smoothbrain coldtakes

why would you take anything you see on the internet seriously?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Bro you’re the one who made the system slow paced by defunding it during a pandemic.

Get the fuck out of here. I’m so sick of the cons. Buck a beer is not going to help me when I’m in dire need of medical assistance.

Cutting spending on social services is how it traditionally works.

They’re already suffering severely. It’s all downhill from here folks.

This is a Nyko Air Flow controller. I had one for the original Xbox. It was supposed to keep you from sweating during long sessions of gameplay, because it was ventilated and had a fan on the back. To be honest, I don’t remember it being excellent at keeping you cool. I think the fan was pretty lousy, but it was a great gimmick none the less.

I had a lot of weird controllers back then. Some good, some bad. Most of them Mad Catz.

Given the fact that it’s almost a foregone conclusion that PP is going to win the next election, I think countering disinformation through “influencers” did not work.

You can check the md5 hash checksum provided by Microsoft to verify the authenticity. Massgrave gets it from Microsoft, it’s a legit ISO just rehosted.

Yeah but it’s NatPo, so you have to have some conservative angle about how spending money on social issues is literally the devil.

TSMC equipment only has the materials to function for about two weeks before needing a shipment of replacement parts for the fabs when they wear out.

I’ve heard great things, and I’ve been watching the original run of the X-Men animated series in preparation for watching '97.

Animation tends to get me more hyped than anything else. They always do crazy shit in cartoons that they never really try to do in live action. I’ve been a big fan of all the DC animated stuff since forever, and Marvel is getting back into the game with a really strong entry with '97.

Going after the one person still interested in Marvel content? Bold move, Disney; we’ll see how it pans out.

Sour cream glazed blueberry was the last good donut I had from them. Existed for like two weeks a few months back.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to Tim’s but is McDonald’s coffee not similarly priced?

Nah, it was way better back in the day. Everything was baked in-house, and your meals were served to you on proper dinnerware with porcelain cups. It was closer to a diner than a fast food place. They changed suppliers for their beans in the mid 2000s and it all went downhill from there.

I was happy with them when they were actually baked in store and not at a factory.

Between Chinese police stations, election interference, and Indian assassins, yeah we need to tighten up our security.

You can enable REBAR on older machines with a UEFI hack.

It’s been part of the PCI spec for ages but Nvidia and AMD only started using it recently.

You can check out the tool here.

The decentralized nature of the fediverse means nobody can “control” it really. You can have control over your own instances and that’s pretty much where it stops. I doubt the Canadian government would want to run more than a Mastodon instance like we’ve seen in the EU for open communication.

I would rather they invest in this with a tiny tiny sum to keep open communications available with the populace as compared to being beholden not only to corporations, but corporations that are generally outside of our jurisdiction.

Lemmy sucks at sourcing but rocks at being opinionated.

We’ve mitigated some of that stuff though; with fast food we’ve required calorie counts to be displayed alongside the menu items, which allows you to make an informed decision, even if it’s a bad one.

With TikTok there’s just being forcefed without knowledge of how any of this black box algorithm bullshit works. It’s like going to McDonalds and being able to have unlimited hamburgers of infinite uniqueness and getting unhealthy in the brain.

It’s not a moral panic this time though, it’s a legitimate concern.

Nothing has ever produced these billions of sub-30-second, algorithmically curated dopamine blasts.

Video games were a moral panic because they “promoted violence” and TV was supposed to make you stupid, which, it kind of does depending on what you consume. They both required you to sit still and focus on something though.

There are kids who can’t sit through a movie without pulling out their phone because they’re just used to being onto the next thing in 10 seconds.

So you can bitch about it being a moral panic or whatever you want to do to make fun of people who think it’s a concern, but it’s very clear to me from seeing how damaging excessive screen time is on young kids personally that things like YouTube shorts and TikTok are actually super damaging in a number of different ways. They were right about phones, because they’ve facilitated the mass delivery of this content.

I don’t care what America is doing, ban it because it’s fucking awful for society. Algorithmic short-form content is literally destroying the attention span of an entire generation, regardless of if gathers data on you or not.

