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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Me too. Like, I drive a shitty ice, but I’d consider a decent upgrade in vehicles, only for an Ev and only with somewhere to charge it. Like, that’s one of the major reasons my wife and I are thinking of switching to renting or buying a house at the end of our lease.

And people like us are necessary for adoption. We’re the “yeah but even they have one and like it” people

Python isn’t named after an animal it’s named after a comedy troupe, which is a group of animals

I’m pretty sure drugs is how you got him

I think 20% is pretty big. Not big enough, but anyone who thinks they’ve done all they need by buying an ev doesn’t understand the situation. So yeah necessary but not sufficient

Give me a Honda fit but electric and make my landlord give me the ability to charge it. Some fancy tech would be nice, but I drive a used economy vehicle for a reason

Oh down here we mostly just cope however we can. Or get radicalized in whichever direction seems right

For some. Some of us would take at least a week to get there. Surely there must be a bridge on the east coast that works!

Exactly, I can’t imagine a situation beyond sheer desperation that I’d go to a black market grocer

Why don’t we like that though? Social workers are great. They’re people we hire to do shit for people who need it. We do get value out of them and they often save us money or provide quite a bit of value

Yeah, even assholes who do such things deserve to live indoors

Everything to be like when they were a kid. Uncomplicated, no real problems like nowadays with the wokes and the taxes

Just because I still like the postal service doesn’t make me old. Ok the fact that I could’ve been referring to the band or the government agency and still been accurate might mean I’m old

Do you not have liquor in plastic bottles? It’s never the good shit, but cheap shit is often in plastic and this is the cheapest shit. As an American I spend about $29ish CAD on 1.5L on dirt cheap local bourbon. Maybe I could get as low as $20 CAD on vodka barely fit for human consumption for 1.5L. But 4L I’m not getting for less than $40 CAD

I think there’s a balance and I would say it looks like autocad. It can be annoying to use but holy hell when you know what you’re doing. Low floor, high ceiling, and rarely gets in your way

Short term yes, but the long carbon cycle is where we should be looking because otherwise we’re an accident away from right back here

Dipshits don’t even realize we already have a mass surveillance state and that banning queer content is always an early play of overreaching governments

Well that’s a fine starter collection but you’ll definitely want this new limited edition vacuum!

What tyranny is inflicted on trans people is now acceptable, and what tyranny is acceptable can be wrought on everyone. It’s similar to how they love to slip protection for misogynists into anti trans laws

Yeah, and while I hate that I’ve been exposed to enough of their bullshit I understand on some level the idea that they feel they should get a say in if their child transitions under their roof or who their child dates under their roof. These people have chosen not to understand queerness and refuse to acknowledge the cost to their child for repressing themselves or going through the wrong puberty against their will.

But the idea that a child is too young to decide to have an abortion for themselves means they think their child isn’t too young to be a parent and that’s fucking insane to me. Like they know that teen pregnancy is bad. They know that it’s bad for teenagers to be parents.

In what fucking world should parents get a say in if their child has an abortion‽

Full agreement, but also I think adolescents in particular need defined rights as they grow into adulthood. A 5 year old, 8 year old, and 10 year old need similar rights, but a 14 year old needs a 4 year path to adulthood that makes clear how their rights and responsibilities in the eyes of the law increase. In my country the only place a 16 year old is an adult is on trial.

Why would they do that? They’re still convinced Mexicans smuggle guns into America from Mexico instead of the reverse.

Absolutely but my attitude eventually shifted to “this is a small Internet forum, you want to be a jackass do so elsewhere.” I always tried to find a form of balance because I did care about the users. But the balance did rely on gut feelings, perception, and how willing to put up with your shit I was. I spent most of my 20s doing this shit and yeah it feels wrong to say “if you’re a rude asshole in response to a mod decision you don’t like you’re less likely to get a favorable response” but also yeah the time it took to read an essay berating me was time I could spend on literally anything other than helping the person who wrote it and I did the thing of giving even those people the benefit of the doubt every time and turns out it was a waste of time because further investigation tended to reveal that the person was either a troll, an asshole who had a net negative impact on the community and a tenuous grasp on the rules, or someone unstable enough that they didn’t need a forum, they needed a support group with professional oversight.

