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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Honestly considering where we are 40 years would probably be a good transition on the way to 20 considering how much corporations today like their 80s ips so making everything made before the 80s public domain could allow a actual proposal like this to not get shot down by corporations like Disney you do bring up a good point with the perverse incentive

Honestly till death of auther I can at least understand as many creators like to make characters a part of their identity and after death they are dead how are they going to profit from the ip and what about the fans who I’m most cases can no longer enjoy new content and after saying all of that I probably only think that because of the ip culture created by the legal environment created by Disney

How’d wed expect billionaires to be. “Oh no… Anyway.” How they actually are like. “How dare you play a old game I don’t even sell anymore.”

Honestly I’m starting to wonder if the reason why we got ourselves into a ad filled hell hole is because we expect soo much to be free and those things have to make money somehow and server space and the electricity they run on aren’t free and the only people willing to spend money are whales and advertisers and from what I’ve been told YouTube was never profitable on it’s own for Google and the only reason they’ve been keeping the site on is because it brings attention to other Google services while also preventing competition so I greatly think we’d all benefit from being open to paying for sites that are like YouTube so YouTube and advertisers have some real competitors I don’t know how a my theoreticall site would profit without ads but it’s still sad that sites like YouTube are expensive and unprofitable making it so Google is the only option solely because they can afford the loses making yt premium even more greedy

You see YouTube is a American company and in America every thing is extreme you ether have a lot of ads or no ads you can have a extremely massive car or a cat that’s soo small it doesn’t exist

Sets beer down. Now get back to me when you need a engineer to find out how many guns it takes to unclog a drain

I think it’s more accurate to say that the company running the ai has a set of keywords that when spotted in a prompt reject the prompt

Hey look buddy now I’m an engineer that means I solve practical problems not problems like is social engineering a ai hacking or is social engineering haking for non scilicon computers because that would fall into your conundrums of philosophy

Frankly I think a moderate amount of piracy helps industrys as when we have companies like Nintendo who provides terrible service making it impossible to access old games piracy helps as blokes can use piracy to get shit that ain’t even sold honestly it’s probably more accurate to consider piracy a gauge for how terrible the industry service standards are

As someone who recently got girl und panzer on DVD I was pretty surprised by the lack of ads idk of it’s a anime thing or the shop changed me a pirate copy idk I only ever buy DVDs when I the anime I want to watch isn’t on zoro