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Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


The usage described by small44 is an excellent way to use social media. Real life hobbies and interests bring personal fulfillment, and using social media as a tool for exploring those interests is smart, not dumb.

Yay, it’s Story Time! There will be milk and cookies, right?


This is something that makes me sad. Stallman and Raymond were heros to me when I was starting out 20 years ago. I guess it goes to show that people are flawed no matter how talented.

This is a good method. I love technology, but tech companies have become increasingly icky. Trends over the last decade have finally soured me on Google. I just can’t justify using or buying their services.

That’s right, we don’t need no stinkin’ CSS!

Update: Just for clarity - we most definitely need the stinkin’ CSS.

This and bespoke, hand crafted rounded edges.

I thought this was an inciteful comment. Language is a kind of ‘view’ (in the model view controller sense) of intelligence. It signifies a thought or meme. But, language is imprecise and flawed. It’s a poor representation since it can be misinterpreted or distorted. I wonder if language based AIs are inherently flawed, too.

Edit: grammar, ironically

This is refreshing to see. I thought I was the only one who felt this way.

Agreed, good tools can be used badly. Over the years I’ve written Java, C++, and PHP professionally, and I’ve seen excellent and horrible impls in each. Today, I mostly use Java and this thread is reminding me that I need to learn a new for-fun language.