would be prohibitively expensive that most wouldn’t do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think this is a step in the right direction, but I think there needs to be a good balance for both employees and employers. I know online communities like to paint all companies as evil, but I do my damnedest to take care of my guys and provide good jobs with great pay and benefits while also giving my customers reasonable prices in a state that’s already stupid amounts of expensive to do business in, and I’m not penny pinching or being anal about my bottom line. Stuff like this without consideration of the impacts of small businesses is how you end up with mega corps that are the only ones that can afford to stay in business.