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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Our future AI overlord is currently a malfunctioning AutoGPT instance

If you’re just looking to mess around, Bard isn’t half bad. Okay, it’s pretty terrible, but it can do Internet searches and has a Python interpreter built in, so you can do stuff with Bard you can’t do with GPT-3.5

As a person who studied history… it’s better for future historians to have more garbage to wade through than less. Some future historian might make their PhD proving something weird about our time based on three frames in the bugs bunny poop review.

They tried to yoink the youtube-dl source a year or so ago with a DMCA claim. Ultimately it was restored because archivists and historians are actually using it for archival purposes and Google would look like jerks if they pushed too hard against that. I think they hate it but aren’t in a position to come for it yet.

I’ve been interested in alternatives to docker for a while now, but considering the way everything is going, tbh, I feel like I’d be more likely to just finally learn kubernetes.