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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


Lots of uses of “AI” are so people can deny responsibility. They feed in their history of discrimination, tell the machine to replicate it, then go, “it can’t be discriminatory, it’s an AI”

What the hell is cheating in Minecraft? Isn’t that like cheating in Lego? You can just make a server with whatever setting and mods you want.

Most of them come already full of games. Don’t worry about whether that’s legal.

When I was in China my usual VPN I use for piracy and general privacy got through the great firewall no problem

No, those are all worse than just having multiple saves and more user control. I hate those approximate save systems because they force me to waste time getting back to what I was doing when I load a save.

The right way to handle auto saves potentially being at bad times is to just keep the last 5 or so of them, and allow multiple manual saves too.

It added actual graphics somewhat recently, you don’t need to stare at ascii anymore

I like rimworld, but I play it as a utopian anarchist commune simulator instead of a human leather war crimes simulator as intended

Don’t need to change the constitution if you can get your council of unelected elders to decide it always meant what you wish it said.

Users like visiting websites that are expensive to create and maintain

Do they actually, or is that just all they have to visit anymore? Would users not be happier visiting a bunch of cheap geocities pages with blink tags instead of tracking cookies?

It’s not just Microsoft, it’s capitalists in general.