It’s also only valuable if people keep contributing to it. It’s highly likely the majority of current existing reddit data has been largely incorporated into many LLMs prior to the API access limiting. Google paying them 60 million dollars is a hilarious pittance to keep training their LLMs, given how much money AI services will likely generate off of the training data.

I don’t actively use reddit anymore, but when I need an answer to something that isn’t programming-related, it’s usually the top source on any given web search. That kind of content is basically the only stuff I would give a shit about. I can’t imagine how much absolute garbage you have to sift through on the platform to get reliable training data. Maybe the ratio is terrible and that’s why Google paid so little.

Actually part of their IPO paperwork lists WSB as a potential positive benefit to the stock, in terms of having a clear userbase that will theoretically help sustain the value through shenanigans. That, to me, however, sounds like a securities violation waiting to happen.

I don’t check reddit anymore. Does WSB actually consider this stock to be, uh, actually valuable? Every corner of the internet I’ve seen discuss this topic have all noted how worthless they think the shares are going to be. My money is on them shorting it.

I think it has to do with karma count.

I had two accounts, one had been scrubbed and was mostly used for commenting, and the other was a porn alt.

The porn alt has hundreds of thousands of karma and it got multiple IPO messages while the original, older account got nothing due to being sub 5k on posts.

Edit: Suspicions confirmed!

Reddit is planning six tiers of early access based on each “participant’s contributions to Reddit,” the company said in its updated SEC filing. Those tiers are based on a user’s “karma” score, ostensibly an aggregate total of up/down votes on posts and comments.

The first tier of users will be those “who have meaningfully contributed to Reddit community programs,” though what that means isn’t explained more clearly. After that come tier 2 users, who must hold at least 200,000 karma points or have taken at least 5,000 moderator actions. Tier three includes users and moderators who hold at least 100,000 karma points and have taken 2,500 moderator actions. Tiers 4 and 5 are each half of the previous tier’s total, and tier 6 includes everyone else, with a waitlist available if the total number of shares purchased exceeds the original 1.76 million.

“Our company doesn’t make money, it also is projected to not be able to continue to make money. We’ve attempted multiple ways of monetizing the userbase, all of which has not recouped costs. We value ourselves at 6.4 billion dollars.”

lol, she said.


My doctor started handing off the fees to his patients. You want a skin tag removed? 50 bucks. You want a sick note? 50 bucks. Alternatively, you can pay for a subscription of like 200 dollars a year or something to cover all of those electives.

It’s stupid. What happened to “do no harm”? I guess it doesn’t count when it’s financial harm.

I pay my fucking taxes. Allot them correctly so I don’t have to double pay my physicians because you’ve decided to allocate taxes to nonsense bullshit instead of core social welfare programs.

Fuck Rob Doug Ford and the Cons. They’re bleeding the healthcare system dry so they can claim it’s a failure and privatize it. They spend more money subsidizing private clinics and hospitals than actually funding the regular ones.

Yeah it happened in the US though.

Not that Canadian data standards are much higher.

If the American car companies focused on their own viability they wouldn’t have this problem. Instead they focused on making the electrification process a premium luxury while the Chinese made it as affordable as possible.

We needed an inquiry to realize 54 million dollars is too much for an app system some college kid could make for a few pills of adderal and a pizza over a weekend?

My favorite part of the process was when the CBSA told the inquiry they weren’t going to open the books.

Yeah, when I went to school I heard rumors that up to a third of the incoming visas were questionable at best, but they took them anyways because 30k a semester is easy funding.

Don’t you know? Nobody reads articles, we just make judgements based on the title!

When I was in college I had heard upwards of a third of the visas they were accepting and processing were at the very least questionable, but they accepted them anyways - a local student will pay maybe 5k a semester, while with international students it’s upwards of 30k. It’s a no-brainer that schools want internationals coming in.

I am on vacation in the UK so I decided to play something very British and started up Hogwarts Legacy. Runs well on the ROG Ally (with everything on low) and it’s been pretty fun!