But yeah when someone messaged me that one of the mods had been saying things that were inappropriate for a moderator of that community to say I spent months helping oust them and she and I are now actual friends.

I’ll also add that good moderation was a challenge because in my experience there’s four kinds of people who moderate: people who recognize it as a volunteer hobby and maintain an external life, people on a crusade, people who do their best but aren’t doing good mentally and probably need to be making major life changes, and bright eyed idealists. The first are what you want and the rarest, the second are a problem that you have to weed out because they become petty tyrants, the third can be ok or can be petty tyrants, and the fourth are the most common and they burn out in a month to three or rarely become one of the others. It’s hard to tell who will be which.

Yeah but breakaway communities existed then. Underscore, rename, different order… all this shit was there. You can have the same name now which is cool, but you always could have something close. It’s the community and users people care about and starting a new one is a pain in the ass

Yeah that sounds about right. I used to moderate trans and lesbian subreddits. It was …not good for my mental health. Leniency in rules allowed for people to post bigoted shit that sat right on the border or sounded like it might. Strict wording in rules meant that people would toe the line. Us having to explain why we removed things (it was an experiment one sub I moderated tried for like a year) resulted in an absolute shit show because there are more people who want to be assholes than mods and the more stressful moderating is the higher the turnover. I distinctly remember one night being out at a bar with my now ex and her friends and trying to write up my reasonings for someone who was obviously breaking a rule because she disagreed with the rule but she was challenging every decision and we had to give so many chances and allow appeals and she was ruining my night, and I was acutely aware that she could just hop to a new account when she was done. Also we had mod drama.

It’s an insult. It’s basically saying “these people are powerful and out of touch and have no right to it”. As opposed to the reality that yeah there’s mod abuse, but also it’s a thankless job that sucks but you keep doing it because you care about the community and when you ease up you get criticism, when you crack down you get criticism, and when you try to be transparent you spend so much time writing out why you made a decision that you hesitate to actually moderate and also you wind up getting dragged into arguments over the validity of one of three fucking rules because they didn’t like that specific rule that couldn’t be clearer. And no matter what you do you’re going to get abuse in the modmail.

It’s hard to convince people of things that their salaries rely on them not understanding

Obviously not. Carbon capture uses more energy than not burning hydrocarbons and it can leak if anything goes wrong geologically. Turns out there’s a nice stable form that carbon can be kept in that won’t leak out or enter the atmosphere or break down into a greenhouse gas. It’s complex liquid and solid hydrocarbons. Making those is energy intensive which is why these people want to burn them for fuel

What you want is for them to demonstrate incapacity to comply. “We’d love to help your honor, but as we sell a privacy service we don’t log user activity”

Yeah nobody is saying that the Yupik villages need subways, but Toronto should probably have a good light rail.

It’s a lot of things. There are a lot of cultures thats concepts of gender boundaries and what constitutes someone outside of male and female doesn’t quite line up. We often consider the eastern hemisphere more unified on these concepts than it is, and we’re a lot more likely to recognize how wildly diverse the native cultures of that continent cluster are than we are of the American continents.

So what is two spirit? Could be what we’d consider gay, bi, trans, nonbinary, intersex, or other, but it comes in an explicit choice to frame it in the context of their culture. What you can gather from someone calling themselves two spirit is that they’re queer and First Nations and they see those as tied together.

Two spirit, it’s a catch all term for First Nations cultural third genders

Ah yes It’s tied back to Ray “doesn’t believe in bisexuality” Blanchard. A man who’s sexological theories are so ridiculous they’re laughed at by the people they’re being used to oppress.