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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Only a fool could miss the value C# has when used to solve the proper problems :)

its a compiler. That is at best projection, especially considering how the compiler’s error feedback is designed to be firm yet gentle.

It’s all fun and games until you’re assigned fictional tickets at work -_-

You suck, I hate how your comment was forced “apon” me. Anyone who claims things that they can easily avoid if theyre so opinionated against them are “forced upon” them are always pathetic people.

You have a very basic (mis)understanding of what async is and as such are misrepresenting it in your arguments.

The ways they try to justify ad blockers as their god given right is equally frustrating. It’s okay to use an ad blocker (and you should!). Please stop acting personally insulted when sites then attempt to make your ad blocker useless, it’s just how things go.

Advertising is horrible

Yeaaah except that rust-analyzer can honest to god manage to inspect macro codegen.

And the fact that macros are made to retain “span” information…

And that macros arent a huge hack…

I also use this exact setup, works great!

You are a fucking dumbass, please just shut the fuck up. Don’t download the repacks then, dipshit. The higher compression ratio is valuable for SEEDING, you know, the thing you should be doing with the torrents you consume. It also is nice to have a shorter download.

Also its clear the entire unpacking process is designed to be idiot proof. Hence the exe.

There’s no secret, no guide. Just try and do whatever you want, fail a lot, and you’ll find that soon enough you are excelling in the field.

You realize you don’t need to list all your changes in the commit message, right? Anyone can blame or diff said changes.

The commit message is meant to be used for the high level stuff, the intent, representing / connecting progress towards a larger work item, and other important context from outside the codebase. Insert other reasons that aren’t saying literally what was changed if you feel I have missed something.

Also one should use their time better if they are spending so much time writing commit messages they feel the need to automate it. Commit messages are rarely read ever again (once merged, lets say), it is not okay to be spending a lot of time on them. That’s not an excuse to write bad commit messages, but you have to balance the time cost with expected utility.

And an addendum to the above. Describing what you did without reasoning, context, or other information that isnt captured within the changes itself makes your commit messages entirely useless. It makes IDE-inserted in-line blame information useless as well. Thus you are now wasting all the time you spend on commit messages, even if you spend less because it’s automated.

Disney Streaming Services / BAMTech / Disney Streaming is their own branch of Disney and this is likely unrelated to said strike.

I’d like to pose the fact that VPSes and Hosted solutions are different as a rebuttle to what you’re saying. It’s pretty unreasonable to gate keep self hosting behind having the hardware running on a device you control.

We’ll mark you down as having tested 255 then, 1 down, 254 to go!